- Fixed bug with unfiled todos not showing in daily email
- Fixed width issue in Safari
- Moved contextMenu css to sass include
- Added textile formatting to notes
- Fixed positioning of note popup
- upgraded to 2.3.8 (ugh)
- fixed bug which sends empty daily todos (sorry)
- fixed spinner from sometimes showing
- Fixed bug with inviting new users on todo creation
- upgraded to 2.3.6
- Added removal of due date option
- Fixed bug with sending daily emails
- Ability to change due date by clicking on the date in list
- Shared emails now sent in daily email
- Ability to SHARE a todo via email or username!
- Tag group state is recorded via cookies for persistent minimize
- Fixed drag / drop bug with moving todos between groups
- Added ability to invite others via sharing todos
- Now need to specify the word ‘due’ before tagging something with a due date. thanks Chronic
- Fixed order bug to ensure things are ordered by due date, then priority then position
- Fixed blink bug to keep highlight if specified
- Added the ability to mark an item as complete from HTML email (as well as link to todos)
- Added highlight style to email todos
- Hopefully fixed cronjob via whenever gem
- #! tag now highlights the todo
- shift-enter saves a new/edited todo
- Reenabled plain text email. Appears to be an odd Gmail spam issue
- Added link in daily summary to shutting off daily summary :)
- Fixed login process to redirect to desired page is authentication was needed
- Shut off plain text email copy due to odd BBG mail server issues
- Enabled caching for javascript
- Hopefully fixed odd reloading issue in js
- Shut off multiple reminder blinks
- Added daily summary report
- Added option to only send when items are due or overdue
- Added ability to reset password and retrieve user id
- Added whenever gem
- Added ability to schedule todos in the future. Just start tag with “starts DATE PHRASE”
- Fixed reordering todo within group bug
- Fixed width of tag groups in textboxlist
- Fixed click to close bug in options by adding close button
- Slide options panel width fixed
- Clicking anywhere outside of slide options panel closes panel
- Clicking flash messages hides them
- Checking for todo list in reorder
- Checking for move from and to when moving todos
- Fixed min width issue in firefox
- Fixed duplicate todo listing if unfiled
- New options dock for printing and email
- Ability to send yourself an email copy of your todos
- Removed auto-refresh due to oddities
- Moved lots into partials :)
- Ability to select “waiting” items
- Current selected todo arrow indicator
- Ability to delete with “d” key
- Ability to rename groups
- Ability to change due date tags
- Ability to reprioritize via drag/drop (though due date still takes precedence, using #1, #2, tags recommended)
- New layout. Cleaner.
- Fixed order of items so in process is always last
- If something is in process, shows waiting clock instead of checkbox.
- Print button added
- New toolbar color
- Fixed print css
- Added highlight for anything due or past due
- Added 10 minute auto-refresh
- Reordered todos so that due/past due first, then priorities, then dates
- Fixed (i hope) binding of spacebar issue
- Drag and drop todos into groups
- Position is not priority, setable with a #number tag (1 highest, 10 lowest)
- Clicking clock or “w” sets a task to waiting
- Recording waiting_since in todos model. Displayed on clock mouseover
- Todos ordered by not waiting, then waiting, then priority
- Added remember me option to login
- Nicely formatted print output. Just the facts ma’am
- Ability to print any group
- Ability to check, delete or print all unfilled todos
- Added hook to checklist reload
- Uservoice tab hidden in fluid app
- Added link to release notes from from readme
- Fixed bug dealing with blank tags
- Firefox keyboard fixes. It now works.
- Added keyboard shortcut “c” to create new todo (like gmail)
- Added keyboard shortcut “#” to delete todo
- Added ability to close new todo panel with escape key
- Hiding some keyboard shortcuts on main page for cleanliness
- Added icon to delete today without having to first complete
- Fixed uppercase grouping bug
- Integrated User Voice