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child_process spawn, execFile, etc. is tremendously slower at Windows and takes minutes #21632

AndyOGo opened this issue Jul 3, 2018 · 27 comments
windows Issues and PRs related to the Windows platform.


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AndyOGo commented Jul 3, 2018

  • Version: v10.5.0
  • Platform: Windows 10 (64-Bit)
  • Subsystem: not sure, we use a corporate proxy though

Utilising child_process.execFile at windows takes minutes to finish.
To demonstrate the bug I created a timed script, running npm whoami first and git status afterwards. I compared those measured results between MacOS and Windows. Following are my results and all the details:

Test run with native child_process.execFile

Run MacOS Windows Slower by
1 npm whoami 1256.060359 ms = 1.256 sec 189733.792206 ms = 189.7338 sec = 3.162 min 151.0547 times
2 git status 16.693848 ms (x75.24091264039304 times faster) 161.197277 ms (x1177.02851894948573 times faster) 9.6561 times

test script:

const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const precise = require('precise');
const timer = precise();

// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';


execFile(npmCmd, ['whoami'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  console.log('Message received in', timer.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
  if (error) {
  } else {

  const timer2 = precise();

  execFile('git', ['status'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
    console.log('Message received in', timer2.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
    if (error) {
    } else {

Windows 10:

C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library>npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs

> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn-nodejs C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library
> node ./stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js

Message received in 189733.792206 ms

Message received in 161.197277 ms
On branch bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Mac OSX El Capitan Version 10.11.6:

npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs

> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn-nodejs /Users/axawinterthur/dev/axa-ch_style-html-guide
> node ./stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js

Message received in 1256.060359 ms

Message received in 16.693848 ms
On branch bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs
Your branch is up-to-date with 'github/bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Related Bugs (but all closed, why?):


Btw PATHEXT is still not supported on windows, why is the related bugs closed then?

@AndyOGo AndyOGo changed the title child_process spawn, execFail, etc. is tremendously slower at Windows and takes minutes child_process spawn, execFile, etc. is tremendously slower at Windows and takes minutes Jul 3, 2018
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ghost commented Jul 3, 2018

Unable to reproduce the issue. Here is my output on Windows 10 x64 using your script:

C:\21632>npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs

> @ test-child-spawn-nodejs C:\21632
> node main.js

Message received in 1766.736999 ms

Message received in 15.665841 ms
On branch master

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

It takes ~1.7 sec in total.

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AndyOGo commented Jul 3, 2018

Thank you for your quick answer.
Wau, I didn't expect that 😲
Why do I measure this huge difference, there must be some unknown side-effect, either from the OS or something weird in node 🤔

Which node version are you using?

I will try to perform some more tests and gather some more data about the environment.

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ghost commented Jul 3, 2018

Which node version are you using?


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AndyOGo commented Jul 3, 2018

Okay, we performed some other tests and it seems that this tremendous slowdown does only happen if we execute npm.cmd on windows, other commands like dir and git complete quickly.

Furthermore we use NPM behind a corporate proxy and have enabled NPM's proxy and https-proxy and utilise the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.

So we created another NPM-only test script und sniffed all traffic with Fiddler, here are the results:

Run Windows Fiddler/Network delay Slower by
1 npm whoami 189448.449313 ms 1707 ms x110.9833 times
2 npm owner ls 189201.805259 ms 945 ms x200.2136 times

So the network isn't the problem, but maybe the usage of a proxy creates a wrong state in npm, which causes this tremendous delay.

The new npm-only test-script

const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const precise = require('precise');
const timer = precise();

// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';


execFile(npmCmd, ['whoami'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  console.log('Message received in', timer.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
  if (error) {
  } else {

  const timer2 = precise();

  execFile(npmCmd, ['owner', 'ls'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
    console.log('Message received in', timer2.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
    if (error) {
    } else {

The CLI output (on Windows 10):

C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library>npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs

> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn-nodejs C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library
> node ./stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js

Message received in 189448.449313 ms

Message received in 189201.805259 ms
andyogo <[email protected]>
axa-ch-user <[email protected]>
lucamele <[email protected]>
thedadi <[email protected]>

Fiddler Log of npm whoami:

This is a Tunnel. Status: CLOSED, Raw Bytes Out: 722; In: 6'596

The selected session is a HTTP CONNECT Tunnel. This tunnel enables a client to send raw traffic (e.g. HTTPS-encrypted streams or WebSocket messages) through a HTTP Proxy Server (like Fiddler).

To enable Fiddler's HTTPS-decryption feature and view decrypted traffic, click Tools > Fiddler Options > HTTPS.

Request Count:   1
Bytes Sent:      204        (headers:204; body:0)
Bytes Received:  115        (headers:115; body:0)
Tunnel Sent:     722
Tunnel Received: 6'596

ClientConnected:    12:49:57.827
ClientBeginRequest:    12:49:57.830
GotRequestHeaders:    12:49:57.830
ClientDoneRequest:    12:49:57.830
Determine Gateway:    0ms
DNS Lookup:         0ms
TCP/IP Connect:    1ms
HTTPS Handshake:    0ms
ServerConnected:    12:49:57.833
FiddlerBeginRequest:    12:49:57.833
ServerGotRequest:    12:49:57.833
ServerBeginResponse:    12:49:57.840
GotResponseHeaders:    12:49:57.840
ServerDoneResponse:    12:49:58.775
ClientBeginResponse:    12:49:58.775
ClientDoneResponse:    12:49:58.775

    Overall Elapsed:    0:00:00.945

RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
~headers~: 115

The following are VERY rough estimates of download times when hitting servers based in Seattle.

US West Coast (Modem - 6KB/sec)
    RTT:        0.10s
    Elapsed:    0.10s

Japan / Northern Europe (Modem)
    RTT:        0.15s
    Elapsed:    0.15s

China (Modem)
    RTT:        0.45s
    Elapsed:    0.45s

US West Coast (DSL - 30KB/sec)
    RTT:        0.10s
    Elapsed:    0.10s

Japan / Northern Europe (DSL)
    RTT:        0.15s
    Elapsed:    0.15s

China (DSL)
    RTT:        0.45s
    Elapsed:    0.45s

Fiddler Log of npm owner ls:

The selected session is a HTTP CONNECT Tunnel. This tunnel enables a client to send raw traffic (e.g. HTTPS-encrypted streams or WebSocket messages) through a HTTP Proxy Server (like Fiddler).

To enable Fiddler's HTTPS-decryption feature and view decrypted traffic, click Tools > Fiddler Options > HTTPS.

Request Count:   1
Bytes Sent:      206        (headers:206; body:0)
Bytes Received:  116        (headers:116; body:0)
Tunnel Sent:     742
Tunnel Received: 83'019

ClientConnected:    12:53:05.895
ClientBeginRequest:    12:53:05.899
GotRequestHeaders:    12:53:05.899
ClientDoneRequest:    12:53:05.899
Determine Gateway:    0ms
DNS Lookup:         0ms
TCP/IP Connect:    1ms
HTTPS Handshake:    0ms
ServerConnected:    12:53:05.902
FiddlerBeginRequest:    12:53:05.902
ServerGotRequest:    12:53:05.902
ServerBeginResponse:    12:53:05.907
GotResponseHeaders:    12:53:05.907
ServerDoneResponse:    12:53:07.607
ClientBeginResponse:    12:53:07.607
ClientDoneResponse:    12:53:07.607

    Overall Elapsed:    0:00:01.707

RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
~headers~: 116

The following are VERY rough estimates of download times when hitting servers based in Seattle.

US West Coast (Modem - 6KB/sec)
    RTT:        0.10s
    Elapsed:    0.10s

Japan / Northern Europe (Modem)
    RTT:        0.15s
    Elapsed:    0.15s

China (Modem)
    RTT:        0.45s
    Elapsed:    0.45s

US West Coast (DSL - 30KB/sec)
    RTT:        0.10s
    Elapsed:    0.10s

Japan / Northern Europe (DSL)
    RTT:        0.15s
    Elapsed:    0.15s

China (DSL)
    RTT:        0.45s
    Elapsed:    0.45s

@Trott Trott added the windows Issues and PRs related to the Windows platform. label Jul 3, 2018
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Trott commented Jul 3, 2018


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bzoz commented Jul 4, 2018

This looks a lot like an issue with NPM, not Node. @AndyOGo , I think you should report this issue in the npm issue tracker

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AndyOGo commented Jul 4, 2018

I thought that too, but there is one weird thing.
If I use any npm command in the CLI, they are fast as hell 😲
As soon as I start to script them by child_process.execFile, only then they get really really slow?
I wonder how that is possible 🤔

Please take the time to investigate this issue deeply.
I took the time to measure proper timings and sniff the network requests.

Issue at npm:

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bzoz commented Jul 4, 2018

Yeah, if it runs ok from CLI then there could be something going on.

Some ideas:

  • I see you run the test by calling npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs. Maybe npm run is the problem, could you try running the test directly?
  • Can you try running exec, or adding {shell: true} to execFile options? npm is a shell script, running it with execFile is not really supported, but Windows make it run anyway
  • Can you try using spawn? Also with {stdio: 'inherit'} option?

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AndyOGo commented Jul 4, 2018

Thanks for your answer, really good points, will try it asap and share my results here, though probably not until next week.

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AndyOGo commented Jul 5, 2018

A colleague helped us out, here are the results for:
node .\stack\tasks\test-child-spawn-nodejs.js - which runs npm whoami first and git status afterwards - still very slow.

So either the bugs is in npm.cmd or node's API.

C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library (bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs -> origin) (@axa-ch/[email protected])
λ node .\stack\tasks\test-child-spawn-nodejs.js
Message received in 189201.678317 ms

Message received in 164.329462 ms
On branch bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

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Does the slowness occur if spawn/execFile is called with the absolute/relative path to npm.cmd? On Windows libuv has to manually walk the PATH to find the command to execute:

* search_path searches the system path for an executable filename -
* the windows API doesn't provide this as a standalone function nor as an
* option to CreateProcess.
* It tries to return an absolute filename.
* Furthermore, it tries to follow the semantics that cmd.exe, with this
* exception that PATHEXT environment variable isn't used. Since CreateProcess
* can start only .com and .exe files, only those extensions are tried. This
* behavior equals that of msvcrt's spawn functions.
* - Do not search the path if the filename already contains a path (either
* relative or absolute).
* - If there's really only a filename, check the current directory for file,
* then search all path directories.
* - If filename specified has *any* extension, search for the file with the
* specified extension first.
* - If the literal filename is not found in a directory, try *appending*
* (not replacing) .com first and then .exe.
* - The path variable may contain relative paths; relative paths are relative
* to the cwd.
* - Directories in path may or may not end with a trailing backslash.
* - CMD does not trim leading/trailing whitespace from path/pathex entries
* nor from the environment variables as a whole.
* - When cmd.exe cannot read a directory, it will just skip it and go on
* searching. However, unlike posix-y systems, it will happily try to run a
* file that is not readable/executable; if the spawn fails it will not
* continue searching.
* UNC path support: we are dealing with UNC paths in both the path and the
* filename. This is a deviation from what cmd.exe does (it does not let you
* start a program by specifying an UNC path on the command line) but this is
* really a pointless restriction.
static WCHAR* search_path(const WCHAR *file,
WCHAR *cwd,
const WCHAR *path) {
int file_has_dir;
WCHAR* result = NULL;
WCHAR *file_name_start;
WCHAR *dot;
const WCHAR *dir_start, *dir_end, *dir_path;
size_t dir_len;
int name_has_ext;
size_t file_len = wcslen(file);
size_t cwd_len = wcslen(cwd);
/* If the caller supplies an empty filename,
* we're not gonna return c:\windows\.exe -- GFY!
if (file_len == 0
|| (file_len == 1 && file[0] == L'.')) {
return NULL;
/* Find the start of the filename so we can split the directory from the
* name. */
for (file_name_start = (WCHAR*)file + file_len;
file_name_start > file
&& file_name_start[-1] != L'\\'
&& file_name_start[-1] != L'/'
&& file_name_start[-1] != L':';
file_has_dir = file_name_start != file;
/* Check if the filename includes an extension */
dot = wcschr(file_name_start, L'.');
name_has_ext = (dot != NULL && dot[1] != L'\0');
if (file_has_dir) {
/* The file has a path inside, don't use path */
result = path_search_walk_ext(
file, file_name_start - file,
file_name_start, file_len - (file_name_start - file),
cwd, cwd_len,
} else {
dir_end = path;
/* The file is really only a name; look in cwd first, then scan path */
result = path_search_walk_ext(L"", 0,
file, file_len,
cwd, cwd_len,
while (result == NULL) {
if (*dir_end == L'\0') {
/* Skip the separator that dir_end now points to */
if (dir_end != path || *path == L';') {
/* Next slice starts just after where the previous one ended */
dir_start = dir_end;
/* If path is quoted, find quote end */
if (*dir_start == L'"' || *dir_start == L'\'') {
dir_end = wcschr(dir_start + 1, *dir_start);
if (dir_end == NULL) {
dir_end = wcschr(dir_start, L'\0');
/* Slice until the next ; or \0 is found */
dir_end = wcschr(dir_end, L';');
if (dir_end == NULL) {
dir_end = wcschr(dir_start, L'\0');
/* If the slice is zero-length, don't bother */
if (dir_end - dir_start == 0) {
dir_path = dir_start;
dir_len = dir_end - dir_start;
/* Adjust if the path is quoted. */
if (dir_path[0] == '"' || dir_path[0] == '\'') {
if (dir_path[dir_len - 1] == '"' || dir_path[dir_len - 1] == '\'') {
result = path_search_walk_ext(dir_path, dir_len,
file, file_len,
cwd, cwd_len,
return result;

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AndyOGo commented Jul 6, 2018

Yeah exactly, node does not support PATHEXT on windows, hence node does not find npm.cmd on windows, but we check the platform to mitigate this bug:

// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';

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storm1ng commented Jul 12, 2018

@richardlau @bzoz
We tested it with the latest version of nodejs (10.6.0) and npm (6.1.0) but still are experiencing the same result even when setting shell-option to true.

const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const precise = require('precise');
const timer = precise();

// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';


execFile(npmCmd, ['whoami'], { 'shell': true },(error, stdout, stderr) => {
  console.log('Message received in', timer.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
  if (error) {
  } else {

  const timer2 = precise();

  execFile('git', ['status'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
    console.log('Message received in', timer2.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
    if (error) {
    } else {


npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs --verbose
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm verb cli [ 'C:\\eplatform\\tools\\node\\node.exe',
npm verb cli   'C:\\eplatform\\tools\\node\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js',
npm verb cli   'run',
npm verb cli   'test-child-spawn-nodejs',
npm verb cli   '--verbose' ]
npm info using [email protected]
npm info using [email protected]
npm verb run-script [ 'pretest-child-spawn-nodejs',
npm verb run-script   'test-child-spawn-nodejs',
npm verb run-script   'posttest-child-spawn-nodejs' ]
npm info lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~pretest-child-spawn-nodejs: @axa-ch/[email protected]
npm info lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: @axa-ch/[email protected]

> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn-nodejs C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library
> node ./stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js

Message received in 189270.100785 ms

Message received in 183.891797 ms
On branch bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

npm verb lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
npm verb lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: PATH: C:\eplatform\tools\node\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin;C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library\node_modules\.bin;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\vendor\conemu-maximus5\ConEmu\Scripts;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\vendor\conemu-maximus5;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\vendor\conemu-maximus5\ConEmu;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\oracle\instantclient\;C:\Program Files (x86)\oracle\instantclient\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Trace Facility\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Personal Communications\;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;c:\Sysdat\Tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\PTKT;C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\gsk8\lib;C:\Program Files\ibm\gsk8\lib64;C:\PROGRA~1\IBMDSC\SQLLIB\BIN;C:\PROGRA~1\IBMDSC\SQLLIB\FUNCTION;C:\PROGRA~1\IBMDSC\SQLLIB\SAMPLES\REPL;C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin64;C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin;C:\Users\C193577\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\;C:\eplatform\tools\Git\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\maven\3\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\node;C:\eplatform\tools\oc-3.9;;C:\eplatform\tools\Git\usr\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\Git\usr\share\vim\vim74;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\
npm verb lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: CWD: C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library
npm info lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~posttest-child-spawn-nodejs: @axa-ch/[email protected]
npm verb exit [ 0, true ]
npm timing npm Completed in 190002ms
npm info ok

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Yeah exactly, node does not support PATHEXT on windows, hence node does not find npm.cmd on windows, but we check the platform to mitigate this bug:

// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';

My comment was more about the path to npm.cmd, i.e. does the slowness still occur if the path to npm.cmd is specified?

// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'C:\\eplatform\\tools\\node\\npm.cmd' : 'npm';

If there is no difference in behaviour (i.e. the slowness still occurs) this would rule out the manual path walking code on Windows in libuv (even though you specify npm.cmd libuv still has to walk through PATH to find npm.cmd).

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AndyOGo commented Jul 13, 2018

Thanks for your clarification. Now I understood your point.
But I really don't believe that this can be an issue that it delays execution for minutes 😲
Also we sniffed the network and the API calls go over the wire in expected timing, just the process exit is tremendously delayed long after the network requests have already succeeded. Which also means that the path resolution process can't be the bottleneck IMHO.

Further more running git like git status is as fast as expected and it's executable also needs to be resolved.

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bzoz commented Jul 14, 2018

Could you attach debugger to the node child process and provide the call stack? You can get VS Community from here, from it Ctrl-Alt-P brings "Attach to process" menu.

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I have the same issue. I'm using Windows 7 in our company environment with proxy set up.
With it I run the following code:

let precise = require('precise')
let timer = precise()
let task = 'npm --version'
console.log('Test started')
console.log('Test finished in: ', timer.diff() / 1000000 / 1000, 'sec')

And the results are:

$ node build/dev-check-ver.js
Test started
Test finished in: 189.055587446 sec

But if I run plain

time npm --version

Then the timing is instant:

real 0m1.188s
user 0m0.060s
sys 0m0.214s

What's interesting is that every time I run it the timings are more or less around 189 sec. I see that others in this topic have also similar timings. Looks like a 3 minutes (180 sec) timeout after which the process is starting up.

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storm1ng commented Jul 17, 2018

Can you try and disable your anti virus as suggested in npm/npm#21148 (comment) ?
Apparently this solved it for me at least on my private pc.

npm run test-child-spawn

> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn E:\IdeaProjects\aletheia
> node ./build/scripts/test-child-spawn.js

Message received in 1629.977086 ms

Message received in 1605.18016 ms
andyogo <[email protected]>
axa-ch-user <[email protected]>
davidknezic <[email protected]>
linasalih <[email protected]>
lucamele <[email protected]>
manuel-jenny <[email protected]>
sventschui <[email protected]>
thedadi <[email protected]>

Still having issues on my working machine though since I cannot disable the realtime protection...

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I tried, but it didn't help.

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Does anyone have a fix for that? We do also use NPM behind a company proxy and child processes are extremely slow.

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@AndyOGo the workaround that is mentioned in issue npm/npm#20979 did the trick for me. You could try that out, too. Looks like npm's version check takes a lot of time if it is used in a child process.

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AndyOGo commented Aug 24, 2018

Awesome feedback, thank you very very much.
We will try that ASAP:)

Very interesting data, like:

The update check feature that was introduces with [email protected]. The update check feature that was introduces with [email protected] does not support proxies and thus prevents the child process from closing until it times out after 3 minutes. does not support proxies and thus prevents the child process from closing until it times out after 3 minutes.

The update check feature uses the update-notifier package that uses the latest-version package which in turn uses package-json. package-json currently does not support proxies and the author seems not to be willing to implement proxy support.



  • Set environment variable NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER=1
  • Use --no-update-notifier flag
  • Set "optOut": true in ~/.config/configstore/update-notifier-[your-module-name].json

This whole proxy support story dates back a few years 😱

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AndyOGo commented Aug 24, 2018

Since npm moved to another issue tracker, I just recreated the issue here:

Please add your thoughs, issues over there.

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@AndyOGo no problem. A Nativescript dev helped me figure this out :-)
We are in a same environment like you are, running scripts that run child processes behind a proxy and this workaround fixed it for us. Everything runs smooth now!

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AndyOGo commented Aug 27, 2018

Using the --no-update-notifier flag did not work for us, but specifying the environment variable NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER: true did work 🎉

const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const precise = require('precise');
const timer = precise();

// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';
const env = {
  // only this works for us


execFile(npmCmd, ['whoami', '--no-update-notifier' /* does not work */], { env }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  console.log('Message received in', timer.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
  if (error) {
  } else {

  const timer2 = precise();

  execFile('git', ['status'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
    console.log('Message received in', timer2.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
    if (error) {
    } else {

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I think I ran into this bug through meteor-now - I noticed that if I watch the output in PowerShell, I can spot when it stalls (the little , /, - spinner animation stops, and the text doesn't vibrate) - if I press ctrl+c I can get it to resume, speeding up the overall build process tremendously. I hope this observation helps shed some light in some way.

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This issue has been open for over a year without a conclusion and without even a clear indication it's a Node.js bug (as opposed to, say, an npm issue or an overzealous virus scanner.)

I'm closing it out. Let me know if there is reason to reopen.

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