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child_process spawn, execFile, etc. is tremendously slower at Windows and takes minutes #21632
Unable to reproduce the issue. Here is my output on Windows 10 x64 using your script: C:\21632>npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs
> @ test-child-spawn-nodejs C:\21632
> node main.js
Message received in 1766.736999 ms
Message received in 15.665841 ms
On branch master
No commits yet
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) It takes ~1.7 sec in total. |
@trvsapjiac Which node version are you using? I will try to perform some more tests and gather some more data about the environment. |
v10.5.0 |
Okay, we performed some other tests and it seems that this tremendous slowdown does only happen if we execute Furthermore we use NPM behind a corporate proxy and have enabled NPM's proxy and https-proxy and utilise the So we created another NPM-only test script und sniffed all traffic with Fiddler, here are the results:
So the network isn't the problem, but maybe the usage of a proxy creates a wrong state in npm, which causes this tremendous delay. The new npm-only test-script const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const precise = require('precise');
const timer = precise();
// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';
execFile(npmCmd, ['whoami'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log('Message received in', timer.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
if (error) {
} else {
const timer2 = precise();
execFile(npmCmd, ['owner', 'ls'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log('Message received in', timer2.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
if (error) {
} else {
}); The CLI output (on Windows 10): C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library>npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs
> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn-nodejs C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library
> node ./stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js
Message received in 189448.449313 ms
Message received in 189201.805259 ms
andyogo <[email protected]>
axa-ch-user <[email protected]>
lucamele <[email protected]>
thedadi <[email protected]> Fiddler Log of This is a Tunnel. Status: CLOSED, Raw Bytes Out: 722; In: 6'596
The selected session is a HTTP CONNECT Tunnel. This tunnel enables a client to send raw traffic (e.g. HTTPS-encrypted streams or WebSocket messages) through a HTTP Proxy Server (like Fiddler).
To enable Fiddler's HTTPS-decryption feature and view decrypted traffic, click Tools > Fiddler Options > HTTPS.
Request Count: 1
Bytes Sent: 204 (headers:204; body:0)
Bytes Received: 115 (headers:115; body:0)
Tunnel Sent: 722
Tunnel Received: 6'596
ClientConnected: 12:49:57.827
ClientBeginRequest: 12:49:57.830
GotRequestHeaders: 12:49:57.830
ClientDoneRequest: 12:49:57.830
Determine Gateway: 0ms
DNS Lookup: 0ms
TCP/IP Connect: 1ms
HTTPS Handshake: 0ms
ServerConnected: 12:49:57.833
FiddlerBeginRequest: 12:49:57.833
ServerGotRequest: 12:49:57.833
ServerBeginResponse: 12:49:57.840
GotResponseHeaders: 12:49:57.840
ServerDoneResponse: 12:49:58.775
ClientBeginResponse: 12:49:58.775
ClientDoneResponse: 12:49:58.775
Overall Elapsed: 0:00:00.945
RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
~headers~: 115
The following are VERY rough estimates of download times when hitting servers based in Seattle.
US West Coast (Modem - 6KB/sec)
RTT: 0.10s
Elapsed: 0.10s
Japan / Northern Europe (Modem)
RTT: 0.15s
Elapsed: 0.15s
China (Modem)
RTT: 0.45s
Elapsed: 0.45s
US West Coast (DSL - 30KB/sec)
RTT: 0.10s
Elapsed: 0.10s
Japan / Northern Europe (DSL)
RTT: 0.15s
Elapsed: 0.15s
China (DSL)
RTT: 0.45s
Elapsed: 0.45s Fiddler Log of The selected session is a HTTP CONNECT Tunnel. This tunnel enables a client to send raw traffic (e.g. HTTPS-encrypted streams or WebSocket messages) through a HTTP Proxy Server (like Fiddler).
To enable Fiddler's HTTPS-decryption feature and view decrypted traffic, click Tools > Fiddler Options > HTTPS.
Request Count: 1
Bytes Sent: 206 (headers:206; body:0)
Bytes Received: 116 (headers:116; body:0)
Tunnel Sent: 742
Tunnel Received: 83'019
ClientConnected: 12:53:05.895
ClientBeginRequest: 12:53:05.899
GotRequestHeaders: 12:53:05.899
ClientDoneRequest: 12:53:05.899
Determine Gateway: 0ms
DNS Lookup: 0ms
TCP/IP Connect: 1ms
HTTPS Handshake: 0ms
ServerConnected: 12:53:05.902
FiddlerBeginRequest: 12:53:05.902
ServerGotRequest: 12:53:05.902
ServerBeginResponse: 12:53:05.907
GotResponseHeaders: 12:53:05.907
ServerDoneResponse: 12:53:07.607
ClientBeginResponse: 12:53:07.607
ClientDoneResponse: 12:53:07.607
Overall Elapsed: 0:00:01.707
RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
~headers~: 116
The following are VERY rough estimates of download times when hitting servers based in Seattle.
US West Coast (Modem - 6KB/sec)
RTT: 0.10s
Elapsed: 0.10s
Japan / Northern Europe (Modem)
RTT: 0.15s
Elapsed: 0.15s
China (Modem)
RTT: 0.45s
Elapsed: 0.45s
US West Coast (DSL - 30KB/sec)
RTT: 0.10s
Elapsed: 0.10s
Japan / Northern Europe (DSL)
RTT: 0.15s
Elapsed: 0.15s
China (DSL)
RTT: 0.45s
Elapsed: 0.45s |
@nodejs/platform-windows |
This looks a lot like an issue with NPM, not Node. @AndyOGo , I think you should report this issue in the npm issue tracker |
@bzoz Please take the time to investigate this issue deeply. Issue at npm: |
Yeah, if it runs ok from CLI then there could be something going on. Some ideas:
Thanks for your answer, really good points, will try it asap and share my results here, though probably not until next week. |
@bzoz So either the bugs is in C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library (bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs -> origin) (@axa-ch/[email protected])
λ node .\stack\tasks\test-child-spawn-nodejs.js
Message received in 189201.678317 ms
Message received in 164.329462 ms
On branch bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) |
Does the slowness occur if spawn/execFile is called with the absolute/relative path to node/deps/uv/src/win/process.c Lines 298 to 447 in 8476053
@richardlau // Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm'; |
@richardlau @bzoz const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const precise = require('precise');
const timer = precise();
// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';
execFile(npmCmd, ['whoami'], { 'shell': true },(error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log('Message received in', timer.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
if (error) {
} else {
const timer2 = precise();
execFile('git', ['status'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log('Message received in', timer2.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
if (error) {
} else {
}); Shell-output: npm run test-child-spawn-nodejs --verbose
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm verb cli [ 'C:\\eplatform\\tools\\node\\node.exe',
npm verb cli 'C:\\eplatform\\tools\\node\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js',
npm verb cli 'run',
npm verb cli 'test-child-spawn-nodejs',
npm verb cli '--verbose' ]
npm info using [email protected]
npm info using [email protected]
npm verb run-script [ 'pretest-child-spawn-nodejs',
npm verb run-script 'test-child-spawn-nodejs',
npm verb run-script 'posttest-child-spawn-nodejs' ]
npm info lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~pretest-child-spawn-nodejs: @axa-ch/[email protected]
npm info lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: @axa-ch/[email protected]
> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn-nodejs C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library
> node ./stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js
Message received in 189270.100785 ms
Message received in 183.891797 ms
On branch bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/bugfix/windows-spawn-hangs'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: stack/tasks/test-child-spawn-nodejs.js
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
npm verb lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
npm verb lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: PATH: C:\eplatform\tools\node\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin;C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library\node_modules\.bin;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\vendor\conemu-maximus5\ConEmu\Scripts;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\vendor\conemu-maximus5;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\vendor\conemu-maximus5\ConEmu;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\oracle\instantclient\;C:\Program Files (x86)\oracle\instantclient\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Trace Facility\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Personal Communications\;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;c:\Sysdat\Tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\PTKT;C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\gsk8\lib;C:\Program Files\ibm\gsk8\lib64;C:\PROGRA~1\IBMDSC\SQLLIB\BIN;C:\PROGRA~1\IBMDSC\SQLLIB\FUNCTION;C:\PROGRA~1\IBMDSC\SQLLIB\SAMPLES\REPL;C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin64;C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin;C:\Users\C193577\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\;C:\eplatform\tools\Git\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\maven\3\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\node;C:\eplatform\tools\oc-3.9;;C:\eplatform\tools\Git\usr\bin;C:\eplatform\tools\Git\usr\share\vim\vim74;C:\eplatform\tools\cmder_mini\
npm verb lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~test-child-spawn-nodejs: CWD: C:\eplatform\git-repos\patterns-library
npm info lifecycle @axa-ch/[email protected]~posttest-child-spawn-nodejs: @axa-ch/[email protected]
npm verb exit [ 0, true ]
npm timing npm Completed in 190002ms
npm info ok |
My comment was more about the path to // Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'C:\\eplatform\\tools\\node\\npm.cmd' : 'npm'; If there is no difference in behaviour (i.e. the slowness still occurs) this would rule out the manual path walking code on Windows in libuv (even though you specify |
@richardlau Further more running git like |
Could you attach debugger to the node child process and provide the call stack? You can get VS Community from here, from it |
I have the same issue. I'm using Windows 7 in our company environment with proxy set up.
And the results are:
But if I run plain
Then the timing is instant:
What's interesting is that every time I run it the timings are more or less around 189 sec. I see that others in this topic have also similar timings. Looks like a 3 minutes (180 sec) timeout after which the process is starting up. |
@piotrpeszt npm run test-child-spawn
> @axa-ch/[email protected] test-child-spawn E:\IdeaProjects\aletheia
> node ./build/scripts/test-child-spawn.js
Message received in 1629.977086 ms
Message received in 1605.18016 ms
andyogo <[email protected]>
axa-ch-user <[email protected]>
davidknezic <[email protected]>
linasalih <[email protected]>
lucamele <[email protected]>
manuel-jenny <[email protected]>
sventschui <[email protected]>
thedadi <[email protected]> Still having issues on my working machine though since I cannot disable the realtime protection... |
I tried, but it didn't help. |
Does anyone have a fix for that? We do also use NPM behind a company proxy and child processes are extremely slow. |
@AndyOGo the workaround that is mentioned in issue npm/npm#20979 did the trick for me. You could try that out, too. Looks like npm's version check takes a lot of time if it is used in a child process. |
@NicoEnking Very interesting data, like:
This whole proxy support story dates back a few years 😱 |
Since npm moved to another issue tracker, I just recreated the issue here: Please add your thoughs, issues over there. |
@AndyOGo no problem. A Nativescript dev helped me figure this out :-) |
@NicoEnking const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const precise = require('precise');
const timer = precise();
// Node does not support PATHEXT on Windows
const npmCmd = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm';
const env = {
// only this works for us
execFile(npmCmd, ['whoami', '--no-update-notifier' /* does not work */], { env }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log('Message received in', timer.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
if (error) {
} else {
const timer2 = precise();
execFile('git', ['status'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log('Message received in', timer2.diff() / 1000000, 'ms');
if (error) {
} else {
}); |
I think I ran into this bug through |
This issue has been open for over a year without a conclusion and without even a clear indication it's a Node.js bug (as opposed to, say, an npm issue or an overzealous virus scanner.) I'm closing it out. Let me know if there is reason to reopen. |
at windows takes minutes to finish.To demonstrate the bug I created a timed script, running
npm whoami
first andgit status
afterwards. I compared those measured results between MacOS and Windows. Following are my results and all the details:Test run with native
npm whoami
1256.060359 ms
=1.256 sec
189733.792206 ms
=189.7338 sec
=3.162 min
timesgit status
16.693848 ms
times faster)161.197277 ms
times faster)9.6561
timestest script:
Windows 10:
Mac OSX El Capitan Version 10.11.6:
Related Bugs (but all closed, why?):
is still not supported on windows, why is the related bugs closed then?nodejs/node-v0.x-archive#2318
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