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File metadata and controls

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An OTP application to send and receive real time events over HTTP connections.


GitHub branch checks state


Min. OTP version Max. OTP version Min. rebar version


In your rebar.config file, add the dependency:

{deps, [
    {nrte, {git, "[email protected]:nomasystems/nrte.git", {branch, "main"}}}

Then, you can connect either via WebSocket or server-sent events to start receiving messages for the given topics.

For example, in javascript via the WebSocket interface:

const webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:2080/websocket?topics=topic1;topic2;topic3');

Or via server-sent events in curl:

curl 'localhost:2080/eventsource?topics=topic1;topic2;topic3'

Then, all data posted to the /message endpoint will be redirected to the online subscribers:

curl -X POST -d 'my custom message' 'localhost:2080/message?topics=topic1'


nrte defaults to the following configuration values:

  {auth_type, {always_allow, all}},
  {data_template, {<<"{{topic}};{{message}}">>}},
  {port, 2080},
  {serve_priv_dir, false}
  • auth_type: see authentication for details.
  • data_template: a template for sending the data through the http connections. Both {{topic}} and {{message}} are optional and will be replaced with the actual values.
  • port: TCP port that serves the different endpoints.
  • serve_priv_dir: whether to include the priv dir in the server or not.


By default nrte doesn't authenticate its users, but this can be changed by setting the auth_type configuration parameter to a tuple {auth_mod, Mod}. In that case, when a request arrives, nrte will call Mod:nrte_auth(Headers) and use the returned nrte_auth_value() to allow or deny access to the resource. See the nrte_auth module for the behaviour to implement.

Some examples:

% Wrong credentials; results in a 401
nrte_auth(_Headers) ->

% Disallow access to all topics; results in a 403
nrte_auth(_Headers) ->

% Allow access to all topics
nrte_auth(_Headers) ->

% Allow access to subscribe to some topics but disallow publishing
nrte_auth(_Headers) ->
  #{allowed_publications => none,
    allowed_subscriptions => ["allowed_topic_prefix.*", "other_topic"]}.

Bypassing the HTTP connections

Messages can also be published via nrte:publish/2 and subscribed from nrte:subscribe/1. In the latter case, the caller will receive messages in the form of {nrte_message, Data}:

> nrte:subscribe([<<"example">>]).

> nrte:publish(<<"example">>, <<"my-message">>).

> receive {nrte_message, Data} -> Data end.


Any doubt or suggestion? Please, check out our issue tracker.


Pull requests are welcome. Please read the contributing guidelines to know more about contribution.