- timeout: default is 5000(ms)
- initialize
- createTable
- deleteTable
- all
- count
- create
- update
- delete
- describe
- showTables
- feature
- rawClient: Return promisified AWS.DynamoDB
- freshBuilder: Getting fresh QueryBuilder instance with extending same options.
- where
- whereIn: Using batchGetItem
- whereBetween
- whereBeginsWith
- filter
- filterBetween
- filterIn
- filterBeginsWith
- filterContains
- filterNotContains
- filterNull
- filterNotNull
- select :alias of
feature.attributesToGet(['attr1', 'attr2'])
- table
- indexName
- asc :alias of
- desc :alias of
- limit
- offset: alias of
- requestItems
- returnConsumedCapacity
- returnItemCollectionMetrics
- attributeDefinitions
- tableName
- keySchema
- key
- expected
- conditionalOperator
- returnValues
- conditionExpression
- expressionAttributeNames
- expressionAttributeValues
- attributesToGet
- consistentRead
- projectionExpression
- exclusiveStartTableName
- item
- keyConditions
- queryFilter
- scanIndexForward
- exclusiveStartKey
- filterExpression
- scanFilter
- totalSegments
- segment
- attributeUpdates
- updateExpression
: Fired before sending requestafterQuery
: Fired after getting response
: Executed before sending requestafterQuery
: Executed after getting response