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- Alright all, we are just about ready to get rolling again with the second half of our conferenc
- Before we do that thought I want to bring your attention to one thing
- Manning publications is one of our sponsors and for our conference they have provided a discount code
- If you go to there webiste you can browse the offerings.
- this code, ctwnoreast18, will get you 40% off.
- In addition to this, they have donated 5 free copies of Practical Data Science with R.
- So right now we will announce who those winners are
- Just re-ran this today so should have the most up to date list of attendees
- And wouldn't be right if I didn't use R to figure out the winners
- So here's some code to read in y'all, filter just the paying attendees, remove myself, and select the winners.
- And now ... The winers are...
- You all can go to the registration desk and we have the codes for your free copy there.
- Thanks again to manning for providing these discounts and books!
- Now, let's get started. I like to introduce Doug Friedman from Johnson and Johnson who will be introducing our next speaker.