- add destination stop in estimations
- service: fix route_ways generation in all_stops
- service: fix route_ways generation in all_stops
- entrypoints: api vehicle route_way required
- allow null vehicle id and/or name
- entrypoints: add new stop and route examples
- service: remove unused functions
- service: disable cache in stop service
- service: disable cache in route_service
- entrypoints: dont validate cache
- entrypoints: dont validate cache
- entrypoints: handle stop or route not found
- entrypoints: add response models and cache to route endpoints
- entrypoints: enable cache for stop endpoints
- add response model for stop related endpoints
- entrypoints: add request and response
- service: retry get_json also on HTTP status
- Removed exclude parameter and changed response format.
- add route endpoints
- service: include line code in estimations
- madrid: set correct line id on estimations
- service: handle upstream city api errors
- madrid: support all transport types
- service: get transport type from city API estimations
- domain: fix transport type enum duplicated value
- entrypoints: user orjson for faster serialization
- service: iclude line ways in stop info
- madrid.py: type error
- add lines info to stop
- stops as dictionary
- set env vars defaults and refactor
- all city stops endpoint
- api: add stop info entrypoint
- service: get stop info
- api: refactor endpoints
- data: database module with postgres implementation
- service: manually convert dataclasses to dict
- entrypoints: api title, description and root path
- service: change fetch timeout and retries for external apis
- Add service layer
- changed name to now8-api
- initial structure
- logic: get_estimations
- data: madrid intercity buses get estiamtions