This is a very simple little plugin built for Cordova Android to 'dim' the system bars. The system bars cover both the on screen navigation bar (bottom) and the status bar (top).
When I say 'dim' (a term used by Android) I mean to say that the on screen details become dots instead of the usual larger icons
Installing the plugin can be done by using the below cordova cli command from a terminal
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-systembardimmer
cordova plugin add
To use the plugin (after installing) simply call one of the following:
To dim the system bars:
// Successfully Dimmed
}, function(e){
// Failed to Dim
To reset back to normal:
// Successfully Reset
}, function(e){
// Failed to Reset
It is possibly worth mentioning that if you are building a Cordova project to cover multiple OS's rather than just Android (Which is probably the case otherwise you wouldn't be using Cordova!) then you'll have to stick a OS check around this function to make sure it is only run for Android devices. Something like the below should work ok:
if (device.platform.toLowerCase() == "android"){
// Successfully Dimmed
}, function(e){
// Failed to Dim
The above code may (I haven't checked) require the device plugin to be installed: cordova-plugin-device
Another Note: I have noticed that if I include an alert on the response that comes back from success/fail - this causes the system bars to reset. So if you think the plugin isn't working and you have an alert within the success function, comment it out or remove it and try again.