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Semi-portable Emacs config

Setup emacs on Mac:

  1. dl dmg from emacsformacos-com
  2. install homebrew
  3. brew install emacs-plus@29 --with-modern-pen-icon
  4. git clone
    • rsync -av --delete ~/git/dotemacs/inits/ ~/.emacs.d/inits/
    • rsync -av ~/git/dotemacs/*.el ~/.emacs.d/
  5. mkdir ~/.emacs.d/data
  6. rustup component add rust-analyzer rust-src rls clippy rustc
  7. brew install --cask font-fira-code font-gnu-unifont
    • M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts in emacs and install the fonts it downloads
  8. pip install 'python-lsp-server[all]'
  9. brew install cmake term ripgrep tree-sitter fd pandoc ag pgformatter
  10. Manually install [OpenDyslexic3]( font
  11. Setup dap mode vscode extension
  12. Setup terraform lsp:
sudo mv terraform-ls /usr/local/bin/
  1. Install shfmt: brew install shfmt
  2. Install Google Noto fonts ( (emoji, sans, serif)
  3. cargo install cargo-makedocs taplo-cli git-cliff cargo-dist
  4. GOBIN=/usr/local/bin/ go install ''
  5. Setup .env file
  6. Install Chrome Emacs extension
  7. Install emacs-lsp-booster
  8. Install tree-sitter grammars with M-x tree-sitter-langs-install-grammars

Setup emacs on Windows (MinGW):

  1. install scoop
  2. scoop bucket add extras
  3. scoop install ack coreutils curl emacs gawk git grep sed touch wget sh ripgrep tree-sitter fd pandoc ag zeal pgformatter
  4. git clone
    • rsync -av --delete ~/git/dotemacs/inits/ "$(cygpath ${APPDATA})"/.emacs.d/inits/
    • rsync -av ~/git/dotemacs/*.el "$(cygpath ${APPDATA})"/.emacs.d/
  5. install fonts
    • scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
    • scoop install firacode unifont
  6. M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts in emacs and install the fonts it downloads
  7. scoop install rust rustup
  8. rustup component add rust-analyzer rust-src rls clippy rustc
  9. mkdir ~/.emac-d/data
  10. pip install 'python-lsp-server[all]'
  11. Manually install [OpenDyslexic3]( font
  12. Setup dap mode vscode extension
  13. Setup terraform lsp:
unzip C:\bin\
  1. Install shfmt: scoop install shfmt
  2. Install Google Noto fonts ( (emoji, sans, serif)
  3. cargo install cargo-makedocs taplo-cli git-cliff cargo-dist
  4. Setup fakecygpty for handling POSIX signals on windows
  5. GOBIN=/usr/local/bin/ go install '
  6. Setup .env file
  7. Install Chrome Emacs extension
  8. Install emacs-lsp-booster
  9. Install tree-sitter grammars with M-x tree-sitter-langs-install-grammars