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CHIRP driver for UV-K5/K6/5R radios running ntoivola's fork of kamilsss655's NUNU firmware, a fork of Egzumer firmware.

This is a modification of kamilsss655's fork of the Egzumer uvk5 driver which itself is a modification of a driver created by:
(c) 2023 Jacek Lipkowski [email protected]

Licensed cc-by-sa-4.0

This software is provided as-is, I offer no support and no guarantees of any kind. I made this for myself but hope someone finds it useful. Questions, feedback and PRs are welcome but no promises.

My fork contains the following modifications over kamilsss655's fork:

  • Support for 15 scanlists and consequently no support for compander settings. This requires my fork of the UV-K5 firmware.
  • Fix for the missing PMR446 frequency lock mode and some missing programmable key actions.
  • Support for AIR mode (AM with 8.33k bandwidth). Note: this also requires patching CHIRP itself to allow the AIR channel mode, otherwise channels will revert back to normal AM. My fork of CHIRP includes that modification.
  • Name and identity change from UV-K5 (egzumer) to UV-K5 (NUNU) to avoid mixups.

How to use


Set the UV-K5 (NUNU) radio model in the CHIRP before you upload/download a configuration.

Loading with menu

  1. go to menu Help and turn on Developer mode
  2. Restart CHIRP
  3. Go to menu File, Load module...
  4. Choose downloaded, new radio will appear in Quansheng section in download/upload function.

Loading with CHIRP input argument

  1. Create a shortcut to CHIRP program
  2. Edit shortcut settings, in target field add at the end --module PATH_TO_DRIVER (replace PATH_TO_DRIVER with a real path) example : "C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\chirpwx.exe" --module C:\chirp_nunu\
  3. Run CHIRP with the shortcut, it will automatically load the driver.

Custom channel settings

By default CHIRP shows only default channel options, that are universal for all types radios. You can see and change custom channel settings by going to menu View and turning on Show extra fields, this will show more options in the Memories tab.

Custom firmware build options

This driver supports custom firmware builds and detects which options have been used. Disabled options will be hidden in CHIRP. This only works if the configuration was read from a specific radio. You can use configuration files from other radios with different build options, but unsupported settings will be reset to defaults on the target radio.

Calibration settings

Those setting are not uploaded to the radio by default. If you make some changes in the calibration and you want to save it, you have to enable the Upload calibration option before uploading. If this is enabled only the calibration part of the configuration data is sent to the radio, without channels and other settings.

Use this option at your own risk. Make a backup of the calibration first! Some settings are calibrated at the factory and each radio has different and unique calibration data. You will not be able to restore those setting using some other radios settings. Be carefull not to use CHIRP config file that was downloaded from other radio. Each CHIRP config contains full EEPROM dump, it always did, even the original UV-K5 driver did this, so if you have some old config saved it also contains calibration section and can be used to restore the calibration, but the best way to make a backup is to use software that doesn't depend on CHIRP driver, like k5prog-win.

Calibration settings are raw values read from the EEPROM, not recalculated to dBm, dB or any particular units. All the settings are presented as they were in the stock Quansheng firmware. Not all calibration settings are used the same way by the egzumer firmware:

  • Squelch - sensitivity is doubled if ENABLE_SQUELCH_MORE_SENSITIVE is enabled (enabled by default)
  • Microphone sensitivity - not used at all
  • RSSI levels - only used for small RSSI bar indicator if the firmware is built with the custom S-meter disabled (ENABLE_RSSI_BAR = 0)
  • TX power - if built with ENABLE_REDUCE_LOW_MID_TX_POWER then medium power is further divided by 3, low power is divided by 5 (not enabled by default)