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This ROS 2 package provides few examples for the use of the fmi_adapter package. It contains two FMU files DampedPendulum.fmu and TransportDelay.fmu (both created with the FMU SDK) and corresponding launch files. Furthermore, it includes a model of a damped pendulum in the Modelica language to create your own FMU.
Use ros2 launch fmi_adapter_examples
to simulate a damped pendulum (share/DampedPendulum.fmu) with a length of 1m. The pendulum's angle is published at topic /a with the default rate of 100Hz. The step size of the FMU's solver is 1ms.
To print the angle data on another console, invoke ros2 topic echo /a
. starts two nodes named /example/damped_pendulum and /example/transport_delay. The first one simulates share/DampedPendulum.fmu, where the length parameter is set to 25m by the launch file. The second node runs share/TransportDelay.fmu, where the delay parameter is set to 2.33s. The input subscription of the transport delay is remapped to the pendulum's angle topic and the delayed angle is published at /example/y.
There are several modeling tools that support the Modelica language and provide FMU export. Examples are Dymola, JModelica, and OpenModelica.
In the following, we explain the process by the example of OpenModelica, which has been also used to create the model of the damped pendulum at share/
- Download and install OpenModelica for Linux as described in
- Launch
and load the share/ model file. - Click on the DampedPendulum model in the project tree on the left.
- Navigate to Tools -> Options -> FMI and ensure that
is selected. - Then click FMI -> Export FMU.
- The path of the resulting FMU file is shown in the message browser at the bottom of the window, typically
Now, you are prepared for simulating the FMU using the fmi_adapter package.
Use the generic launch file of the package
ros2 launch fmi_adapter fmu_path:=/tmp/OpenModelica_[user]/OMEdit/DampedPendulum.fmu
You may print the pendulum's angle to the console by
ros2 topic echo /revolute1_angle
Please see the of the fmi_adapter package for how to load and run an FMU inside an application-specific ROS node or library.
Note on bug with mmc_mk_modelica_array in OpenModelica 1.12.0: If fmi_adapter crashes with the error message undefined symbol: mmc_mk_modelica_array
, please patch the files
- /usr/include/omc/c/meta/meta_modelica.h
- /usr/include/omc/c/meta/meta_modelica_data.h
according to and export the FMU again. Details on this bug are given in