- Furry Image Stickers
- Fursona Commands
- Tie a fursona to a user
- Upload images to a fursona
- Post images of a fursona
- Let other users manage a fursona
- Database
- Record the amount of commands run
- Luro Settings
Hashmap<str, usize
Record the amount of commands run
- Guild Settings
- Logging
- Control what events are logged, and to what channel
- Choose a log channel
- Logging
- User Settings
- Luro Overrides
- Fursonas
- 'Control what events are logged, and to what channel'
- Model dropdown where a user can select what should be logged, per channel
- Should be stored in a hashmap(?)
- Character Profile - Ability to pull up a character profile
- Character Modify - Modify a profile that the user owns
- Modify Image - Add or remove images tied to a character
- Modify Settings - Sets some settings for a character
/character profile name: Nurah nsfw: true, user: @nurah
Arguments: [name - The profile to fetch
, nsfw - fetch NSFW version
, <user - Fetch the profile belonging to another user>
Defaults to the user's own profile, otherwise fetches the specified profile name belonging to another user
Error handling:
- Returns a list of profiles configured if the name does not match
Simply a command group with more specific sub commands
/character modify name: Nurah nsfw: true, user: @nurah
Arguments: [name - The profile to fetch
, nsfw - fetch NSFW version
, user - Fetch the profile belonging to another user
Simply a command group with more specific sub commands