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Core Latex Renderer

github-actions[bot] edited this page Feb 25, 2025 · 12 revisions


Rendering LaTeX with image.nvim


This is an experimental module that requires nvim 0.10+. It renders LaTeX snippets as images making use of the image.nvim plugin. By default, images are only rendered after running the command: :Neorg render-latex. Rendering can be disabled with :Neorg render-latex disable


  • The image.nvim neovim plugin.
  • latex executable in path with the following packages:
    • standalone
    • amsmath
    • amssymb
    • graphicx
  • dvipng executable in path (normally comes with LaTeX)

There's a highlight group that controls the foreground color of the rendered latex: @norg.rendered.latex, configurable in core.highlights


  • conceal

    When true, images of rendered LaTeX will cover the source LaTeX they were produced from. Setting this value to false creates more lag, and can be buggy with large numbers of images.

  • debounce_ms

    Don't re-render anything until 200ms after the buffer has stopped changing. Lowering will lead to a more seamless experience but will cause more temporary images to be created

  • dpi

    "Dots Per Inch" increasing this value will result in crisper images at the expense of performance

  • min_length

    Only render latex snippets that are longer than this many chars. Escaped chars are removed spaces are counted, $ and $|/|$ are not (ie. $\\int$ counts as 4 chars)

  • render_on_enter

    When true, images will render when a .norg buffer is entered

  • renderer

    Module that renders the images. "core.integrations.image" makes use of image.nvim and is currently the only option

  • scale

    Make the images larger or smaller by adjusting the scale. Will not pad images with virtual text when conceal = true, so they can overlap text. Images will not be blown up larger than their true size, so images may still render one line tall.



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