If you need any special accommodations, contact the instructor outside of class so arrangements can be made.
As an instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment on our campus. I also have a mandatory reporting responsibility related to my role as a professor. I am required to share information regarding sexual misconduct with the University. Students may speak to someone confidentially by contacting the Counseling and Wellness Center (898-6345) or Safe Place (898-3030). Information on campus reporting obligations and other Title IX related resources are available here: www.csuchico.edu/title-ix
As an educator, I take it as my responsibility to make the classroom an effective learning environment. I expect everyone to be a part of a respectful environmnet both inside and outside of class. At Chico State, everyone should feel welcome and respected. If you have concerns, please bring them to my attention via email ([email protected]) or in appointmnent in my office (OCNL 220).
I am trained as a Safe Zone Ally and Dreamer Ally. However, if you do not feel comfortable talking to me, I also recommend reaching out to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.