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Feb 4, 2014
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193 lines (156 loc) · 5.52 KB


jee (json expression evaluator) transforms JSON through logical and mathematical expressions. jee can be used from the command line or as a Go package. It is inspired by the fantastic (and much more fully featured) jq.

jee was created out of the need for a simple JSON query language in streamtools. jee is designed for stream processing and provides a reusable token tree.

####get the library

go get

####make and install the binary

cd $gopath/src/
go install

usage (binary)

querying JSON

get the entire input object:

> echo '{"a": 3}' | jee '.'
    "a": 3

get a value for a specific key:

> echo '{"a": 3, "b": 4}' | jee '.a'

get a value from an array:

> echo '{"a": [4,5,6]}' | jee '.a[0]'

get all values from an array:

> echo '{"a": [4,5,6]}' | jee '.a[]'

query all objects inside array 'a' for key 'id':

> echo '{"a": [{"id":"foo"},{"id":"bar"},{"id":"baz"}]}' | jee '.a[].id'

+ - * /

> echo '{"a": 10}' | jee '(.a * 100)/-10 * 5'

> >= < <= !=

> echo '{"a": 10}' | jee '(.a * 100)/-10 * 5 == -500'
> echo '{"a": 10}' | jee '(.a * 100)/-10 * 5 > 0'

|| &&

> echo '{"a": false}' | jee '!(.a && true) || false  == true'

$num(x {bool, float64, string, nil})
Converts x to a float64. If x is a bool, 1 is returned for true and 0 for false. If x is nil, 0 is returned.

$str(x {bool, float64, string, nil, object, []*))
Converts x to a string. If x is a bool, "true" is returned for true and "false" for false. "null" is returned for nil. If x is an object or an array, it is marshaled into a JSON string.

$bool(x {bool, string})
Converts x to a bool. See strconv.ParseBool

$~bool(x {bool, float64, string, nil, object, []*})
Truthy conversion of x to a bool. Falsey values:null,NaN,0,false, and arrays with a length of 0.


$sqrt(x float64)
Returns square root of x.

$pow(x float64, y float64)
Returns x^y.

$floor(x float64)
Returns nearest downward integer for x.

$abs(x float64)
Returns absolute value of x.


$len(a []interface{})
Returns the length of array a.

$has( a {[]bool, []float64, []string, []nil}, val {bool, float64, string, nil} )
Checks to see if array a contains val. Returns bool. val cannot be an object.

$sum(a []float64)
Returns the sum of array a.

$min(a []float64)
Returns the minumum of array a.

$max(a []float64)
Returns the maximum of array a.


$keys(o object)
Returns an array of keys in object o.

$exists(o object, key string)
Checks to see if key exists in map o. Returns bool. $exists() does a map lookup and is faster than $has($keys(o), "foo")

date and time

Returns current system time in float64 (epoch milliseconds).

$parseTime(layout string, t string)
Accepts a time layout in golang time format. t is parsed and returned as epoch milliseconds in float64.

$fmtTime(layout string, t float64)
Accepts a time layout in golang time format. t is expected in epoch milliseconds. Returns a formatted string.


$contains(s string, substr string)
see strings.Contains

$regex(pattern string, s string)
see regexp.MatchString. Much slower than $contains()

see jee_test.go for examples.

package usage

#####Lexer(string) []*Token, error converts a jee query string into a slice of tokens

#####Parser([]*Tokens) *TokenTree, error builds a parse tree out token slice from Lexer()

#####Eval(*TokenTree, {}interface) {}interface, error evaluates a variable of type interface{} with a *TokenTree generated from Parser(). Only types given by json.Unmarshal are supported.


  • Types are strictly enforced. false || "foo" will produce a type error.
  • null and 0 are not falsey
  • Using a JSON key as an array index or an escaped key in bracket notation will not currently be evaluated. ie: .a[.b]
  • All numbers in a jee query must start with a digit. numbers <1 should start with a 0. use 0.1 instead of .1
  • Bracket notation is available for keys that need escaping .["foo"]["bar"]]
  • Queries for JSON keys or indices that do not exist return null (to test if a key exists, use $exists)
  • jee does not support variables, conditional expressions, or assignment
  • jee may be very quirky in general.


  • .0.1.1 addition of b o o l , ~bool, $num, $str, $now, $fmtTime, $parseTime. Fix for non-alphanumeric characters in JSON keys.
  • .0.1.0 initial release