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OakInk Datasets

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Download full OakInk

Setup your $OAKINK_DIR to a large storage, e.g.

$ export OAKINK_DIR=/storage/data/OakInk
$ echo $OAKINK_DIR

Download three parts of OakInk: OakBase, OakInk-Image, and OakInk-Shape from the project site.
Arrange all zip files into the directory: $OAKINK_DIR/zipped as follow:

├── image
│   ├── # Access via Google Forms
│   ├──
│   └── stream_zipped
│       ├── oakink_image_v2.z01
│       └── ...
└── shape

After download, verify the checksum:

$ python scripts/

and unzip all the files:
7zip is required. Install it via sudo apt install p7zip-full

$ python scripts/

After unzipping, the directory structure should look like this:

├── OakBase
├── image
│   ├── anno
│   ├── obj
│   └── stream_release_v2
└── shape
    ├── metaV2
    ├── OakInkObjectsV2
    ├── oakink_shape_v2
    └── OakInkVirtualObjectsV2

Data documentation

Data folder structure


# OakBase
OAKINK_DIR/OakBase/ # OakBase root
    binoculars/ # category binoculars' root
        binoculars_0/ # obj instance
            part_*.json # part-level attributes
            part_*.ply # part-level obj pointcloud

# OakInk-Image
OAKINK_DIR/image/ # OakInk-Image root
OAKINK_DIR/image/anno/ # OakInk-Image annotations
    general_info/ # general information of each sample
        [seq_id]__[ts]__[sbj_flag]__[frame]__[cam_id].pkl # a dict of general information.
                hand_tsl # 3D hand translation in world space.
                hand_shape # MANO shape param (10 dim)
                hand_pose # MANO pose param (in quaternion, 16x4) in world space.
            cam_extr # 4x4 camera extrinsics matrix (aka. T_c_w).
            cam_intr # 3x3 camera intrinsics matrix (aka. K).
            obj_anno # objects SE(3) transformation in world space, T_w_o, from obj-canonical to world space.
    cam_intr/ # camera intrinsics of each sample
        [seq_id]__[ts]__[sbj_flag]__[frame]__[cam_id].pkl # 3x3 intrinsics matrix (aka. K).
    hand_j/ # 21 joints of each sample
        [seq_id]__[ts]__[sbj_flag]__[frame]__[cam_id].pkl # 21x3 hand joints in camera space.
    hand_v/ # 778 vertices of each sample
        [seq_id]__[ts]__[sbj_flag]__[frame]__[cam_id].pkl # 778x3 hand vertices in camera space.
    obj_trasnf/ # objects SE(3) transformation of each sample, T_c_o, from obj-canonical to camera space.
        [seq_id]__[ts]__[sbj_flag]__[frame]__[cam_id].pkl # 4x4 object transformation matrix (T_c_o).
    split/ # data split file
        split0/ # split mode: VIEWS
        split0_ho # split mode: VIEWS, HAND-OBJ
        split1/ # split mode: SUBJECTS
        split2/ # split mode: OBJECTS 
    seq_all.json # all samples in the form of ([seq_id/ts], [sbj_flag], [frame], [cam_id]). 
    seq_status.json # all sequences [seq_id/ts] 
OAKINK_DIR/image/obj/ # OakInk-Image object models   
    A01001.obj # obj model of object A01001
OAKINK_DIR/image/stream_release_v2/ # OakInk-Image raw image data
    A01001_0001_0000/ # seq_id
        2021-09-26-19-59-58/ # ts
            [cam_name]_[frame].png # image file

# OakInk-Shape
OAKINK_DIR/shape/ # OakInk-Shape root
OAKINK_DIR/shape/metaV2/ # OakInk-Shape meta data
    object_id.json # source obj name_to_id mapping
    virtual_obj_id.json # target obj name_to_id mapping
    yodaobject_cat.json # category id_to_name mapping
OAKINK_DIR/shape/oakink_shape_v2/ # OakInk-Shape's grasping poses root
    bottle # category bottle's root
        A16012/ # source obj ID, obj that appear in OakInk-Image
            0cc013118e/ # source grasp ID, grasp that appears in OakInk-Image, record on A16012
                hand_param.pkl # hand param of the source grasp 0cc013118e on source obj A16012
                    pose: # MANO pose param (in quaternion, 16x4) in obj-canonical space.
                    shape: # MANO shape param (10 dim)
                    tsl: # 3D hand translation in obj-canonical space.
                source.txt # where the source grasp 0cc013118e appears in OakInk-Image
                s16101/ # target obj ID
                    hand_param.pkl # target grasp, 0cc013118e on target obj s16101
OAKINK_DIR/shape/OakInkObjectsV2/ # source object models root, obj that appear in OakInk-Image
    006_mustard_bottle/ # obj instance name, name_to_id mappings in metaV2/object_id.json
        align/ # rot and scale aligned obj model
        align_ds/ # downsampled aligned obj model
OAKINK_DIR/shape/OakInkVirtualObjectsV2/ # target object models root, obj that not appear in OakInk-Image
    binoculars_0/ # obj instance name, name_to_id mappings in metaV2/virtual_obj_id.json
        align/ # rot and scale aligned obj model
        align_ds/ # downsampled aligned obj model

Meaning of seq_id:

the seq_id in OAKINK_DIR/image/stream_release_v2 has the following two types of format:

* A01001_0001_0000
* A01001_0004_0001_0003

The first part of the seq_id represents obj_id. For example, the sequence labeled as A01001_xxxx_xxxx means that the object used in this sequence is A01001.obj (stored at OAKINK_DIR/image/obj/A01001.obj )

The second part of the seq_id represent intent_id. For example, we asked a subject to perform intent of use and record his/her hand during the whole course of interaction. The intent is labeled per sequence. The intent_name to intent_id mappings are:

use: 0001
hold: 0002
liftup: 0003
handover: 0004

The third (and fourth) part of the seq_id represents subject_id. If two subjects are involved, this sequence is a two-person handover sequence. The third part of the seq_id represents the giver's subject_id, and the fourth part represents the receiver's subject_id.

In summary:

  • A_B_C : A = obj_id, B = intent_id, and C = subject_id;
  • A_B_C_D : A = obj_id, B = intent_id, and C & D = subject_id (C is the giver, D is the receiver);

Hand joint order

We use the hand joints order identical to that of OpenPose.

Data splitting


provides data splits for two tasks:

  • Hand Mesh Recovery (HMR)
  • Hand-Object Pose Estimation (HOPE)

OakInk-Image dataset contains in total 314,404 frames if no filtering is applied, in which 157,600 frames are from two-hand sequences. For single view tasks, we filter out frames that have less than 50% of joints falling in the bounds of the images (note these frames might still be useful in multi-view tasks).

Hand Mesh Recovery (HMR)

For Hand Mesh Recovery task, we offer three different split modes.

  • SP0: default split (split by views)
    We randomly select one view per sequence and mark all images from this view as the test sequence, while the rest three views form the train/val sequences.

    Train+Val set
    * Train+Val: 232,049 frames; in which 114,697 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Train: 216,579 frames; in which 107,043 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Val: 15,470 frames; in which 7,654 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    Test set
    * Test: 77,330 frames; in which 38,228 frames are from two-hand sequences.
  • SP1: subject split (split by subjects)
    We select five subjects and mark all images containing these subjects as the test sequence, while the images not containing these subjects form the train/val sequences. Note some sequences involving two-hand interactions between subjects in test set and subjects in train/val set are dropped. Inside train/val split, we select one subject to form the val set, and the remaining subjects form the train set. Similar as the split of the test set, sequences having overlapped subjects are dropped.

    Train+Val set
    * Train+Val: 192,532 frames; in which 82,539 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Train: 177,490 frames; in which 73,658 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Val: 6,151 frames. No frames from two-hand sequences as one subject is included.
    Test set
    * Test: 83,503 frames; in which 37,042 frames are from two-hand sequences.
  • SP2: object split (split by objects)
    We randomly select 25 objects (out of total 100 objects) and mark all sequences that contain these objects as the test sequences, while the sequences that contain the rest 75 objects form the train/val sequences. Inside train/val split, we randomly select 5 objects (out of 75 objects) to form the val set and the rest objects form the train set.

    Train+Val set
    * Train+Val: 230,832 frames; in which 116,501 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Train: 214,630 frames; in which 107,767 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Val: 16,202 frames; in which 8,734 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    Test set
    * Test: 78,547 frames; in which 36,424 frames are from two-hand sequences.

Hand-Object Pose Estimation (HOPE)

For Hand-Object Pose Estimation task, we offer one split mode based on views.

  • SP0: default split (split by views)
    We randomly select one view per sequence and mark all images from this view as the test sequence, while the rest three views form the train/val sequences.
     Train+Val set
    * Train+Val: 232,049 frames; in which 114,697 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Train: 216,579 frames; in which 107,043 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    * Val: 15,470 frames; in which 7,654 frames are from two-hand sequences.
    Test set
    * Test: 77,330 frames; in which 38,228 frames are from two-hand sequences.


provides data split for three tasks, these three tasks share one data split.

  • Grasp Generation
  • Intent-based Grasp Generation
  • Handover Generation

We use the remainder of object ID's hash code mod 10 as the split separator:

* Train: obj_id_hash % 10 < 8
* Val: obj_id_hash % 10 == 8 
* Test: obj_id_hash % 10 == 9

In summary:

* Train set
1,308 objects with 49,302 grasping hand poses. 
Including 5 intents: 11,804 use, 9,165 hold, 9,425 lift-up, 9,454 hand-out, and 9,454 receive.

* Val set
166 objects with 6,522 grasping hand poses. 
Including 1,561 use, 1,239 hold, 1,278 lift-up, 1,222 hand-out, and 1,222 receive.

* Test set
183 objects with 6,222 grasping hand poses. 
Including 1,473 use, 1,115 hold, 1,122 lift-up, 1,256 hand-out, and 1,256 receive.

* Total set
We release 1,801 object CAD models, of which 1,657 models have corresponding grasping hand poses. 
The total number of grasping poses is 62,046.