Thanks for wanting to contribute to the Octokit Fixtures, your help is more than welcome. If you have a question about contributing, please open an issue!
For a general overview of how the Octokit Fixtures Server works have a look at
Please abide by our Code of Conduct.
Octokit Fixtures Server requires Node 8 in order to run its tests.
The basic setup is
git clone octokit-fixtures-server
cd octokit-fixtures
npm install
npm test
To start the server
npm start
Run integration & unit tests with
npm test
Run the end-to-end test with
npm run test:e2e
After running tests, a coverage report can be generated that can be browsed locally.
npm run coverage
Releases are automated using semantic-release. The following commit message conventions determine which version is released:
fix: ...
orfix(scope name): ...
prefix in subject: bumps fix version, e.g.1.2.3
feat: ...
orfeat(scope name): ...
prefix in subject: bumps feature version, e.g.1.2.3
in body: bumps breaking version, e.g.1.2.3
Only one version number is bumped at a time, the highest version change trumps the others.
The server binaries are generated and uploaded to new releases automatically.