# Blend

_CSS color spaces for [Dart Sass][]…_

[Dart Sass]: https://sass-lang.com/dart-sass

CSS Color Module [Level 4][] & [Level 5][]
include several new CSS color formats,
new color-adjustment syntax,
and a contrast function.
**Blend** provides early access to many of these features,
while working with Sass colors.

[Level 4]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/
[Level 5]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-5/

Note that conversion between color-spaces
requires gamut-adjustments and rounding.
While we use the same conversion math recommended for browsers,
pre-processing can result in slight variations in each step.
Converting a color from one format to another
and back again, may result in slight differences.

**Our Top Priority** right now
is full support for `color(display-p3 r g b / a)`
which can already be used for wide-gamut colors
in Safari.
The conversion math is already supported,
we just need to finalize the user-facing API.
Help is welcome.

## Color Picker

To get started with new CSS color formats
(and LCH in particular),
check out the wonderful
[LCH Color Picker](https://css.land/lch/)
by [Lea Verou](https://lea.verou.me/).

We use the same conversion math,
originally written in JS by
[Chris Lilley](https://svgees.us/)
and [Tab Atkins](https://www.xanthir.com/).

## Usage

Download the files from GitHub, or install the npm package:

npm install @oddbird/blend [--save-dev]

Import with Dart Sass

@use '<path-to>/blend';

### Lab & LCH Formats

(CIE) LCH & Lab color-conversion into (sRGB) sass colors:

$cie-to-sass: (
  blend.lch(30% 50 300),
  blend.lab(60% -60 60),

  blend.lch(60% 75 120, 50%), // as %
  blend.lab(60% -60 60, 0.5), // or as fraction

### Color Contrast

Based on the proposed Level 5 color-contrast() function:

$contrast: (
  // default black or white for best contrast
  // highest contrast
  blend.contrast($color, maroon, rebeccapurple, cyan),
  // first color with contrast >= 4.5
  blend.contrast($color, maroon, rebeccapurple, 4.5),

### Inspecting Colors

Inspect LCH & Lab values of Sass colors:

$inspect: (

### Relative Colors

Relative Sass color adjustments using LCH & Lab channels

$adjust: (
  // set chroma to 10
  blend.set($color, $chroma: 10),
  // adjust hue by -10
  blend.adjust($color, $hue: -10),
  // scale lightness 10% lighter
  blend.scale($color, $lightness: 10%),

A relative-color shorthand,
based on rough interpretation
of the Level 5 relative color syntax:

$from: (
  // set chroma to 20
  blend.from($color, l, 20, h),
  // linear adjustments to a channel
  blend.from($color, l, c, h -60),
  // relative scale, e.g. "half-way to white"
  blend.from($color, l 50%, c, h),
  // multiply the channel value
  blend.from($color, 2l, c, h),

## Todo

The initial version is mostly focused on CIE colors,
but Level 4 includes an array of new formats.
We're working on it.

See the full list of [planned enhancements][todo].

[todo]: https://github.com/oddbird/blend/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement

@use 'blend';

$new-formats: (
  blend.hwb(120deg 15% 15%),
  blend.color(display-p3 0.728 0.2824 0.4581),
  blend.color(rec-2020 0.6431 0.2955 0.4324),

$from-sass: (
  blend.get($color, 'lch'),
  blend.get($color, 'lab'),
  blend.get($color, 'display-p3'),

$output: (
  blend.string($color, 'lch'),
  blend.string($color, 'lab'),
  blend.string($color, 'display-p3'),


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