This is the public posting of the assignment. See Piazza for the invite link to make your submission in your own repository in the class organization
This assignment has been updated March 23, 2020. See "History" for a list of changes.
Due: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 by 5pm
Acknowledgement: This assignment was inspired by the "Dissertationpalooza!" from CS 891 at ODU.
The main goals of this assignment are to:
- familiarize you with prior work in your research area
- provide an example of successful PhD dissertations
- give you practice at presenting others' research
Work with your advisor to select an appropriate dissertation. Preferably, this should be one from your research group at ODU (ODU-CS theses and dissertations). If your advisor is a new faculty member, this could potentially be their dissertation or one from a comparable research group.
You will read the dissertation and prepare and deliver a 20-minute presentation. The original authors had approximately an hour to present their research, you will have about 20 minutes (with questions and discussion, the entire presentation should fit into a 25-minute slot). Since you have less than half of the original time, you will need to focus on the research questions, technical highlights, and the contributions of the dissertation; there will not be time to present the work in its entirety.
Feel free to use figures and tables from the dissertation (be sure to mark their number from the original work), but the slides and text must be your own work – not a simplified version of the original slides. You’re presenting your perspective on their work – not just a karaoke version of the original presentation.
Since you are all now online students, here are guidelines for your presentations.
Slides: Create your presentation slides as you normally would have done. These can be done with Google Slides, PPT, or PDF. For PPT or PDF, upload the document to your GitHub repo. For all cases, include a link to the slides in your Markdown document (see GitHub submission below). I am willing to provide feedback on slides if you request it by April 7.
Presentation: You will need to create a video of yourself giving the presentation. You are strongly encouraged to create conditions similar to giving the talk in person, such as recording a video where you are presenting the work standing next to your slides on a screen (a monitor or TV works, too) rather than a talking head over a set of slides. Try to make sure that your slides are readable in the video.
There are several ways that you can do this:
- record video with your phone/tablet/computer and upload to YouTube or Vimeo
- Zoom (login w/ODU credentials) -
- Google Hangout Meet (login w/ODU credentials) -
- Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (not clear that you can create your own session and record) -
Make sure that the video you create is publicly-viewable. Your classmates will need to be able to view your presentation for HW9.
If you do not have the technical resources available to create a video of your presentation, please contact me as soon as possible, so that we can work something out.
There are two steps for this submission. One on GitHub and one on Piazza.
Create a Markdown file with the following information:
- reference line for the dissertation you are presenting
(just copy/paste your line from - link to your presentation slides
- link to your presentation video
Make sure that you have committed and pushed your local repo to the repository on GitHub. When you make your final commit, use the commit message: "Presentation submitted @weiglemc". This will generate an email to me.
Create a new post in Piazza with the following information:
- Use the "presentation" tag.
- The "Summary" of the post should be "ODU username - Dissertation Presentation"
- The text of the post should contain
- information on the dissertation you are presenting
(just copy/paste your line from - link to your presentation video
(if your slides aren't readable in the video, provide a publicly-available link to your slides)
- information on the dissertation you are presenting