diff --git a/contribute/index.html b/contribute/index.html index 3ed6777b27..f7e66feb05 100644 --- a/contribute/index.html +++ b/contribute/index.html @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ E --> F[Push Branch]; F --> K[Create Pull Request]; K --> L[Fill out PR template]; - classDef default stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,font-size:12pt;
This is a diagram to guide you through the process. It may vary depending on the type of change you're making.
While you can make your changes directly through the Web, we recommend cloning the repo to your device using the application GitHub Desktop (available in WinUtil) to test your fork easily.
Create a new branch and name it something relatable to your changes.
Now you can modify WinUtil to your liking using your preferred text editor.
To test to see if your changes work as intended run following commands in a powershell teminal as admin:
Change the directory where you are running the commands to the forked project.
cd {path to the folder with the compile.ps1}
.\Compile.ps1 -run
file, like the following: