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Dimsum Development Guide

Dimsum is a Spring Boot web app.

  • Auto-configuration automates a lot of application and library setup while allowing you to override any of its defaults
  • The IoC container simplifies the creation of application components via dependency injection
  • Controller classes respond to web requests
  • The src/main/resources/static contains assets that are served as static resources:
    • css: custom css (see Tailwind)
    • img: images or svg's such as logos
    • libs: external libraries
    • js: generated javascript (see Typescript)


App config is in /resources/application.yml. The properties in this file can be overridden using command-line parameters, system variables, or an external properties file. See the README for more information on the external properties file.


Example: Run the server with debugging enabled on port 8000 and wait for debugger connection before starting:

mvn clean spring-boot:run"-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000"

A VSCode launch configuration named "Debug local Dimsum" is provided to connect to this.

Code Formatting

Dimsum has formatters configured for Java, HTML, and TypeScript in VSCode. For these to work, you must have the following extensions installed:

  • Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat
  • Prettier - Code Formatter


SAML authentication is configured using Spring Security. Documentation for that is here. Authentication may be disabled for development/testing using the "noauth" Spring profile

HTML Templates

The Thymeleaf template engine is used for page design. Model attributes can be added via the Spring controller and used in rendering the page.

The layout.html template contains elements common to all pages. Individual page templates should set layout:decorate="~{layout}" as a property on the html tag to use the main layout, and include a div with property layout:fragment="content" in the body to contain the page content. Elements from the head section of the main layout will be included before the head elements from the page template. The title from the page and layout will also be concatenated automatically.

Font Awesome

Icons are sourced from Font Awesome. Dimsum strictly uses its free solid variants for consistent branding.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind is a utility-based CSS framework that has been configured for Dimsum's design systems. Custom styles are defined in tailwind.config.js and can be reused in different files.

The config currently scans .html and .ts files in the templates and ts directories. The generated CSS can be found in /src/resources/static/css/output.css. New templates not on this path should be added.

If you've updated any template files, use

npx tailwindcss -i src/main/resources/static/css/input.css -o src/main/resources/static/css/output.css --watch

before building/running as usual outlined in the README

Tailwind should be used in most cases. If truly custom styles are needed, they can be defined in /src/resources/static/css/input.css.


The JavaScript for the front end is compiled from TypeScript and packed using Webpack. During the Maven build, the TypeScript in /ts is compiled and packed into individual files per HTML page, and the resulting JavaScript is copied into /target/classes/static/js/, which will be available at /js/ in the webapp.

The page scripts to generate are defined in module.exports.entry in webpack.config.js. These scripts are packaged as libraries to make any exports available to inline scripts in the HTML. TypeScript compiler config is in tsconfig.json.

Best practices

When possible, re-use components and & utility functions. Some notable examples:

  • urls.ts should be used to generate all URLs.
  • html-utils.ts has a variety of functions for making icons, adding links and more (see its documentation for more details).
  • requests.ts contains functions for making HTTP requests.

JavaScript Library Dependencies

JavaScript libraries may be included and used in TypeScript. To keep things cleaner, these libraries should only be used in the TypeScript, and should not be used in inline scripts in the HTML, which should be kept as short and simple as possible. To include a JavaScript library to the project:

  1. Add it as a dependency in package.json
  2. Add the TypeScript declaration as a development dependency in package.json
  3. Add a type reference in any .ts script that uses it. e.g. /// <reference types="jquery" />
  4. Create a plugin for the library in webpack.config.js

Data Loading

Dimsum uses QC Gate data generated by QC Gate ETL. The data directory is specified by the datadirectory property in The CaseLoader class is responsible for loading the data from file. CaseService polls the directory for changes, invokes CaseLoader to reload the data when appropriate, and maintains a cache of the data to provide to other parts of the application.