- released on pypi - uses pyproject.toml
- add
- add spectrogram view with controls
- add snapshot method to save figure to disk
- colormaps
- ctrl + s: save screenshot to file only include the plot area
- bugfix qt app management
- changes to the qt app management
- shift + P puts windows side by side two by two
- application management
- support for dataframe headers
- trace view shows neighbours
- support for text headers
- bugfix: QQaction is found in a different package in new Pyqt versions
- keep axis/gain the same when refreshing data
- ctrl + s: save screenshot to clipboard
- trace, spectrum, spectrogram view with mouse hover
- horizontal trace view displays
- option for transposed display (horizontal time-scale)
- sliders and arrows navigation
- Python 3.7 compatibility
- add layers scheme to add scatters (and lines in the future)