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Quick Start (

David Nolen edited this page Jan 22, 2016 · 157 revisions

DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE: This page is under heavy active development.


Om Next is a uniform yet extensible approach to building networked interactive applications. By providing a structured discipline over the management of application state, Om Next narrows the scope of incidental complexity often found in user interface development. The Om Next discipline is founded upon immutable data structures, declarative data specifications, and a simple convention for routing data access and mutations.

Om Next borrows ideas liberally from Facebook’s Relay, Netflix’s Falcor, and Cognitect’s Datomic. If you are not familiar with these technologies, fear not, this tutorial makes few assumptions. You will be guided through all the core concepts of Om Next. This will prepare you for later tutorials that show custom storage integration and transparent synchronization between your UI and a remote service.

Setting Up

This tutorial uses Leiningen, Figwheel, and Google Chrome. You should install Leiningen and Google Chrome before proceeding. Leiningen is a standard tool for managing Clojure and ClojureScript library dependencies. Figwheel is a ClojureScript build tool and REPL that enables an expressive live programming model well suited for interactive application development. Figwheel also plays well with text editors that make traditional REPL integration more challenging.

You can of course use any web browser, but this tutorial only includes relevant instructions for Chrome to avoid tangential material.

Create a new project and switch into it:

mkdir om-tutorial
cd om-tutorial

Inside your project directory create a project.clj:

touch project.clj

Make it look like the following:

(defproject om-tutorial "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "My first Om program!"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.170"]
                 [org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha22"]
                 [figwheel-sidecar "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT" :scope "test"]])

A Leiningen project.clj file simply allows you to declare a variety of properties about your project. In our case the most important is the list of :dependencies.

Now create a file script/figwheel.clj.

mkdir script
touch script/figwheel.clj

Change script/figwheel.clj to look like the following:

(require '[figwheel-sidecar.repl :as r]
         '[figwheel-sidecar.repl-api :as ra])

  {:figwheel-options {}
   :build-ids ["dev"]
   [{:id "dev"
     :figwheel true
     :source-paths ["src"]
     :compiler {:main 'om-tutorial.core
                :asset-path "js"
                :output-to "resources/public/js/main.js"
                :output-dir "resources/public/js"
                :verbose true}}]})


This file describes how to build your ClojureScript project and starts a REPL. If you are new to ClojureScript you may find this file a bit overwhelming. If you would like to know more, after this tutorial you may want to work through the ClojureScript Quick Start to re-inforce fundamental ClojureScript concepts encountered in this tutorial.


We now need to provide some basic markup to host our ClojureScript application.

Make a file resources/public/index.html:

mkdir -p resources/public
touch resources/public/index.html

Change the contents of this file to the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <head lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Om Tutorial!</title>
        <div id="app"></div>
        <script src="js/main.js"></script>


Create a file src/om_tutorial/core.cljs:

mkdir -p src/om_tutorial
touch src/om_tutorial/core.cljs

Edit its contents to look like the following:

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]))


(println "Hello world!")

Start Figwheel:

lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj

For enhanced REPL behavior it’s recommended that you install rlwrap. Under OS X this can be easily done with brew.

If you have rlwrap installed you can then launch with:

rlwrap lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj

Point your browser at http://localhost:3449. You should see a blank page with the title “Om Tutorial!” visible on your browser tab.

Open the Chrome Developer Tools with the View > Developer > JavaScript Console menu. In the JavaScript Console you should see Hello, world! printed out.

Let’s write our first component!

Your First Component

Edit src/om_tutorial/core.cljs to look like the following:

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]))

(defui HelloWorld
  (render [this]
    (dom/div nil "Hello, world!")))

(def hello (om/factory HelloWorld))

(js/ReactDOM.render (hello) (gdom/getElement "app"))

Try modifying the "Hello, world!" string and saving the file. You should see that the browser updates immediately.

This file presents a lot of new ideas, let’s break them down.

The ns form

The very first thing we encounter is the ClojureScript ns form. This declares the current namespace (in other languages you might call this “module”). We require the goog.dom,, and om.dom libraries. Other languages might call this process “importing”.


The defui macro gives us a succinct syntax for declaring Om components. defui supports many of the features of ClojureScript’s deftype and defrecord with a variety of modifications better suited to the definition of React components.

If you are familiar with Om, you will notice this is a big departure. Om Next components are truly plain JavaScript classes. This component only declares one JavaScript Object method – render.

Finally, in order to create an Om component we must first produce a factory from the component class. The function returned by has the same signature as pure React components with the exception that the first argument is usually an immutable data structure.


render should return an Om Next or React component. In our case we return a div. Components are usually constructed from two or more arguments. The first argument will be props – the properties that will customize the component in some way. The remaining arguments will be children, the sub-components hosted by this node.

Note: For a more detailed list of React methods that components may implement please refer to the React documentation

Parameterizing Your Components

Like plain React components, Om Next components take props as their first argument and children as the remaining ones. Let’s modify our file to look like the following:

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]))

(defui HelloWorld
  (render [this]
    (dom/div nil (get (om/props this) :title))))

(def hello (om/factory HelloWorld))

  (hello {:title "Hello, world!"})
  (gdom/getElement "app"))

This is slightly more verbose than our previous example but we’ve gained abstraction power – the HelloWorld component no longer hard codes a specific string.

For example we can change our code to the following:

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]))

(defui HelloWorld
  (render [this]
    (dom/div nil (get (om/props this) :title))))

(def hello (om/factory HelloWorld))

  (apply dom/div nil
    (map #(hello {:title (str "Hello " %)})
      (range 3)))
  (gdom/getElement "app"))

We can render as many HelloWorld components as we please and they all receive custom data. Feel free to change (range 3) to something else. Figwheel will reflect these changes immediately.

Adding State

We have thus far only seen stateless Om Next components. In order to do something useful you might think that we would need to introduce stateful components. This is not the case. In Om Next we introduce state into the application via a global atom.

In Om Next application state changes are managed by a reconciler. The reconciler accepts novelty, merges it into the application state, finds all affected components based on their declared queries, and schedules a re-render.

Naive Design

We will first examine a naive attempt to introduce application state. We will later revise this approach to something more robust.

In the following we create a global atom to hold our application state. We create a reconciler using this atom and then we add a root for the reconciler to control.

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]))

(def app-state (atom {:count 0}))

(defui Counter
  (render [this]
    (let [{:keys [count]} (om/props this)]
      (dom/div nil
        (dom/span nil (str "Count: " count))
          #js {:onClick
               (fn [e]
                 (swap! app-state update-in [:count] inc))}
          "Click me!")))))

(def reconciler
  (om/reconciler {:state app-state}))

(om/add-root! reconciler
  Counter (gdom/getElement "app"))

You should now see a counter in your browser window. Clicking on the button will increase the count in the global atom. This triggers the reconciler to re-render the root.

Note:! takes a reconciler, a root class and a DOM element. Unlike ReactDOM.render we do not instantiate the component. The reconciler will do this on our behalf as it may need to request data from an endpoint first.

Global State Coupling

The problem with the program above is that the counter is deeply coupled to the global state atom. The counter has direct knowledge of the structure of the state atom. While this may be convenient in this trivial example, in larger applications this will be an endless supply of incidental complexity.

Previously Om attempted to mitigate deep coupling to state via the cursor abstraction. Unfortunately, cursors brought problem of their own. In Om Next, instead of introducing a new abstraction we simply embrace a time tested way of preventing such state coupling – client server architecture.

Client Server Architecture

Om Next encourages a separation between components and code that actually reads and modifies global state. This design is desirable even if an Om Next application is entirely client side.

Instead of mixing control logic into components as is often encountered in React based systems, Om Next moves all state management into a router abstraction. Components declaratively request data (reads) from the router. In addition, components do not mutate application state, instead they request application state transitions (mutations) and the router will apply the state changes.

Applications designed in this way make it trivial to introduce custom stores like DataScript without touching or changing any components. In the case where there is a real remote server component, this architectural design permits seamless arbitrary partitioning of application state between local client logic and remote server logic, that is, fully transparent synchronization.


A client server architecture requires an established protocol between the client and the server. This protocol must be able to describe state transfer (reads) and state transitions (mutations).

Typical web applications already follow this pattern in the form of REST. However the unit of composition is incredibly inexpressive, a URL. Relay and Falcor have already demonstrated the benefits of moving to a richer expression of client demands.

Om Next also departs from tradition and embraces a simple data representation of client demands. This simple data representation eliminates the problematic tradeoffs present in string based routing. The data representation is a variant on s-expressions, EDN.

Because of these important differences, in Om Next we call this process “parsing” rather than routing. The rationale for this departure will become more self-evident as the tutorial progresses.

Parsing & Query Expressions

We will first study parsing in isolation.

Parsing involves handing two kinds of expressions – reads and mutations. Reads should return the requested application state, mutations should transition the application state to some new desired state and describe what changed.

A parser is created from two functions that provides semantics for reads and mutations:

(def my-parser ( {:read read-fn :mutate mutate-fn}))

A parser takes a query expression and evaluates it using the provided read and mutate implementations.

Inspired by Datomic Pull Syntax, an Om Next query expression is a vector that enumerates the desired state reads and state mutations.

For example getting a todo list might look something like the following:

[{:todos/list [:todo/created :todo/title]}]

Updating a todo list item might look something like the following:

[(todo/update {:id 0 :todo/title "Get Orange Juice"})]

We will interactively parse some query expressions at the Figwheel REPL to build our intuition of this fundamental Om Next concept.

A Read Function

The signature of a read function is [env key params]. env is a hash map containing any context necessary to accomplish reads. key is the key that is being requested to be read. Finally params is a hash map of parameters that can be used to customize the read. In many cases params will be empty.

Enter the following at the Figwheel REPL:

(in-ns 'om-tutorial.core)
(defn read
  [{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
  (let [st @state]
    (if-let [[_ v] (find st key)]
      {:value v}
      {:value :not-found})))

Our read function reads from a :state property supplied by the env parameter (we will see how :state is supplied shortly). Our function checks if the application state contains the key. Read functions must return a hash map containing a :value entry (note the :not-found value shown here for missing keys has no special meaning in Om Next).

Let’s create a parser:

(def my-parser (om/parser {:read read}))

my-parser is just a function. We can now read Om Next query expressions.

(def my-state (atom {:count 0}))
(my-parser {:state my-state} [:count :title])
;; => {:count 0, :title :not-found}

Aha! We supply the env parameter.

A query expression is always a vector. The result of parsing a query expression is always a map.

On the frontend the Om Next reconciler will invoke your parser on your behalf and pass along the :state parameter. When writing a backend parser you will usually supply env yourself.

A Mutation Function

Components will not just read data from the application state. They will want to trigger application state transitions based on user generated events like mouse clicks, keyboard events, and touch gestures. We need to supply a function that interprets these requests for application state transition.

Let’s create a simple mutate function. The signature is identical to read functions, however the return value is different. Copy and paste the following into your Figwheel REPL:

(in-ns 'om-tutorial.core)
(defn mutate
  [{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
  (if (= 'increment key)
    {:value {:keys [:count]}
     :action #(swap! state update-in [:count] inc)}
    {:value :not-found}))

We first check that the key is a mutation that we actually implement. If it is we return a map containing two keys, :value as before and :action which is a thunk. Mutations should return a map for :value. This map can contain two keys – :keys and/or :tempids. The :keys vector is a convenience that communicates what read operations should follow a mutation. :tempids will be discussed later. Mutations can easily change multiple aspects of the application (think Facebook “Add Friend”). Adding :value with a :keys vector helps users identify stale keys which should be re-read. The guiding principle here shares common goals with HATEOAS.

:action is a thunk that should transition the application state. You should never run side effects in the body of a mutate function yourself. Doing so makes it more challenging for Om Next to provide reliable state management.

Assuming you did the previous REPL interactions now try the following:

(def my-parser (om/parser {:read read :mutate mutate}))
(my-parser {:state my-state} '[(increment)])
;; => {:count 1}

Components With Queries & Mutations

Change src/om_tutorial/core.cljs to the following:

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]))

(def app-state (atom {:count 0}))

(defn read [{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
  (let [st @state]
    (if-let [[_ value] (find st key)]
      {:value value}
      {:value :not-found})))

(defn mutate [{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
  (if (= 'increment key)
    {:value {:keys [:count]}
     :action #(swap! state update-in [:count] inc)}
    {:value :not-found}))

(defui Counter
  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
  (render [this]
    (let [{:keys [count]} (om/props this)]
      (dom/div nil
        (dom/span nil (str "Count: " count))
          #js {:onClick
               (fn [e] (om/transact! this '[(increment)]))}
          "Click me!")))))

(def reconciler
    {:state app-state
     :parser (om/parser {:read read :mutate mutate})}))

(om/add-root! reconciler
  Counter (gdom/getElement "app"))

Before we dive in, confirm that the behavior is the same as before. Open the Chrome JavaScript Console and you will see that every single transaction was logged by Om Next. The object which initiated the transaction, the contents of the transaction, and a UUID identifying the state of the application before the transaction was applied.

Copy and paste one of the UUIDs and try the following at the REPL (your UUID will be different!):

(in-ns 'om-tutorial.core)
(om/from-history reconciler
  #uuid "9e7160a0-89cc-4482-aba1-7b894a1c54b4")
;; => {:count 2}

Fix & Continue: Om Next automatically records the last 100 states of the application (the number of recorded states can be configured). This feature makes it trivial to take the application back to a previous state, fix a bug, re-apply a transaction, and continue development without further interruption.

Digging In

The parsing bits should be familiar from the previous section. We only had to make three changes.

1. Implement

Om Next components always declare the data they wish to read. This is done by implementing a simple protocol This method should return a query expression. Note that we added static before the protocol. This is required and ensures the method is attached to the class (it will also be attached to instances).

This is so that the reconciler can determine the query required to display the application without instantiating any components at all.

2. Invoke!

The counter now calls! with the desired transaction rather than touching the application state directly. This removes the tight coupling between components and global application state.

3. Provide a parser to the reconciler

The reconciler now takes your custom parser. All application state reads and mutations will go through your own custom parsing code. The reconciler will populate the env parameter with all the necessary context needed to make decisions about reads and mutations including whatever :state parameter was provided to the reconciler.

More about!

Components can run transactions. But for development convenience it’s also possible to submit transactions directly to the reconciler.

Try the following at Figwheel REPL:

(in-ns 'om-tutorial.core)
(! reconciler '[(increment)])

You should see the change reflected immediately in the UI. If you have the Chrome JavaScript Console open you should also see that the transaction was logged.

While Om Next requires a little bit more work over just banging on atoms, it should now be apparent that Om Next streamlines the construction of declarative reusable components. The disciplined separation of application state reads and mutations means you can scale up your application without rapid expansion of your complexity budget.

Changing Queries Over Time

Once you have declarative queries, it becomes quickly apparent they are an ideal way to change the behavior of the application. Like Relay, Om Next fully supports query modification. However it does so in a manner that does not compromise global time travel.

Change src/om_tutorial/core.cljs to look like the following:

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]))

(def app-state
    {:app/title "Animals"
     [[1 "Ant"] [2 "Antelope"] [3 "Bird"] [4 "Cat"] [5 "Dog"]
      [6 "Lion"] [7 "Mouse"] [8 "Monkey"] [9 "Snake"] [10 "Zebra"]]}))

(defmulti read (fn [env key params] key))

(defmethod read :default
  [{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
  (let [st @state]
    (if-let [[_ value] (find st key)]
      {:value value}
      {:value :not-found})))

(defmethod read :animals/list
  [{:keys [state] :as env} key {:keys [start end]}]
  {:value (subvec (:animals/list @state) start end)})

(defui AnimalsList
  static om/IQueryParams
  (params [this]
    {:start 0 :end 10})
  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
    '[:app/title (:animals/list {:start ?start :end ?end})])
  (render [this]
    (let [{:keys [app/title animals/list]} (om/props this)]
      (dom/div nil
        (dom/h2 nil title)
        (apply dom/ul nil
            (fn [[i name]]
              (dom/li nil (str i ". " name)))

(def reconciler
    {:state app-state
     :parser (om/parser {:read read})}))

(om/add-root! reconciler
  AnimalsList (gdom/getElement "app"))

By now, most of the the bits related to parsing should be familiar to you so we’ll focus only on the new ideas. We switched our read function to a multimethod – this makes it easier to add cases in an open ended way.

We implement the :animals/list case. We are finally using params, and in this case we destructure start and end.

This brings us to the AnimalsList component. This component defines along with The params method should return a map of bindings. These will be used to replace any occurrences of ?some-var in the actual query.

At the Figwheel REPL try the following (you haven’t seen>any yet, we’ll explain it in a moment):

(in-ns 'om-tutorial.core)
(om/get-query (om/class->any reconciler AnimalsList))
;; => [:app/title (:animals/list {:start 0, :end 10})]

It should be clear now that the params have been bound to the query.

Change the Query!

Let’s change the query by modifying the parameters. This can be done with!.

  (om/class->any reconciler AnimalsList)
  {:params {:start 0 :end 5}})

You should see the UI change immediately. You should also see Om Next log an event in the Chrome JavaScript Console. Query modifications mutate the state of program and thus are also recorded into the application state history log.

Grab one of the UUIDs and you’ll see that query state is maintained when you time travel (again your UUID will not be the one below!):

(reset! app-state 
  (om/from-history reconciler
    #uuid "e0a07c41-413a-430c-8c91-976a155241c3"))

The Indexer

Om Next supports a first class notion of identity. While mounted React components do provide a kind of identity, Om Next provides a stronger model that can cut across the mounted component tree. In addition this model delivers powerful debugging and reasoning facilities over those found in React itself.

Every reconciler has an indexer. The indexer keeps indexes that maintain a variety of useful mappings. For example a class to all mounted components of that class, or prop name and all components that use that prop name. For example we already say>any which is incredibly useful when testing things out at a REPL.

The details of the indexer are not fully ironed out yet, but suffice to say it is a critical component that both simplifies reconciliation and enhances interactive development.

Wrapping Up

This wraps up the Om Next fundamentals. Take a breather and dive into the second tutorial when you’re ready. The following tutorial shows how Om Next provides a powerful but simple tool for cutting across the component tree – identity:

Also, it may not be fully apparent how the Om Next architecture permits seamless integration of custom stores or remote services. The following links provide more details: