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Window size

Omega Core edited this page May 18, 2024 · 8 revisions

First element we'll discuss is the display window size. Although this may seem a simple part, we decided to do a more complicated implementation to let the user customize the size. The default window size is 1000px x 1500px, which were the values use throughout the development.

Limitations were introduced, so that the user doesn't give an unethical dimension. Insead of clipping the input values to the margins, we tried to keep the aspect ratio the user gave, like a downscale of the values:

# snippet from ''
def set(self, 
        width: int | None = None, 
        height: int | None = None):
    # check width
    if width is None:
        self.width = default_screen_width
    elif width > max_screen_width: # larged than max value --> resize
        self.height = int(max_screen_width * height / width) # maintain ratio
        self.width = max_screen_width
    elif width < min_screen_width: # smaller than min value --> resize again
        self.height = int(min_screen_width * height / width) # also maintain ratio
        self.width =  min_screen_width
    else: self.width = width
    # similar for height

In extreme cases, resizing can still get one of the values out of bounds. In this case, forget about the ratio, at least get them into the interval:

    # recalculate if ratio isn't maintainable
    if self.width > max_screen_width:
        self.width = max_screen_width
    elif self.width < min_screen_width:
        self.width = min_screen_width
    # similar for height

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