0.11.0 (2020-09-04)
- ref-imp: #760 - Fixed long-form resolution not verifying delta size (fc1e8a9)
- ref-imp: added size limit for writer_lock_id field in anchor file (be481c0)
- ref-imp: fixed all typos in code (123d30a)
- ref-imp: fixed initialization failure when restart bitcoin proce… (#845) (289ffce)
- ref-imp: #336 - added published field in method metadata + fixed issue #833 (f3f8318)
- ref-imp: #766 - Implemented hashing of public key as reveal value (2b529f0)
- ref-imp: #847 - Added new long form DID format support (b6945a9)
- ref-imp: add support for bitcoin regtest network (447337b)
- ref-imp: changed IPFS CAS adaptor to use IPFS HTTP API directly (a84f079)
- update language around commitments (2071e92)
0.10.0 (2020-07-28)
- update language around commitments (2071e92)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.