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+[ftian1](https://github.com/ftian1), [lvliang-intel](https://github.com/lvliang-intel), [hshen14](https://github.com/hshen14), [mkbhanda](https://github.com/mkbhanda), [irisdingbj](https://github.com/irisdingbj), [KfreeZ](https://github.com/kfreez), [zhlsunshine](https://github.com/zhlsunshine) **Edit Here to add your id**
+Under Review
+Have a clear and good design for users to deploy their own GenAI applications on docker or Kubernetes environment.
+This RFC presents the OPEA deployment-related design for community discussion.
+**Design Proposal**
+Refer to this [OPEA overall architecture design document](24-05-16-OPEA-001-Overall-Design.md).
+The proposed OPEA deployment workflow is
+We provide two interfaces for deploying GenAI applications:
+1. Docker deployment by python
+ Here is a python example for constructing a RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) application:
+ ```python
+ from comps import MicroService, ServiceOrchestrator
+ class ChatQnAService:
+ def __init__(self, port=8080):
+ self.service_builder = ServiceOrchestrator(port=port, endpoint="/v1/chatqna")
+ def add_remote_service(self):
+ embedding = MicroService(
+ name="embedding", port=6000, expose_endpoint="/v1/embeddings", use_remote_service=True
+ )
+ retriever = MicroService(
+ name="retriever", port=7000, expose_endpoint="/v1/retrieval", use_remote_service=True
+ )
+ rerank = MicroService(
+ name="rerank", port=8000, expose_endpoint="/v1/reranking", use_remote_service=True
+ )
+ llm = MicroService(
+ name="llm", port=9000, expose_endpoint="/v1/chat/completions", use_remote_service=True
+ )
+ self.service_builder.add(embedding).add(retriever).add(rerank).add(llm)
+ self.service_builder.flow_to(embedding, retriever)
+ self.service_builder.flow_to(retriever, rerank)
+ self.service_builder.flow_to(rerank, llm)
+ ```
+2. Kubernetes deployment using YAML
+ Here is a YAML example for constructing a RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) application:
+ ```yaml
+ opea_micro_services:
+ embedding:
+ endpoint: /v1/embeddings
+ port: 6000
+ retrieval:
+ endpoint: /v1/retrieval
+ port: 7000
+ reranking:
+ endpoint: /v1/reranking
+ port: 8000
+ llm:
+ endpoint: /v1/chat/completions
+ port: 9000
+ opea_mega_service:
+ port: 8080
+ mega_flow:
+ - embedding >> retrieval >> reranking >> llm
+ ```
+This YAML will be acting as a unified language interface for end user to define their GenAI Application.
+When deploying the GenAI application to Kubernetes environment, you should define and convert the YAML configuration file to an appropriate [docker compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/), or [GenAI Microservice Connector-(GMC)](https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIInfra/tree/main/microservices-connector) custom resource file.
+Note: A convert tool will be provided for OPEA to convert unified language interface to docker componse or GMC.
+A sample GMC [Custom Resource](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/) is like below:
+ apiVersion: gmc.opea.io/v1alpha3
+ kind: GMConnector
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: gmconnector
+ name: chatqna
+ namespace: gmcsample
+ spec:
+ routerConfig:
+ name: router
+ serviceName: router-service
+ nodes:
+ root:
+ routerType: Sequence
+ steps:
+ - name: Embedding
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: embedding-service
+ config:
+ endpoint: /v1/embeddings
+ - name: TeiEmbedding
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: tei-embedding-service
+ config:
+ gmcTokenSecret: gmc-tokens
+ hostPath: /root/GMC/data/tei
+ modelId: BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5
+ endpoint: /embed
+ isDownstreamService: true
+ - name: Retriever
+ data: $response
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: retriever-redis-server
+ config:
+ RedisUrl: redis-vector-db
+ IndexName: rag-redis
+ tei_endpoint: tei-embedding-service
+ endpoint: /v1/retrieval
+ - name: VectorDB
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: redis-vector-db
+ isDownstreamService: true
+ - name: Reranking
+ data: $response
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: reranking-service
+ config:
+ tei_reranking_endpoint: tei-reranking-service
+ gmcTokenSecret: gmc-tokens
+ endpoint: /v1/reranking
+ - name: TeiReranking
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: tei-reranking-service
+ config:
+ gmcTokenSecret: gmc-tokens
+ hostPath: /root/GMC/data/rerank
+ modelId: BAAI/bge-reranker-large
+ endpoint: /rerank
+ isDownstreamService: true
+ - name: Llm
+ data: $response
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: llm-service
+ config:
+ tgi_endpoint: tgi-service
+ gmcTokenSecret: gmc-tokens
+ endpoint: /v1/chat/completions
+ - name: Tgi
+ internalService:
+ serviceName: tgi-service
+ config:
+ gmcTokenSecret: gmc-tokens
+ hostPath: /root/GMC/data/tgi
+ modelId: Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3
+ endpoint: /generate
+ isDownstreamService: true
+There should be an available `gmconnectors.gmc.opea.io` CR named `chatqna` under the namespace `gmcsample`, showing below:
+$kubectl get gmconnectors.gmc.opea.io -n gmcsample
+chatqa http://router-service.gmcsample.svc.cluster.local:8080 Success 3m
+And the user can access the application pipeline via the value of `URL` field in above.
+The whole deployment process illustrated by the diagram below.
+**Alternatives Considered**
+[Kserve](https://github.com/kserve/kserve): has provided [InferenceGraph](https://kserve.github.io/website/0.9/modelserving/inference_graph/), however it only supports inference service and lack of deployment support.
+- TODO List:
+ - [ ] one click deployment on AWS, GCP, Azure cloud
+ - [ ] static cloud resource allocator vs dynamic cloud resource allocator
+ - [ ] k8s GMC with istio
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