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File metadata and controls

857 lines (710 loc) · 39.3 KB

The openPMD Standard

VERSION: 1.1.0 (Feburary 6th, 2018)

Conventions Throughout these Documents

The keywords "must", "must not", "required", "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "recommended", "may", and "optional" in this document are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119.

All keywords in this standard are case-sensitive.

The naming (floatX) without further specification is used if the implementor can choose which kind of floating point precision shall be used (e.g. (float16), (float32), (float64), (float128), etc.). The naming (uintX) and (intX) without further specification is used if the implementor can choose which kind of (un)signed integer type shall be used (e.g. (int32), (uint64), etc.). The naming for the type (string) refers to fixed-length, plain ASCII encoded character arrays since they are the only ones that are likely to propagate through all file-format APIs and third-party programs that use them.

Sometimes brackets <Name> are used for keywords while the <> only indicate the keyword is required (but the <> itself shall not be written). Accordingly, optional keywords and options are indicated via square brackets [Name].

The Versions of this Standard

Versions of the standard allow codes and implementors to easily differentiate between new updates that are incorporated.

The full version number is always used in format <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<REVISION> .

Improvements will be sought to be backwards compatible, if that is not possible then changes in the major version of this standard indicate incompatibility. Minor version updates instead need to be backwards compatible and should for example only add new (ideally optional or recommended) keywords. Revisions are reserved for typos and clarification in the standard (but not for changes in keywords).

Hierarchy of the Data File

The used hierarchical data file format must provide the capability to

  • create groups and sub-groups (in-file directories)
  • create multi-dimensional, homogeneous array-based data structures

while allowing for each of those to assign

  • multiple, distinct attributes (basic and array floating/integer types, strings)
  • with platform-independent representation.

We define the following placeholders and reserved characters:

  • /: separator of groups
  • %T: an iteration (unsigned integer type, same range as a 64bit unsigned integer).

Paths to groups end on /, e.g., /mySubGroup/ and data sets end without a /, e.g., dataSet or /path/to/dataSet.

Each file's root group (path /) must at least contain the attributes:

  • openPMD

    • type: (string)
    • description: (targeted) version of the format in "MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION", see section "The versions of this standard", minor and revision must not be neglected
    • example: 1.1.0
  • basePath

    • type: (string)
    • description: a common prefix for all data sets and sub-groups of a specific iteration; this string only indicates how the data is stored, to create a real path from it replace all occurrences of %T with the integer value of the iteration, e.g., /data/%T becomes /data/100
    • allowed value: fixed to /data/%T/ for this version of the standard
    • note: all the data that is formatted according to the present standard (i.e. both the meshes and the particles) is to be stored within a path of the form given by basePath (e.g. in the above example, the data will be stored within the path /data/100/). If, for various reasons, a user wants to store additional data that is not (or cannot be) formatted according to the present standard (e.g. fields on an unstructured mesh), this can be done be storing this data within a path that is not of the form given by basePath (e.g. /extra_data). In this way, the openPMD data readers will not parse this additional data.

The following attribute is optional in each each file's root group (path /) and indicates if a file also follows an openPMD extension (see: Domain-Specific Extensions) on top of the base standard. It is required to set them if one wants to declare an openPMD extension.

  • openPMDextension
    • type: (string)
    • description: the unique openPMD extension name of applied extensions on top of the openPMD base standard (see: Domain-Specific Extensions); multiple extensions can be activated at the same time and must appear as semicolon-separated list
    • note: do not create this attribute if no extension is used
    • note: if only one extension is used at a time, the value for openPMDextension is simply the name of the extension
    • examples:
      • ED-PIC: the base standard and the extension with name ED-PIC apply for the file
      • ED-PIC;SpeciesType: the base standard and the extensions ED-PIC and SpeciesType are used

The following attributes are optional in each each file's root group (path /) and indicate if a file contains mesh and/or particle records. It is required to set them if one wants to store mesh and/or particle records.

  • meshesPath

    • type: (string)
    • description: path relative from the basePath to the mesh records
    • example: meshes/
    • note: if this attribute is missing, the file is interpreted as if it contains no mesh records! If the attribute is set, the group behind it must exist!
  • particlesPath

    • type: (string)
    • description: path relative from the basePath to the groups for each particle group and the records they include
    • example: particles/
    • note: if this attribute is missing, the file is interpreted as if it contains no particle records! If the attribute is set, the group behind it must exist!

It is recommended that each file's root group (path /) further contains the attributes:

  • author

    • type: (string)
    • description: author and contact for the information in the file
    • example: Axel Huebl <[email protected]>
  • software

    • type: (string)
    • description: the software/code/simulation that created the file
    • example: PIConGPU, Warp
  • softwareVersion

    • type: (string)
    • description: the version of the software/code/simulation that created the file
    • example: 1.2.1, 80c7551, rev42
  • date

    • type: (string)
    • description: date of creation in format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss tz"
    • example: 2015-12-02 17:48:42 +0100

It is optional that each file's root group (path /) further contains the attributes:

  • softwareDependencies

  • machine

    • type: (string)
    • description: the machine or relevant hardware that created the file; as semicolon-separated list if needed
    • example: summit-ornl (HPC cluster), pco.pixelfly-usb (scientific 14bit CCD camera)

Each group and data set may contain the attribute comment for general human-readable documentation, e.g., for features not yet covered by the standard:

  • comment
    • type: (string)
    • description: an arbitrary comment
    • example: After each time step we randomly removed 5 particles.

Iterations and Time Series

Iterations can be encoded in either the file name of each master-file of a time step or in groups of the same file. (Here, an iteration refers to a single simulation cycle.)

The chosen style shall not vary within a related set of iterations.

Each file's root group (path /) must further define the attributes:

  • iterationEncoding

    • type: (string)
    • description: whether other iterations of this series, from the file-format's API point of view, are encoded in the same file or whether another open/close call is necessary to access other iterations
    • allowed values:
      • fileBased (multiple files)
      • groupBased (one file)
  • iterationFormat

    • type: (string)
    • description: a well-defined string with the iteration %T placeholder defining either the series of files (fileBased) or the series of groups within a single file (groupBased) from which the iteration can be extracted; for fileBased formats the iteration must be included in the file name; the format depends on the selected iterationEncoding method
    • examples:
      • for fileBased:
        • filename_%T.h5 (without file system directories)
      • for groupBased:
        • /data/%T/ (must be equal to and encoded in the basePath)

Required Attributes for the basePath

In addition to holding information about the iteration, each series of files (fileBased) or series of groups (groupBased) should have attributes that describe the current time and the last time step.

  • time

    • type: (floatX)
    • description: the time corresponding to this iteration. Because at one given iteration, different quantities may be defined at different times (e.g. in a staggered code), this time is defined as a global reference time for this iteration. This ambiguity is then resolved at the record level (see below), where each quantity has an attribute timeOffset which corresponds to its offset with respect the reference time.
    • example: In a staggered PIC code, the time attribute can be the time at which the electric field is defined, and the magnetic field would then have a non-zero timeOffset.
  • dt

    • type: (floatX)
    • description: the latest time step (that was used to reach this iteration). This is needed at the iteration level, since the time step may vary from iteration to iteration in certain codes.

In addition, the following attribute is recommended (see the section on Unit Systems and Dimensionality, further below):

  • timeUnitSI
    • type: (float64 / REAL8)
    • description: a conversation factor to convert time and dt to seconds
    • example: 1.0e-16

Scalar, Vector and Tensor Records

In general, all data sets shall be stored as homogeneous arrays or matrices respectively, depending on the (spatial) dimensionality of the record they represent.

Records with only a scalar component are stored in a data set with the same name as the record. Vector and tensor records shall be represented component-wise as a collection of individual scalar data sets using a common sub-group that is equal to the record name.

We refer to the scalar record itself and the vector sub-group as record, to the data sets in the vector sub-group as components. For scalar records, the record is the component (and vice versa).

Naming conventions

  • names of records and components

    • type: (string)
    • description: names of records and their components are only allowed to contain the characters a-Z, the numbers 0-9 and the underscore _ (the regex \w)
    • rationale: this avoids incompatibilities between file formats and allows efficient parsing via regular expressions
  • scalar record

    • type: (any type)
    • data set: recordName unique name in group basePath + meshesPath or alternatively in basePath + particlesPath + particleName
    • examples:
      • /data/meshes/temperature
      • /data/particles/electrons/charge
  • vector records

    • type: (any type)
    • data sets: recordName/x, recordName/y, recordName/z when writing the Cartesian components of the vectors; recordName/r, recordName/t, recordName/z when writing the cylindrical components of the vectors. Here recordName is a sub-group. The components x, y, z (or respectively r, t, z) are data sets of scalar meshes.
    • examples:
      • /data/meshes/F/
        • x
        • y
        • z
      • /data/meshes/F/
        • r
        • t
        • z
      • /data/particles/electrons/position/
        • x
        • y
        • z

Mesh Based Records

Mesh based records such as discretized fields shall be represented as homogeneous records, usually in a N-dimensional matrix.

Required Attributes for each mesh record

The following attributes must be stored additionally with each mesh record (which is a data set attribute for scalar or a group attribute for vector meshes):

  • geometry

    • type: (string)
    • description: geometry of the mesh of the mesh record, right-handed coordinate systems are imposed
    • allowed values:
      • cartesian: standard Cartesian mesh
      • thetaMode: regularly-spaced mesh in the r-z plane, with Fourier decomposition in the azimuthal direction (See doi:10.1016/ In this case, the mesh arrays are stored as a three-dimensional record where the last axis corresponds to the z direction, the second axis correspond to the r direction and where the first axis corresponds to the azimuthal mode. (This last axis has length 2m-1, where m is the number of modes used. By convention, this first stores only the real part of the mode 0, then the real part of the mode 1, then the imaginary part of the mode 1, then the real part of the mode 2, then the imaginary part of the mode 2, etc.)
      • reserved: cylindrical, spherical
      • other
  • geometryParameters

    • type: (string)
    • description: additional parameters for the geometry, separated by a ;, this attribute is required when geometry is thetaMode, but can be omitted if geometry is cartesian
    • examples:
      • for thetaMode geometry:
        • m=3;imag=+ (3 modes and using a + sign for the definition of the imaginary part)
$$E_z = \mathcal{R}(\tilde{E}_{z,0}) + \sum_{l=1}^{m} \mathcal{R}(\tilde{E}_{z,l}) \cdot \cos(l \Theta) {\color{red}+} \mathcal{I}(\tilde{E}_{z,l}) \cdot \sin(l \Theta)$$$
  • axisLabels

    • type: 1-dimensional array containing N (string) elements, where N is the number of dimensions in the simulation
    • description: this attribute assigns human-readible labels for the indices i, j, k, etc. denoting the axes of a mesh A_{i,j,k}
    • advice to implementors:
      • dimensions shall be ordered from slowest to fastest varying index when accessing the mesh contiguously (as 1D flattened logical memory)
      • if you access a ND array in C-like languages, a matrix A[i,j,k] will have its first index as the slowest varying index (e.g. i)
      • if you access a ND array Fortran-like, a matrix A(i,j,k) will have its last index as the slowest varying index (e.g. k)
    • examples:
      • 3D cartesian mesh accessed in C-like as A[z,y,x] will have z as its slowest varying index name and axisLabels: ("z", "y", "x")
      • 3D cartesian mesh accessed in C-like as A[x,y,z] will have x as its slowest varying index name and axisLabels: ("x", "y", "z")
      • 2D cartesian mesh accessed in Fortran-like as A(x,y) will have y as its slowest varying index name and axisLabels: ("y", "x")
      • thetaMode accessed Fortran-like A(r,z), axisLabels: ("z", "r")
  • gridSpacing

    • type: 1-dimensional array containing N (floatX) elements, where N is the number of dimensions in the simulation
    • description: spacing of the grid points along each dimension (in the units of the simulation); this refers to the spacing of the actual record that is written to the file, not that of the simulation grid. (The record written may be down-sampled, as compared to the simulation grid).
    • advice to implementors: the order of the N values must be identical to the axes in axisLabels
  • gridGlobalOffset

    • type: 1-dimensional array containing N (float64 / REAL8) elements, where N is the number of dimensions in the simulation

    • description: start of the current domain of the simulation (position of the beginning of the first cell) in simulation units

    • advice to implementors: the order of the N values must be identical to the axes in axisLabels

    • example: (0.0, 100.0, 0.0) or (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

In addition, the following attribute is recommended (see the section on Unit Systems and Dimensionality, further below):

  • gridUnitSI

    • type: 1-dimensional array containing N (float64 / REAL8) elements, where N is the number of dimensions in the simulation. The order of the N values must be identical to the axes in axisLabels.
    • description: unit-conversion factor to multiply each value in gridSpacing and gridGlobalOffset, in order to convert from simulation units to SI units
    • example: (1.0e-9, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-6)
  • gridUnitDimension

    • type: 1-dimensional array of 7 N (float64 / REAL8) elements, where N is the number of dimensions in the simulation. The order of the N 7-value arrays must be identical to the axes in axisLabels.
    • description: powers of the 7 base measures characterizing the grid axes's dimensions (length L, mass M, time T, electric current I, thermodynamic temperature theta, amount of substance N, luminous intensity J)
    • note: this is similar to unitDimension, but applies to each axis The 7 numbers characterizing the dimension of an axis are stored contiguously in this 1D array.
    • examples (with L, M and T as defined in unitDimension)
      • For a 2D spatial grid (L=1), store array (1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
      • For a 2D phase space (Dimension "L" along the first axis and "L*M/T" along the second axis), store array (1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., -1., 0., 0., 0., 0. )

The following attributes must be stored with each scalar record and each component of a vector record:

  • position
    • type: 1-dimensional array of N (floatX) where N is the number of dimensions in the simulation.
    • range of each value: [ 0.0 : 1.0 )
    • description: relative position of the component on the current element of the mesh/grid/node/cell/voxel; 0.0 means at the beginning of the mesh element and 1.0 is the beginning of the next mesh element; the same dimensionality N as in gridSpacing and gridGlobalOffset

Optional Attributes for each mesh record

  • particleList
    • type: (string)
    • description: this adds a hint to analysis tools that this mesh record is related to one or more particle groups; multiple particle groups can be indicated at the same time and must appear as semicolon-separated list
    • note: this is often used in graphical user-interfaces to group projected meshes of particle distributions in a user-friendly manner; examples are particle densities and phase space projections
    • note: when reading this back, the particle groups listed here might not be present in some steps or are even skipped in the whole openPMD series by the writer
    • examples:
      • electrons: indicates this field is related to the particle group named electrons
      • electrons;hydrogen;carbon: indicates this field is related to the particle groups named electrons, hydrogen and carbon

Particle Records

Each particle group shall be represented as a group particleName/ that contains all its records. Particles records are generally represented in one-dimensional contiguous records, where the n-th entry in particleName/recordNameA and the n-th entry in particleName/recordNameB belong to the same particle.

Naming conventions

As with general vector records, compound particle vector records are again split in scalar components that are stored in a common sub-group particleName/recordName/ (see: Scalar, Vector and Tensor Records). Also, record components that are constant for all particles of a group (and iteration) can be replaced with a short-hand notation (see: Constant Record Components).

Records for each Particle Group

  • id

    • type: (intX)
    • scope: optional
    • description: a globally-unique identifying integer for each particle, that can be used to, e.g., track particles. This identifying integer should be unique within the simulation; in particular, even among different particle groups, two particles should not have the same id unless they are truly the same particle. Also, when a particle exits the simulation box, its identifying integer should not be reassigned to a new particle.
    • advice to implementors: it is recommended to use the type (uint64 / UNSIGNED8)
  • position/ + components such as x, y, z

    • type: each component in (floatX) or (intX) or (uintX)
    • scope: required
    • description: component-wise position of a particle, relative to positionOffset
    • example: use only x and y in 2D, use x in 1D
  • positionOffset/ + components such as x, y, z

    • type: each component in (floatX) or (intX) or (uintX)
    • scope: required
    • description: an offset to be added to each element of position
    • rationale: for precision reasons and visualization purposes, it is often more useful to define all positions of an iteration relative to an offset; extensions might use this record to define relations to mesh records
    • advice to implementors: to reduce read/write accesses and memory consumption, it is often useful to implement this with constant record components
    • example: reading example (with h5py) in Python:
def is_const_component(record_component):
    return ("value" in record_component.attrs.keys())

def get_component(group, component_name):
    record_component = group[component_name]
    # `default` handles the case where conversion to SI is not provided
    unitSI = record_component.attrs.get("unitSI", default=1.)

    if is_const_component(record_component):
        return record_component.attrs["value"], unitSI
        return record_component.value, unitSI

f = h5py.File('example.h5')
species = f["<path_to_species_group>"]

position_x_relative, unitXRel = get_component(species, "position/x")
position_x_offset, unitXOff = get_component(species, "positionOffset/x")

x = position_x_relative * unitXRel + \
    position_x_offset * unitXOff

Sub-Group for each Particle Group

Within each particle groups' group the sub-group particlePatches alongside its records, as mentioned above, is recommended for parallel post-processing. The idea is to logically order the 1D arrays of attributes into local patches of particles that can be read and processed in parallel.

To allow efficient parallel post-processing, checkpointing and visualization tools to read records with a size of more than the typical size of a local-node's RAM, the records in this sub-group allow to sub-sort particle records that are close in the n-dimensional position to ensure an intermediate level of data locality. Patches of particles must be hyperrectangles regarding the position (including positionOffsets as described above) of the particles within. The union of all particle patches must correspond to the complete particle's records.

For the creation of those particle patches, already existing information in memory layouts such as linked lists of particles or per-node domain decompositions can be reused. The most trivial (serial) implementation of a particle patch would be the description of a single patch spaning the whole spatial domain of particles.

If the particlePatches sub-group exists, the following records within it are required and the entries in each record are stored in a per particle patch order:

  • numParticles

    • type: (uint64 / UNSIGNED8)
    • description: number of particles in this patch
    • examples:
      • serial, one patch: the global number of all particles
      • parallel, e.g. MPI: the number of particles of a MPI rank; the sum of all entries in this record is the global number of particles
  • numParticlesOffset

    • type: (uint64 / UNSIGNED8)
    • description: offset within the one-dimensional records of the particle species where the first particle in this patch is stored
    • examples:
      • serial, one patch: 0
      • parallel, e.g. MPI: the number of particles of all MPI ranks' patches that were stored before this one
  • offset/ + components such as x, y, z

    • type: each component in (floatX) or (intX) or (uintX)
    • description: absolute position (position + positionOffset as defined above) where the particle patch begins: defines the (inclusive) lower bound with positions that are associated with the patch; the same requirements as for regular record components apply
  • extent/ + components such as x, y, z

    • type: each component in (floatX) or (intX) or (uintX)
    • description: extent of the particle patch; the offset + extent must be larger than the maximum absolute position of particles in the patch as the exact upper bound of position offset + extent is excluded from the patch; the same requirements as for regular record components apply

Optional Attributes for each Particle Group

  • meshList
    • type: (string)
    • description: this adds a hint to analysis tools that this particle group is related to one or more mesh records; multiple mesh records can be indicated at the same time and must appear as semicolon-separated list
    • note: this is often used in graphical user-interfaces to group meshes that are sampled with particles in a user-friendly manner; examples are particle probes as well as non-uniform and curved samples from large meshes
    • note: when reading this back, the mesh records listed here might not be present in some steps or are even skipped in the whole openPMD series by the writer
    • examples:
      • E: indicates this particle group is related to the E mesh record
      • E;B;j: indicates this particle group is related to the E, B and j mesh records

Unit Systems and Dimensionality

All datasets and attributes can be written in arbitrary units, in openPMD. Typically, this will be the unit system adopted internally by the software that writes openPMD (e.g. the unit system adopted internally by a physics simulation code), in order to avoid a reduction in performance associated with unit conversion during the write process.

However, for each dataset and attribute, it is very strongly recommended to provide the conversion factor from the chosen unit system to the International System of Units (SI). (See the description of the attributes timeUnitSI, gridUnitSI and unitSI, in the present document.) This allows the reading softwares to convert the datasets to units that any user can understand, without requiring them to know the chosen unit system.

In some exceptional cases, the software that produces the openPMD data may not have a well-defined conversion to the SI system. (This is the case for instance for plasma simulation codes where quantities are scaled with respect to a given plasma density, and where this density could have any value.) In this case, the attributes timeUnitSI, gridUnitSI and unitSI can be omitted. However, note that, in this case, the reading softwares will not be able to tell the user in which units the data is, and this will require the user to have in-depth knowledge of the chosen unit system. Therefore, unless there is a very good reason to omit the conversion factors to the SI system, it is very strongly recommended to include them.

For each mesh or particle record and their components the following attributes are defined:

Recommended for each Record Component

Reminder: for scalar records the record itself is also the component.

  • unitSI
    • type: (float64 / REAL8)
    • description: a conversation factor to multiply data with to be represented in SI
    • rationale: can also be used to scale a dimension-less component
    • rationale: if the component is dimension-less and in the right scaling or already in SI, e.g., an index counter, set this to 1.0
    • example: 2.99792e8

Required for each Record

  • unitDimension

    • type: array of 7 (float64 / REAL8)
    • description: powers of the 7 base measures characterizing the record's unit in SI (length L, mass M, time T, electric current I, thermodynamic temperature theta, amount of substance N, luminous intensity J)
    • rationale: this allows to implement automated record detection, identification and compatibility checks, independent of specific names or string representations; does not represent if the record is a 1, 2 or 3D array
    • rationale: if the record is dimension-less, such as an index, set this to (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
    • advice to implementors: implement a lookup table for the most common quantities/units in your simulation, e.g., electric field strengths, mass, energy, etc. in the respect of the power of the base units given here
    • examples:
      • "m / s" is of dimension L=1 and T=-1, store array (1., 0., -1., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
      • "N = kg * m / s^2", store array (1., 1., -2., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
      • magnetic field: "T = kg / (A * s^2)", store array (0., 1., -2., -1., 0., 0., 0.)
      • electric field: "V/m = kg * m / (A * s^3)", store array (1., 1., -3., -1., 0., 0., 0.)
  • timeOffset

    • type: (floatX)
    • description: the offset between the time at which this record is defined and the time attribute of the basePath level. This should be written in the same unit system as time (see basePath; i.e., it should be multiplied by timeUnitSI to get the actual time in seconds.)
    • example: In a staggered PIC code, if time is chosen to correspond to the time at which the electric field is defined, and if dt is e.g. 1.e-5, timeOffset would be 0.5e-5 for the magnetic field and 0. for the electric field.

Constant Record Components

For records components that are constant (for a certain iteration), replacing the record component with a group attribute of the same name is possible, as described in the following paragraphs. For scalar records, the component is as usual the record itself.

Replacing a record component with a constant value for all values on the mesh or for all particles respectively works as follows: The record's data set <componentName> must be replaced with an empty sub-group <componentName>/ that hosts the group-attributes value and shape.

shape is a 1-dimensional array of N (uint64) elements, where N is the number of dimensions of the record. It contains the number of elements of each dimension that are replaced with a constant value. For mesh based records, the order of the N values must be identical to the axes in axisLabels.

Other required attributes that where previously stored on the data set need to be added to the new sub-group as well.


  • the mesh record for a magnetic field B is constant for B.x and B.y:
    • <basePath><meshesPath>B/: record group with standard attributes, e.g., unitDimension
      • x/: sub-group with attributes value=<C0>, shape=array(..., ...) and standard attributes, e.g., unitSI
      • y/: sub-group with attributes value=<C1>, shape=array(..., ...) and standard attributes, e.g., unitSI
      • z: data set with standard attributes, e.g., unitSI
  • the mesh record for a temperature field T is constant
    • <basePath><meshesPath>T/: record group with attribute value=<C0>, shape=array(...) and standard attributes, e.g., unitDimension and unitSI
  • the particle record charge for the particle species electrons is constant
    • <basePath><particlesPath>electrons/charge/: record group with attribute value=-1.0, shape=array(...) and standard attributes, e.g., unitSI=1.60217657e-19 and unitDimension=array(...)

Domain-Specific Extensions

The base standard defined in this document is sufficient for describing general mesh and particle based records.

For specific domains of engineering and science and to allow code interoperability, specific conventions are necessary. As an example, some records may be of distinct importance and should be read/written with exactly the same name or are always required for, e.g., restarts and checkpoints.

Also additional meta information may be useful for publishing the data created by a scientific instrument or simulation, e.g., the focal length of a camera objective or the used algorithms in a specific simulation. Even if they are not necessary for code-interoperability, an extension can require additional information to describe the created data further.

The openPMD standard is therefore organized in the base standard and domain-specific extensions (with a unique ID). In the current version of the standard, using multiple extensions at the same time is discouraged.

Up to now, the following domain-specific naming conventions for have been defined:

Extensions to similar domains such as fluid, finite-element or molecular-dynamics simulations, CCD images or other particle and/or mesh-based records can proposed for future versions of this document.

Data-Format Specific Conventions

Some low-level data formats and libraries need slight additional conventions to make best use of openPMD. Individual implementation notes are described in:



The created files must pass the provided validator/checker scripts. The scripts can not check 100% of the standard, the words written in the standard shall be checked manually for parts not covered by these when in doubt.


Reader implementations that officially want to add support for the openPMD standard must fulfill the following requirements:

  • version checking:

    • description: in case the reader only supports a specific version of the standard, the reader must abort on missing implementations of major version changes; see section "The versions of this standard"
  • warnings and further constrains:

    • if the provided validator/checker scripts throw warnings (and the file does not violate the standard due to missing coverage of a certain critera in the scripts) the reader must be able to read the file
    • rationale: if you are creating a script specifically for a certain processing workflow and do have stronger constrains, e.g., about present records or extensions, you must explicitly state this in your reader to be allowed to reject a file even if it fulfills the standard, else the reader must process the file correctly
  • errors:

    • if the provided validator/checker scripts throw errors (and/or additional violations of the standard are present in the file due to missing coverage of a certain criteria in the scripts), the reader should not accept the file
    • rationale: you are free to "try to parse" a file that is not valid openPMD but it is generally considered bad practice, leads to security problems, uncertainties in interpretation, blowed up code, etc.; we strongly recommend to reject invalid files that claim to fulfill the standard (e.g., with an error message pointing to the validator/checker scripts)