In this report we look in detail at the performance of reading Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs stored in Amazon's S3 object store. In particular we analyze behavior of Pixel Gather operation: reading a small region of interest from a large number of files.
There is a common trend across many industries and government agencies to move significant portions of their IT infrastructure and data to the cloud. Rather than maintaining complex server farms in-house, expertise of the public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and many others is leveraged to deliver more robust, secure and potentially cost effective solutions.
AWS and S3 data storage solutions are particularly popular. Entities operating in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) domain, with their massive data sets, are particularly well positioned to benefit from the commoditization of the public cloud infrastructure. Already Landsat 8 and Sentinel data is available for public access from S3, as well as some others, and these archives are growing every day.
Amazon S3 is the most cost effective way to store "active" data in AWS, for archival needs there is Glacier. S3 is an "object store", but it can be superficially viewed as a file system, that can be accessed via authenticated HTTP. The details of authentication are quite complex, but also not essential to understand, as libraries deal with that aspect of things. Authentication is used for access control. In case of public data sets with a User Pays policy, authentication is needed for billing purposes. Landsat 8 data can be accessed without any credentials, and Sentinel is switching to the User Pays model.
GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) has supported working with HTTP resources for a while now, and S3 authentication support has been added more recently. There is constant progress in performance and usability when working with network assets. Just because a file is on a remote server, doesn't mean that the entire file needs to be downloaded before accessing pixel data. HTTP supports requesting partial content of a file, S3 understands that as well.
A common data storage format in GIS is GeoTIFF. GeoTIFF files can be internally tiled, so you can access a portion of the raster without ever reading the rest of the file. GDAL can do exactly that; it will first fetch enough data to parse the header, then it will fetch just enough compressed data to return pixels for a region of interest. GeoTIFF being an extremely flexible format can be hard to work with over HTTP, so Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF profile has been developed to constrain how GeoTIFF files are constructed in order to enable the most efficient access over HTTP.
Rasterio is a very convenient Python interface to a
large subset of GDAL functionality. Rasterio is particularly useful when working with cloud
resources as it integrates well with Amazon's boto3
library for managing S3 credentials.
Reading an image from S3 bucket can be as straightforward as:
with's3://bucket/file.tif', 'r') as f:
im =
If you configured your AWS credentials either with aws
command line or by using IAM (AWS
Identity Management) roles in the cloud, the code above will just work. To get the best
performance out of it extra configuration is required. There is a number of GDAL configuration
changes that need to happen. The most important one is to tell GDAL not to look for the
side-car files, as this makes a lot of HTTP requests and takes a long time, and Cloud
Optimized GeoTIFFs should not need side-car files. This is achieved with
option, but we will also set
. For more details about various
options see GDAL wiki
With rasterio
we use rasterio.Env
construct to change default GDAL settings:
with's3://bucket/file.tif', 'r') as f:
im =
Notice the extra parameter region_name=...
, this should be set to the region your bucket
is located in. Your compute should aso be running in the same region for best performance.
If you omit it, and the default region name is not configured or configured to the wrong value
for a given bucket, you might end up with a performance penalty due to HTTP redirects.
Things will probably still work so you might not notice it immediately.
Every worker thread needs to setup rasterio.Env
, environment is not shared
across threads. For best performance this setup should happen once for the life
of a thread, not for every file read. Re-using environment across many file
reads is particularly important if you are using IAM for credentials in the
cloud (which you should for security reasons). Obtaining credentials in that
case can take some time, and there is no guarantee that they will be cached
somewhere once the environment is teared down.
So what performance should we expect when working with COGs from S3? Can we use more threads to speed things up? How many threads? We ran some benchmarks to find out.
Benchmark code is available online for you to use and extend for your needs. Results for the Landsat 8 data is presented in this report.
Current version of benchmark concentrates on a particularly pathological use case for S3 access: reading small region of pixels from a large number of files, a kind of pixel gather operation. Given a large number (1K+) of similarly structured COGs (same pixel type, same compression settings, same tiling regime), read one internal tile from each file and return a 3-d array of these tiles stacked on top of each other. This type of workload is useful for running Change Analysis for example. This use case is particularly challenging from the performance perspective because, compared to a local file system, random access latency when reading from S3 is significantly higher.
Test dataset used to collect statistics:
- 1,278 Landsat 8 files
pixels- DEFLATE compression with line differencing predictor
- 512x512 pixel tiles
- Reading single center tile from each file
Test ran in the same region as the data us-west-2
(Oregon) using m5.xlarge
type. Test covers running with 1 to 56 concurrent threads. Test repeated 3 times for every
configuration and the best result was picked for each, for comparison across configurations.
First, let's look at the stats gathered when running with a single processing thread.
Tile: 8_7#1
- blocks : 512x512@uint16
- nthreads: 1
Files read : 1,278
Total data bytes : 493,405,576
(excluding headers)
Bytes per chunk : 403,570 [241,315..467,655]
Time Median Min Max
per tile --------------------------
- total 53.372 [34.5.....1012.2] ms
- open 30.934 [15.4......986.2] ms 59.8%
- read 21.641 [14.8......805.9] ms 40.2%
total_wait: 92.00 sec (across all threads)
walltime : 92.65 sec
throughput: 13.7 tiles per second
13.7 tiles per second per thread
Test completed in ~93 seconds, minimal latency to access one tile from a file was 34.5ms, maximum latency was just over 1 second. Average latency per file was 72.3ms. When reading just one tile from a file, the cost of File Open dominates, 60% of the time is spent on waiting for Open to complete, and 40% on reading the data.
Graphs above show the distribution of open/read/total latency, and the distribution of chunk sizes (compressed size of tiles read). There is very little correlation between the chunk size and the time to read. For these sizes (250-450 Kb) and when reading from within the same data center, time to read is dominated by Time To First Byte delay. Once data is ready it is delivered quickly.
The fastest run we observed used 49 threads and completed in 3.39 second - a significant improvement over the single threaded performance.
Tile: 8_7#1 | Tile: 8_7#1
- blocks : 512x512@uint16 | - blocks : 512x512@uint16
- nthreads: 1 | - nthreads: 49
- One Thread | - Highest Throughput
3841b1595346c5529181962af8077098..4a0422bb | 3841b1595346c5529181962af8077098..4a0422bb
Files read : 1,278 | Files read : 1,278
Total data bytes : 493,405,576 | Total data bytes : 493,405,576
(excluding headers) | (excluding headers)
Bytes per chunk : 403,570 [241,315..467,655] | Bytes per chunk : 403,570 [241,315..467,655]
Time Median Min Max | Time Median Min Max
per tile -------------------------- | per tile --------------------------
- total 53.372 [34.5.....1012.2] ms | - total 112.145 [42.1......476.1] ms
- open 30.934 [15.4......986.2] ms 59.8% | - open 54.457 [15.8......412.4] ms 52.8%
- read 21.641 [14.8......805.9] ms 40.2% | - read 48.627 [17.6......395.0] ms 47.2%
total_wait: 92.00 sec (across all threads) | total_wait: 159.00 sec (across all threads)
walltime : 92.65 sec | walltime : 3.39 sec
throughput: 13.7 tiles per second | throughput: 371.7 tiles per second
13.7 tiles per second per thread | 7.6 tiles per second per thread
It should be noted that we intentionally exclude "warmup" time from the results above. The Warmup Costs section below explains it in more detail, so 3.39 seconds is not from cold start to results saved to local disk.
From the graph above we can see that the individual latency per file access increases as we use more concurrent threads. This is probably due to both the local interference and the remote side being busy with multiple concurrent requests. This is expected, and since degradation is relatively minor, overall throughput increases significantly with more threads.
Rather than using Time To Completion, we prefer Peak Throughput for comparing different runs. There is a significant variance in latency of the individual reads due to the external forces we can not control. Large latency for an individual file read at the start of the experiment will be hidden (won't affect total time much), but large latency for a file towards the end of the experiment will potentially increase the experiment time by a second or two. This is not a problem if the total experiment time is significantly greater than the maximum latency of an individual read. But, say, 1 minute of reads with 40 worker threads will result in a 30 minute long single threaded test, which is not very practical.
Graph above shows start/finish times for the first 40 files being processed with 1,2,3 and 49 threads. Steeper slope means higher throughput. Notice couple of longer bars on the red (c3) line. Latency can vary quite a bit.
We compute throughput using the following strategy:
Every time a new file is finished processing (in any of the worker threads) we
record the time from the start of the experiment and the number of files
processed, including this file. Throughput is then n_files/elapsed_time
, we
plot this as a function of files completed. We then take typical value observed
during the experiment (median basically) as the main metric of performance.
Graph above plots throughput as a function of Experiment Time (measured in files processed, rather than seconds) for all tested configurations. Throughput takes some time to ramp up when using many threads, but then stays at roughly the same level most of the time. There are of course variations, most likely due to external load or caching on the S3 side.
In the charts above we can see how throughput changes with more concurrency. Throughput increases almost linearly with more worker threads, up until about 20 threads. After that gains due to concurrency start to taper out. The middle graph shows efficiency per worker thread as a function of concurrency. Usually one would expect best performance per thread when only a single thread is running. We however observe best per thread throughput when 12 threads are active. This is probably a side effect of S3 allocating more resources to a section of a bucket that experiences higher load. Apart for that anomaly the graph looks as expected: as concurrency is increased per thread throughput degrades slowly, eventually a point is reached where adding more workers is counter-productive as extra work completed by a new worker is offset by the efficiency degradation for all workers.
Having more threads clearly helps to increase throughput, so if you need to process a large set of files, throw as many resources at the task as your memory constraints allow. Launching all these threads takes time, since GDAL needs to perform some kind of per thread initialization. What we observe is that reading the very first file in a worker thread consistently takes much longer than what is normal for the rest of files. That in itself is not surprising: establishing HTTP connection, creating thread-local structures and other kinds of housekeeping tasks are expected. What's interesting is that the time to process the first file consistently increases the more concurrent threads are launched, suggesting that either some internal GDAL synchronization is taking place or just CPU/RAM congestion is particularly severe for that stage of processing.
Ideally, your software would create worker threads once on startup and keep re-using them going forward, amortizing the spin-up costs. For the batch jobs that might not be possible, so you would need to balance the startup latency vs the higher throughput in order to minimize the total processing time.
The cost of data access is dominated by Time To First Byte (TTFB) from S3. Typical single threaded throughput is just 14 tiles per second, when reading single tile from each file. Having many concurrent requests is essential for decent performance. Scaling with more threads works very well, there is little CPU congestion as most of the time threads are idle, waiting for network data to arrive. Best throughput we were able to achieve was in the 370-380 tile-files per second range, using 40-50 threads.
Large number of threads means large memory footprint, implies more expensive instances. Using async would be ideal, unfortunately current libraries use blocking design, one can not request many file opens/reads from the same thread.
These findings highlight the need for the ODC to move away from one time slice at a time data loading regime we currently implement. Data loading plugins need to operate on the entirety of the query result. Current approach of single variable single time slice load can not deliver reasonable performance when using high latency data stores like S3.