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File metadata and controls

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Before installing nfs-provisioner make sure your Kubernetes cluster meets the following prerequisites:

  1. Kubernetes version 1.18
  2. This guide assumes you have a backend storageclass available, either a default one or any other (e.g:
  3. NFS Client is installed on all nodes that will run a pod that mounts an openebs-rwx volume. Here's how to prepare an NFS client on some common Operating Systems:
OPERATING SYSTEM How to install NFS Client package
RHEL/CentOS/Fedora run sudo yum install nfs-utils -y
Ubuntu/Debian run sudo apt install nfs-common -y
MacOS Should work out of the box
FreeBSD Edit the /etc/rc.conf file by setting or appending nfs_client_enable="YES"
Windows 1. Start PowerShell as Administrator.
2. In case of Windows server, run Install-WindowsFeature NFS-Client
3. In case of Windows host with a Desktop environment, run Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly, ClientForNFS-Infrastructure -Online -NoRestart


Install NFS Provisioner through kubectl

To install NFS Provisioner through kubectl, run below command:

kubectl apply -f

Above command will install the NFS Provisioner in openebs namespace and creates a Storageclass named openebs-rwx, with backend Storageclass openebs-hostpath.

Above installation will use latest stable release tag. To install a specific release version of nfs-provisioner, you can download YAML file from here.

Install NFS Provisioner through Helm

You can install NFS Provisioner through helm using below command:

helm repo add openebs
helm repo update
helm install openebs openebs/openebs -n openebs --create-namespace --set nfs-provisioner.enabled=true
Click here for configuration options.
  1. Install OpenEBS NFS Provisioner without NDM and Dynamic LocalPV Provisioner.

    You may choose to exclude the NDM and LocalPV subchart from installation if...

    • you want to only use OpenEBS NFS Provisioner
    • you already have NDM and LocalPV installed. Check if
      • NDM pods exist with the command kubectl get pods -n openebs -l ' in (ndm, ndm-operator)'
      • LocalPV pods exists with the command kubectl get pods -n openebs -l ' in (openebs-localpv-provisioner)'
helm install openebs openebs/openebs -n openebs --create-namespace \
  --set ndm.enabled=false \
  --set ndmOperator.enabled=false \
  --set localprovisioner.enabled=false  \
  --set nfs-provisioner.enabled=true

Click here for detailed instructions on using the Helm chart.

Provision NFS Volume

To provision NFS Volume, NFS Provisioner creates the following resources:

- Create Backend PVC by using BackendStorageclass, mentioned in NFS Storageclass, or default Storageclass.
- Deploy NFS-Server using Deployment which will mount the PV created by Backend PVC
- Create Service to expose NFS-Server
- Create PV with NFS mount information

To provision NFS Volume, create a NFS Storageclass with required backend Storageclass. Sample Storageclass YAML is as below:

kind: StorageClass
  name: openebs-rwx
  annotations: nfsrwx |
      - name: NFSServerType
        value: "kernel"
      - name: BackendStorageClass
        value: "openebs-hostpath"
      # LeaseTime defines the renewal period(in seconds) for client state
      #- name: LeaseTime
      #  value: 30
      # GraceTime defines the recovery period(in seconds) to reclaim locks
      #- name: GraceTime
      #  value: 30
      # FilePermissions defines the file ownership and mode specifications
      # for the NFS server's shared filesystem volume.
      # File permission changes are applied recursively if the root of the
      # volume's filesystem does not match the specified value.
      # Volume-specific file permission configuration can be specified by
      # using the FilePermissions config key in the PVC YAML, instead of
      # the StorageClass's.
      #- name: FilePermissions
      #  data:
      #    UID: "1000"
      #    GID: "2000"
      #    mode: "0755"
reclaimPolicy: Delete

Above storageclass is using openebs-hostpath Storageclass as BackendStorageclass. You can change it to as required.

Once the Storageclass is successfully created, you can provision a volume by creating a PVC with the above storageclass. Sample PVC YAML is as below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: nfs-pvc
    - ReadWriteMany
  storageClassName: "openebs-rwx"
      storage: 1Gi

To check the binding of PVC, run below command:

kubectl get pvc -n <PVC-NAMESPACE> <PVC-NAME>

Sample output is as below:

$ kubectl get pvc -n default nfs-pvc
NAME      STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
nfs-pvc   Bound    pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646   1Gi        RWX            openebs-rwx    14s

In above example, provisioner has created NFS PV named pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646.

NFS Provisioner creates required resources to back above PVC using name "nfs-<PV_NAME>". To check the list of resources created for this PVC,

  • To check the Service:
$ kubectl get svc -n openebs nfs-pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646
NAME                                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)            AGE
nfs-pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646   ClusterIP    <none>        2049/TCP,111/TCP   1m
  • To check the NFS Server deployment:
$ kubectl get deploy -n openebs nfs-pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646
NAME                                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
nfs-pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646   1/1     1            1           1m
  • To check the Backend PVC:
$ kubectl get pvc -n openebs nfs-pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646
NAME                                           STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
nfs-pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646   Bound    pvc-b2bf16db-e74c-4b50-8d45-412b511f250c   1Gi        RWO            openebs-hostpath   1m
  • To check the Backend PV:
$ kubectl get pv pvc-b2bf16db-e74c-4b50-8d45-412b511f250c
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                                  STORAGECLASS       REASON   AGE
pvc-b2bf16db-e74c-4b50-8d45-412b511f250c   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    openebs/nfs-pvc-b5d6caae-831c-4a4e-97d8-ddfe3ca9a646   openebs-hostpath            1m

Delete NFS Volume

Since NFS PV is dynamically provisioned, you can delete NFS PV by deleting PVC. To delete PVC created in Provision NFS Volume

$ kubectl delete pvc nfs-pvc -n default
persistentvolumeclaim "nfs-pvc" deleted

If NFS PV is created with reclaimPolicy: Retain, you can delete the PV using below list of commands:

- kubectl delete deploy -n openebs nfs-<PV-NAME>
- kubectl delete svc -n openebs nfs-<PV-NAME>
- kubectl delete pvc -n openebs nfs-<PV-NAME>

Here PV-NAME is name of the NFS PV.

If you face any issue using NFS Provisioner, you can file an issue on github (, or talk to us on the openebs slack community.