To program a new chip, an ST-Link/V2 programmer can be used. This can be a stand alone USB device, or in this case the ST-Link part of a nucleo dev board.
Full doco on this can be found in ST's UM1724.
The two jumpers on the ST-link(nucleo) at CN2 must be removed.
The CN4 (SWD) header must be connected to the chip's ST-link designated pins. These are JTCK, JTMS, and NRST.
Here's the CN4 pinout:
- n/a
- T_JTCK: Clock signal of target CPU, connects to PA14 on STM32
- GND, connects to GND
- T_JTMS: -> SWD data input/output, PA13 on the STM32
- T_NRST: Reset -> NRST on the STM32
- T_SWO: Single Wire Output -> PB3 (Optional, not needed for firmware upload, used for output)
Only the three pins JTCK, JTMS, and NRST, plus power and GND from somewhere, require connecting. For our dev board I took power from the micro USB connector.
Once connected the next step was to install on a Windows virtual machine.
See also: