Using AppAuth with Okta
Since Okta is a certified OpenID Connect provider and supports PKCE by default, configuration is quick and simple. There are no additional libraries or tools required.
You can create an Okta developer account at
- After login, navigate to https://{{yourOrg}} and select Create New App
- Choose Native as the platform, Sign on method as OpenID Connect then select Create.
- Populate your new OpenID Connect application with values similar to:
Setting | Value |
Application Name | OpenId Connect App (must be unique) |
Login redirect URIs | com.oktapreview.yoursubdomain://callback_url |
Logout redirect URIs | com.oktapreview.yoursubdomain://callback_url |
Allowed grant types | Authorization Code |
- Click Finish to redirect back to the General Settings of your application.
- Copy the Client ID, as it will be needed for the client configuration.
Note: As with any Okta application, make sure you assign Users or Groups to the OpenID Connect Client. Otherwise, no one can use it.
- Finally, within your application update
with your settings. You will get a warning if it is incomplete or invalid. Here is an example JSON configuration:
"client_id": "{{YourClientID}}",
"redirect_uri": "com.oktapreview.{{yourOrg}}:/oauth",
"end_session_uri": "com.oktapreview.{{yourOrg}}:/{logoutCallback}",
"authorization_scope": "openid email profile",
"discovery_uri": "https://{{yourOrg}}"