# Wed 12 Apr 2017 18:16:03 BST: ansible-playbook --diff -l ns-web.openmicroscopy.org -i /Users/kenny/Forks/management_tools/ansible/inventory/prod-hosts --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass playbook.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [OMERO.web apps | (pre_task) configure systemd for pythonpath - create config folder] *** --- before +++ after @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ { "path": "/etc/systemd/system/omero-web.service.d", - "state": "absent" + "state": "directory" } changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [OMERO.web apps | (pre_task) configure systemd for pythonpath] ************ changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] RUNNING HANDLER [openmicroscopy.omero-common : reload systemd] ***************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.lvm-partition : storage | create logical volume] ********** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.lvm-partition : storage | format] ************************* changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.lvm-partition : storage | mount] ************************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-common : omero-common | create parent directory] **** --- before +++ after @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ { "path": "/opt/omero", - "state": "absent" + "state": "directory" } changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omego : omego | install python virtualenv] **************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omego : omego | setup virtualenv] ************************* changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.basedeps : system packages | install epel repo] *********** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.basedeps : system packages | basic system utils] ********** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.ice : Load ice variables] ********************************* ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.ice : zeroc ice | setup repository] *********************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.ice : zeroc ice | install runtime packages] *************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.ice : zeroc ice | install devel packages] ***************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.ice : zeroc ice | install ice pip dependencies] *********** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.ice : zeroc ice | pip install packages (ansible < 2.2)] *** skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.ice : zeroc ice | pip install packages (ansible >= 2.2)] ** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.nginx : system packages | setup upstream nginx stable repo] *** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.nginx : system packages | setup upstream nginx mainline repo] *** skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.nginx : system packages | install nginx] ****************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.nginx : nginx | remove default config] ******************** --- before +++ after: /var/folders/8t/555fwyw13zz92wz50sh52gl00000gn/T/tmppPU8h1 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]] changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) --- before: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf +++ after: /var/folders/8t/555fwyw13zz92wz50sh52gl00000gn/T/tmpBRkrX9 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]] changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.nginx : logrotate | configure main file] ****************** --- before: /etc/logrotate.d/nginx +++ after: dynamically generated @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]] changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-python-deps : omero python deps | distribution packages] *** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.selinux-utils : selinux | check exists] ******************* ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.selinux-utils : selinux | check enabled] ****************** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.selinux-utils : system packages | set selinux variable] *** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.selinux-utils : system packages | install selinux utilities] *** skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | create system user] *************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | create web directories] *********** --- before +++ after @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "owner": 0, + "owner": 990, "path": "/opt/omero/web", - "state": "absent" + "state": "directory" } changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) --- before +++ after @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "owner": 0, + "owner": 990, "path": "/opt/omero/web/config", - "state": "absent" + "state": "directory" } changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | install python redis package] ***** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | setup virtualenv] ***************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | selinux booleans] ***************** skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => (item=(censored due to no_log)) TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | selinux ports] ******************** skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | is web symlink present] *********** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | get web version] ****************** skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | check omero version could be obtained] *** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result"} TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | checkupgrade] ********************* ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : debug] **************************************** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result"} TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | stop omero web] ******************* skipping: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | configuration script] ************* --- before +++ after: dynamically generated @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]] changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | configuration 00-omero-web.omero] * --- before +++ after: dynamically generated @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]] changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | install omero web] **************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | check web timestamp] ************** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | check nginx timestamp] ************ ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | check if nginx upgrade needed] **** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : debug] **************************************** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result"} TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | generate nginx config] ************ changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | nginx remove system defaults] ***** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | enable nginx] ********************* changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | systemd service] ****************** --- before +++ after: dynamically generated @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]] changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] RUNNING HANDLER [openmicroscopy.omero-common : reload systemd] ***************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] RUNNING HANDLER [openmicroscopy.omero-common : restart nginx] ****************** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] RUNNING HANDLER [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero-web rewrite omero-web configuration] *** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] RUNNING HANDLER [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero-web restart omero-web] ******* changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.omero-web : omero web | enable and start web systemd] ***** changed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.system-monitor-agent : system packages | install epel repo] *** ok: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] TASK [openmicroscopy.system-monitor-agent : system packages | check-mk agent] ** failed: [ns-web.openmicroscopy.org] (item=[u'check-mk-agent-1.2.6p16', u'xinetd']) => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "item": ["check-mk-agent-1.2.6p16", "xinetd"], "msg": "No package matching 'check-mk-agent-1.2.6p16' found available, installed or updated", "rc": 126, "results": ["No package matching 'check-mk-agent-1.2.6p16' found available, installed or updated"]} to retry, use: --limit @/Users/kenny/Forks/infrastructure/ansible/server-state-playbooks/nightshade-web/playbook.retry PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* ns-web.openmicroscopy.org : ok=51 changed=35 unreachable=0 failed=1