- This python package specifies the version numbers only of directly imported python packages. This approach may result in a build failure of older versions of the project if incompatibilities arise between imported packages over time. The build process of the master branch is regularly tested in an automatic process.
- Library upgrades (pillow, pytest, webtest, waitress, codecov/codecov-action, geoalchemy, JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action, urllib3)
- Reset Python Docker Tag to 3.12.5
- Support Oereblex API version 1.2.5 via geolink-formatter 2.0.6 (#2081)
- New parameter default_toc_length to define a default table of content pages number (#2042)
- Add timeout in address source (#2043)
- Optimize legend entries retrieval (#2050)
- Library upgrades (waitress, sqlalchemy, psycopg2, urllib3)
- Provide a general WMS verify certificate option
- Library upgrade (shapely)
- Add configuration Option to check certificate for external WMS. Default setting: True
- Library upgrades (shapely, geoalchemy2, sqlalchemy, lxml)
- Library upgrades (SQLAlchemy, shapely, geoalchemy2, responses, urllib3, lxml)
- Use ST_DWithin instead of ST_Distance for performance reasons (#1930)
- Library upgrades (SQLAlchemy, geoalchemy2, urllib3, pypdf)
- Support new Oereblex API version (via geolink-formatter 2.0.5)
- Enhance test coverage (#1904)
- Library upgrades (SQLAlchemy, lxml, jsonschema, c2cwsgiutils, pillow, pytest)
- Fix database setup scripts (#1913, #1914)
- Fix deprecation (#1915)
- Add extract_index to disclaimer and general infomation (#1753). Note that this improvement requires an additional attribute "extract_index" in tables "general_information" and "disclaimer" of the main schema.
- Interlis bug fix (#1881)
- Library upgrades (geoalchemy2, SQLAlchemy, jsonschema, lxml, responses, urllib3, pypdf)
- Test coverage improvements
- Python 3.8 is no longer explicitly supported
- Remove print proxy xml2pdf, no longer used by the community (#1889)
- Fix error with large of contents and new pdf library (#1813)
- Fix timestamp for archived PDF (#1815)
- Library upgrades (SQLAlchemy, geoalchemy2, shapely, psycopg2, pyreproj, pyramid, responses, urllib, pillow, pypdf, jsonschema)
- Fix base layer usage in grouped PLRs (#1302)
- Various minor library upgrades (SQLAlchemy, geoalchemy2, pypdf, lxml, urllib3)
- Add option for a hook method for LogoRef URLs (#929, #1744)
- Various minor library upgrades (urllib, requests, SQLAlchemy, geoalchemy2)
- Add support for newest oereblex API (via geolink-formatter, #1703)
- Various minor library upgrades (SQLAlchemy, geoalchemy, psycopg2, pypdf)
- Add print configuration parameter for municipality name (#1703)
- Various minor library upgrades (pyramid, shapely, grcode, pypdf)
- Improve getegrid performance (#1680)
- Remove unwanted URL encoding for symbol_ref (#1678)
- Upgrade geolink_formatter library (#1682)
- Various minor library upgrades (#1688, #1689)
- Upgrade to pyramid 2, shapely 2 (#1625, #1642, #1647, #1662)
- Various minor library upgrades
- Preparations for SQLAlchemy 2 upgrade (#1665)
- Python 3.8 is now the minimal recommended version of python
- Add support for prepublinks (#1618)
- Allow to force real estate geometry output (#1619)
- Library updates (#1615, #1622)
- Allow usage of xml2pdf service with embedded images (#1612, #1614)
- Fix response code for parameter "url" (#1605)
- Fix order of change order of ExtractIdentifier & MunicipalityCode (#1606)
- Sort plr within themes (#1607)
- Minor library updates (#1609)
- Support tolerance per geometry type (#1603)
- Library updates (#1604)
- Fix xml2pdf proxy (#1596)
- Library updates (#1597, #1598)
- Default index for oereblex documents (#1591)
- Sort theme lists (#1592)
- Library updates (#1593, #1595)
- Add library needed for QR-Code (#1589)
- Various library updates (#1590)
- Performance improvements (#1580)
- Add QR-Code functionality (#1579)
- Bug-fix for Other Legend (#1586)
- Add optional tolerance on geometric operations (#1571)
- Improve PDF filename when not using egrid (#1585)
- Fix value for service version (#1576)
- Fix XML for localized image blob (#1577)
- Raise error in case of unsupported geometry type (#1578)
- Move DataIntegration to application schema (#1549)
- Bug fix for document relevant only for one municipality (#1561)
- Bug fix for oereblex optional parameters (#1565)
- Library updates (#1567)
- Oereblex integration: facilitate customization of title logic (#1556)
- Fix automated documentation publication (#1555)
- Improve automated testing of federal data (#1548)
- Disclaimer, glossary and municipality are now read only on startup, to improve performance (#1544)
- Add support for OEREBlex prepubs URL (#1546)
- Fix real estate type in XML for GetEgrid (#1545)
- Fix legend entry collection (#1529)
- Fix stats for GetEgrid (#1524)
- Update theme and texts URL according to swisstopo (#1526)
- Fix JSON response of GetEgrid (#1534)
- Fix error in Interlis model sub-code usage (#1538)
- Improve performance by moving availability to main schema and read only on startup (#1540)
- Finalize stats reactivation (#1517)
- Updates of all essential libraries used
- Fix multiple disclaimers in print (#1511)
- Fix capabilities extract (#1489)
- Fix real estate type in get egrid extract (#1491)
- Fix legend entry symbol selection (#1505)
- Add document sorting by index in print (#1504)
- Reorganize hook methos (#1484)
- Fix Office Record assignment (#1473)
- External library updates
- Fix collection of legend entries (#1482)
- Reactivate statistics functionality from V1 (#1480)
- Additional fix for static extract (#1478)
- Additional fix for static extract
- Fixes for static extract
- Fixes in configuration (#1445)
- Fix XML templates
- Fix sub-theme generation
- Improvements in error logging
- Fixes in Oereblex integration
- Fix JSON extract
- New federal data import tool and bug-fixes V2 (Status: beta)
- First fully functional implementation of new Oereb specification as per 28.10.11 (Status: beta)
- Implementation of the new Oereb specification 2021 (Status: beta)
- Oereblex: improve testing functionality for Oereblex (#1197)
- Various library updates
- Oereblex: support new Oereblex API version 1.2.1
- Various library updates
- Oereblex: add configuration to pass URL parameters to the oereblex call (#1117)
- Various library updates
- Improve handling of empty geometries, in preparation of additional library updates (#1107)
- Print using MapFish Print: the inclusion of the cantonal logo is now configurable (#1139)
- Update of external libraries such as numpy, SQLAlchemy, lxml, and more.
- oereblex support: avoid extract failure upon missing enactment_date in oereblex (#1093)
- Improve support of Python 3.7 in template Makefile and sample data loading (#1104, #1106)
- Fix bug affecting concurrent requests (#1068)
- Enhance federal data import script to make it more usable with Docker (#1078)
- For full extracts, add configuration parameter to make additional sld usage optional (#1077)
- Improve federal data import script (#1057)
- Last maintenance release with verified python2 compatibility
- Update of all libraries used by pyramid_oereb that still work with python2
- Federal data import script: add SLD_VERSION for legend_at_web (#1022)
- Oereblex integration: add optional configuration 'validation' (#1034)
- Restrict the version of the Shapely library used to 1.6 (#1037)
- Fix import of federal data for cases including both coordinate reference systems (#1011)
- Oereblex: support geolink schema version 1.2.0 (#1010)
- Print: make geometry inclusion optional (performance improvement for MapFish Print) (#1006)
- Test release only; not an official release.
- Print: fix nr_of_points computation (#1002)
- Oereblex: improve performance (implement per topic store) (#993)
- Add statistics functionality (#987)
- Print: fix table of contents page numbering (#983)
- Improve multilingual support (#915, #918, #943, #950)
- Ensure XML schema compliance (#914, #926)
- Improve extract speed (#965)
- Additional options for sorting and grouping (#925, #931, #948, #979)
- Additional options for xml2pdf integration (#905, #938)
- Add PDF archive functionality (#982)
- Make WMS usage in print more flexible (#986)
- Bug fixes and debugging possibilities improvement (#910, #909, #897, #894, #916, #919, #870, #908, #932, #955, #958, #963, #970)
- Provide multilingual OEREB logo (#915)
- Add file extension in logo and symbol URLs (#917)
- Ensure XML Schema compliance (#872, #891)
- Fix polygon GML rendering (#830)
- Integration of
service (#631, #883, #887)
- Fixed a number formatting problem in the legend list (Mapfish Print, GitHub issue 824, pull request 826)
- Fixed an encoding issue for PLR records (GitHub pull request 828)
- Allow configuration of custom parameters for WMS calls in Mapfish Print (GitHub pull request 831)
- Section 'Certification' is now optional, can be configured in the Mapfish Print config (GitHub pull request 841)
- Only prints the PLR section of the PDF if at least one PLR is available (Mapfish Print, GitHub pull request 846)
- Various layout fixes in the table of contents of the Mapfish Print PDF (GitHub pull requests 842, 856, 859)
- Legends are now sorted by geometry type and value (Mapfish Print, GitHub pull request 851)
- Multiple ResponsibleOffices per theme are now rendered correctly (Mapfish Print, GitHub issue 651, pull request 865)
- PDF/A conformance enabled by default (Mapfish Print, GitHub pull request 852)
- In the XML output, LengthShare and NrOfPoints elements were moved to their correct place (GitHub issue 834, GitHub pull request 854)
- Optimized theme sorting (GitHub issue 443, GitHub pull request 858)
- Updated Mapfish Print to 3.20.0
- Dependency updates, better test coverage
- Fixed import script for federal topics (GitHub pull request 821)
- Added test for ordering of non-concerned themes (GitHub pull request 817)
- Fixed footer with disappearing page numbers with MapFish print 3.18 (GitHub pull request 814)
- Downgrade version of pyproj to fix coordinate reprojections (GitHub pull request 810)
- Dependency updates
- Fixed id types in oereblex models and model template, fixed documentation errors in standard models and model template (GitHub pull request 807)
- Fixed warnings in tests (GitHub pull request 803)
- Dependency updates (GitHub pull request 805)
- Additional multilingual functionality (GitHub issues 704, 705, 779)
- Maintenance release (GitHub issues 447, 610, 590, 609, 757, 750, 681, 752, 753, 460, 736, 666, 596, 678, 461, 751)
- Import script for federal data
- Bug-fix release for 1.2.2 (fix intersection bug, fix pdfreport template)
- Further bug-fixes for oereb service versoin 1.0, notably regarding schema conformity and better support for other OS versions.
- New configuration parameter type_mapping in real_estate, which allows to configuratively define the texts to be used for realestate types (optional parameter).
- Bug-fixes for service version 1.0 (pyramid_oereb 1.2.0), using results from pilot integration of new version at BL.
- First implementation of federal extract requirements as per november 2017 (service in version 1.0, extract in version 1.0.1, data model in version 1.0.1).
- Update of automated tests to correspond to new requirements.
- Static extract implementation update according to Weisung july 1st, 2018.
- Oereb lex model creation support and documentation.
- Bug fixes (legend entries, multiple view services, scaling in print, document titles in print).
- Facilitate customization of document title generation.
- Final implementation of federal extract requirements as per november 2016 (extract in version 0.8, data model in version 0.4).
- introduce configurable pdf print service (print proxy)
- enable proxy configuration for external web api usage
- fix standard database
- improve python 3 compatibility
- minor bug fixing
- improved doc
- fix bug for doc creation on python 3.6
- first approach of OEREB server
- improved documentation on https://openoereb.github.io/pyramid_oereb/doc/
- cleaned and reorganized code
- binding to OEREB-LEX and GeoAdmin-Api-Address-Service (http://api.geo.admin.ch/services/sdiservices.html#search) as sources
- providing pyconizer as icon generator (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyconizer)
- proxy binding of geomapfish_print for pdf output as renderer (http://mapfish.github.io/mapfish-print-doc/#/overview)
- providing extensive standard configuration for out-of-the-box-usage
- general bug fixing
- add python 3.x support
- proceed with renderer for xml and json
- add metadata for embeddable flavour
- images accessible via URL
- add configurable methods for processing
- improve geometry handling
- add documentation on https://openoereb.github.io/pyramid_oereb/doc/
- several bugfixes
- first running approach of server
- main web services are available (not all formats are implemented yet)
- standard configuration can be used to run server out of the box
- see README for more details
- initial version