OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards 2.17.1 includes the following bug fixes, infrastructure and maintenance updates.
OpenSearch Release Notes.
OpenSearch Dashboards Release Notes.
- Bump BWC Version to 2.18 and Fix Bugs (#1311)
- Add bedrock batch job post process function; enhance remote job status parsing (#2955)[opensearch-project/ml-commons#2955]
- Fix ML task index mapping (#2949)[opensearch-project/ml-commons#2949]
- Fix full_response false and no output mapping exceptions (#2944)[opensearch-project/ml-commons#2944]
- Fix get batch task bug (#2937)[opensearch-project/ml-commons#2937]
- Fix field mapping, add more error handling and remove checking jobId filed in batch job response (#2933)[opensearch-project/ml-commons#2933]
- [Alerts in Correlations] Stash context for system index (#1297)
- Threat intel monitor bug fixes (#1317)
- Fix bedrock claude3 blueprint typo (#2962)[opensearch-project/ml-commons#2962]
- Format the json file to avoid autocut PRs (#291)
- Updated workflows to use latest action of upload-artifacts (#1089)
- [CVE-2024-45801] Bump dompurify from 2.4.7 to 2.5.6 (#446)
- Fix flaky integ test reprovisioning before template update (#880)
- Resovle host to all ips and check against the deny list (#964)
- Upgrade upload-artifact to v3 and bump version to 2.17.1 (#963)
- Upgrade upload artifacts (#1305)
- Bump micromatch to 4.0.8 (#2117)