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OpenStax Book Recipes

Uses the openstax_kitchen gem to bake OpenStax books.

Recipe File Structure

In this repo, we have (at least) one recipe for every book. There's a books/ directory in which we have subfolders, one for each book. In those subfolders, we put an executable Ruby file, normally named bake but it could be anything. (Later if you want to make a new recipe for the book you could name it bake_new or whatever in the same directory).

The executable bake Ruby scripts will typically have everything they need inside of them, e.g. they'll look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "bundler/inline"

gemfile do
  gem 'openstax_kitchen', '2.0.0'
  gem 'slop', '4.8.2'
  gem 'byebug'

recipe = :chemistry) do |doc|
  # ... RECIPE CODE HERE ...

opts = Slop.parse do |slop|
  slop.string '--input', 'Assembled XHTML input file', required: true
  slop.string '--output', 'Baked XHTML output file', required: true

puts Kitchen::Oven.bake(
  input_file: opts[:input],
  recipes: recipe,
  output_file: opts[:output]

Normal big Ruby projects have a Gemfile that is processed by the bundler gem to install and use all the right versions of any gems your code depends on. Here we're using bundler's ability to include a gemfile directly in the source code. We're only using a few gems, so this is doable. It is also makes the script nicely self-contained. Because inline gem declarations like this don't have a Gemfile.lock that locks down the versions of gems (like other bigger Ruby projects), we want to make sure we use specific versions of gems e.g. '1.0.1' and not '~> 1.0.0'.

Slop is a simple command line argument parser. Here it lets us call this bake script with --input some_file.xhtml and --output other_file.xhtml arguments that are passed into the Kitchen::Oven.bake call along with the recipe this script defines. The Kitchen::Oven.bake method returns some profiling numbers that we output to the screen using puts.

The main bake script

There's a top-level bake Bash script that calls the right scripts in the books folder based on the book slug. E.g. if you call ./bake -b chemistry -i in.xhtml -o out.xhtml this script will turn around and call ./books/chemistry/bake --input in.xhtml --output out.xhtml. Every time we add a new recipe, we'll need to update this top-level bake script so it knows how to call it. This is also why the names of the scripts inside /books don't really matter, because the top-level bake script knows the names of the lower-level scripts.

The bake_legacy script

This script can be used to build a book using legacy baking (e.g. cnx-easybake) given an old style CSS recipe file (an example of how to run this script with Docker can be found below).

Within the devcontainer, provided that the legacy recipes have been properly mounted, this script can be called with ./bake_legacy -i {input-file} -r legacy_recipes/{book-name}.css -o {output-file}.

The bake_root script

This script can be used if you don't want to invoke bake (kitchen baking) or bake_legacy (cnx-easybake baking) directly, and instead want to use a single script that will adopt the appropriate process for the given book. When kitchen support is added for a book, this script should be updated accordingly (it will fallback to legacy baking for all unknown books). Also, this is the script that will be utilized by build pipelines (e.g. CORGI, web hosting, etc.), so it controls when a book is ready to switchover from legacy to kitchen baking in those environments.

The shorten script

This script generates shortened content for a book. It calls the book-specific shorten script in books/{book-name}/shorten to generate a shortened version of the assembled file, then bakes this file with both legacy and kitchen, and normalizes both. Essentially, it bundles calls to four other scripts: the book-specific shorten, bake_legacy, the book-specific bake, and normalize. The output files are written to the data/{book-name}/short/ directory.

The call to bake_legacy within this script assumes the recipe for the book is present in the legacy_recipes folder.

Call this script with ./shorten -b <bookname> -i <inputfile>. Add USE_LOCAL_KITCHEN=1 at the beginning to bake with the local version of kitchen.

It is assumed that the given <bookname> will match both the folder name for the book in the /books/ directory and the filename of the recipe in /legacy_recipes/ (not including the .css extension).

As with the main bake script, new books must be added to the case statement, ex:

case "${book}" in
  chemistry) dest="${DIR}/data/chemistry/short" && script="${DIR}/books/chemistry/shorten";;
    ... [other cases]
  {book-name}) dest="$DIR/data/{book-name}/short"  && script="${DIR}/books/{book-name}/shorten";;
  *) echo "Unknown book '${book}'"; exit 1;;

Book-specific shorten scripts

Each book has its own directions to create a shortened version for development and testing purposes. This script is in books/{book-name}/shorten. It uses the kitchen framework and Oven.bake to remove parts of the book and generate output, but it does not yield a baked book.


Development and execution can be done using Docker.

To build the docker image:

$> ./docker/build

Note this builds the runtime environment, suitable for running in production and some development work. If you want a more full development environment, use VS Code using the remote containers extension. This will build the development environment with a nice terminal, VS Code Live Share for pairing, etc. To install the remote containers extension, visit vscode:extension/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers in a browser.

This image includes all of the versions of gems used in each recipe so that they are available when used to bake files. Notably, if you change the version of a gem in one of the executable recipes, you'll need to either rebuild the Docker image or call the ./scripts/install_used_gem_versions script which scans through all of the recipes, installing the gem versions they specify in their inline gem file declarations.

To drop into the Docker container:

$> ./docker/bash

To use the Docker image to bake input XHTML files do the following (you can do it all on one line, just put it on multiple lines here to describe each part):

$> docker run --rm \                                                                # Remove container after the run
              -v $PWD:/files \                                                      # Mount the current host directory as /files so we can put files
                                                                                    #   in and get them out
              openstax/recipes:latest \                                             # The image ID (could use a specific tagged image instead of "latest")
              /code/bake -b chemistry -i /files/input.xhtml -o /files/baked.xhtml # The call to the main `bake` script

The above runs the baking in the latest (or some tagged) image. If you want to run using your latest recipe code on your local machine, you can mount that code in the container by adding another -v argument: -v /path/to/my/local/recipes:/code.

Want to run the recipes and do interactive debugging? Add the -it flags to the docker run call above.

Other examples of using baking scripts with Docker

Given a directory with old style recipe files, the bake_root script can be invoked via Docker per the following example (this assumes you have cnx-recipes cloned to /home/user, but you can replace the path to wherever your style files are):

>$ docker run --rm \
    -v $PWD:/files \                                                                        # Mount the current directory as /files
    -v /home/user/cnx-recipes/recipes/output:/recipes \                                     # Mount the directory with old style recipes as /recipes
    openstax/recipes:latest \
    /code/bake_root -b chemistry -i /files/input.xhtml -r /recipes -o /files/baked.xhtml  # Invoke the `bake_root` script

Baking book 'chemistry' with kitchen
warning! could not find a replacement for '[link]' on an element with ID 'auto_f7224d2a-76cb-49f8-91ba-915271b912af_fs-idp283136'
Open:  0.000516647 s
Parse: 0.458909273 s
Bake:  13.600444227 s
Write: 0.298500043 s

If you want to bake a book with legacy baking which bake_root would otherwise route to bake, then you can utilize the bake_legacy script directly and pass the specific recipe file you desire:

>$ docker run --rm \
    -v $PWD:/files \                                                                         # Mount the current directory as /files
    -v /home/user/cnx-recipes/recipes/output:/recipes \                                      # Mount the directory with old style recipes as /recipes
    openstax/recipes:latest \
    /code/bake_legacy -i /files/input.xhtml -r /recipes/chemistry.css -o /files/baked.xhtml  # Invoke the `bake_legacy` script


Rubocop is available inside the VSCode dev container. Moreover, the lefthook gem enforces that Rubocop linting passes on modified files before pushes are allowed. To test this without pushing run lefthook run pre-push.

Using your local git clone of kitchen within the recipes devcontainer

If you put the absolute path of your machine's cloned kitchen folder into a .devcontainer/kitchen_path text file, e.g.:


the devcontainer in VS Code will mount that folder to /code/kitchen. This will let you look at and edit the code from within your VS Code recipes workspace and will let you point recipes at this local code with

gem 'openstax_kitchen', path: '/code/kitchen'

so that you can develop in both recipes and kitchen at the same time. The kitchen folder has its own independent git state.

If you don't have a kitchen_path file, the devcontainer will mount a fake empty directory in /tmp.

If you use a line like the following in your recipe script to choose the kitchen gem version:

gem 'openstax_kitchen', ENV['USE_LOCAL_KITCHEN'] ? { path: '/code/kitchen' } : '2.0.0'

And then call the recipe script prefixed with defining the USE_LOCAL_KITCHEN variable:

$ /code> USE_LOCAL_KITCHEN=1 ./books/chemistry2e/bake ...

then your recipe will use your local kitchen folder. You can leave the gem line as is when you commit it, and in production runs since the USE_LOCAL_KITCHEN environment variable isn't set, the version number at the end will be used.

Using legacy recipes within the recipes devcontainer

As with kitchen, legacy recipes can be mounted within the devcontainer if you put the absolute path in a .devcontainer/legacy_recipes_path file.

"Legacy recipes" refers to this folder in the cnx-recipes repository.

Starting a recipe

The create_new_recipe script offers a quickstart way to generate many of the initial files for recipe development, like the locale files and the boilerplate for the bake script. It also adds the relevante line to main bake. Call it with ruby scripts/create_new_recipe <recipe-name> <...>.

Devs will still need to edit/create:

  • kitchen_gem_versions.rb
  • bake_root
  • shorten
  • main_spec
  • test data for specs

Creating a new recipe manually

New recipes files are created in books/{book-name}.

In order to run the new recipe via the bake script, the recipe must be added to the case statement, i.e.:

case "${book}" in
  chemistry) $DIR/books/chemistry/bake --input $input_file --output $output_file;;
  ... [other cases]
  {book-name}) $DIR/books/{book-name}/bake --input $input_file --output $output_file;;
  *) echo "Unknown book '${book}'"; exit 1;;

Note that the recipe file must be made executable by running chmod +x [path] or chmod 755 [path] before it can be called by the bake script.

Working on a recipe (converting from easybake)

When developing a recipe that already exists in easybake, the main goal is to produce output via the kitchen recipe that is identical to the easybake output. It's helpful to use VSCode's native differ or another diff tool to compare the output from the two methods of baking.


The kitchen output and the easybake output may have a number of unimportant differences such as in whitespace and the ordering of attributes. The normalize script tidies the HTML and puts all attributes in alphabetical order. Call this script on an HTML file by calling ruby scripts/normalize [path].

Book-specific locale files

A book may contain translations specific to itself (i.e., the note title 'Portrait of a Chemist' only appears in Chemistry). To solve this problem, locales specific to the book may be created. A recipe has the ability to receive a custom locales path, or infer the location of the locales directory as long as this directory is stored next to the bake file. For example, the recipe in books/chemistry/bake would look for a directory called books/chemistry/locales. This locale file does not permanently modify the I18n backend and only persists for as long as the recipe runs, so no need to worry about conflicts with other books' locales.

Specs for recipes

When the book-specific recipe is done, we can create a spec for it. The way specs are done is by comparing the baked file to an expected output file via the md5 hex.

  1. Create a folder under spec/books/{book-name} with a file called input.xhtml and another file called expected_output.xhtml inside it. As a suggestion, the input file could contain the content inside the assembled.xhtml file and the expected_output file could contain the content inside the normalized version of the kitchen-baked file, so kitchen-baked.normalized.xhtml, both of these files are generated by the shorten script, but the important thing is that the input and expected_output exist and are useful test data.

  2. Create an entry on the spec/main_spec.rb file like:

it 'bakes {book-name}' do
  expect('{book-name}').to bake_correctly

the {book-name} should match the book directory where the match_helper.rb can find the recipe for it, this is done by bake_correctly.

  1. If you wish to run local kitchen for the spec to succeed, you can do USE_LOCAL_KITCHEN=1 rspec, if you want to run it with the current version of kitchen, make sure you have the right version at the top of your recipe like: gem 'openstax_kitchen', ENV['USE_LOCAL_KITCHEN'] ? { path: '/code/kitchen' } : '3.2.0' or, instead of a version, you can set it to a specific sha of a branch.