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chinchliff edited this page Sep 18, 2014 · 9 revisions

Friday night reservations:

We have rooms reserved for participants staying Friday night 9/19 in the Comfort Inn on South State Street. You will need to make your own reservations for the Michigan Flyer. If you are leaving from the Comfort Inn, catch the shuttle at the Kensington Court hotel across the street from the Comfort Inn.

Other hotel reservations:

Belltower Hotel

Campus Inn

Ann Arbor Bed and Breakfast

Participant Hotel
Alex Harkess Bell Tower
Andréa Matsunaga Bell Tower
Arlin Stoltzfus Bell Tower
Chodon Sass Bell Tower
Daisie Huang Bell Tower
David Winter Bell Tower
Dilrini De Silva Bell Tower
François Michonneau Bell Tower
Gaurav Vaidya Bell Tower
Jeet Sukumaran Bell Tower
Jon Hill Bell Tower
Jonathan A Rees Bell Tower
Jorrit Poelen Bell Tower
Josef C Uyeda Ann Arbor B&B
Julie Allen Campus Inn
Julienne Ng Campus Inn
Karen Cranston Ann Arbor B&B
Karolis Ramanauskas Campus Inn
Katie Lyons Campus Inn
Kayce Bell Campus Inn
Luke Harmon Ann Arbor B&B
Matt Yoder Ann Arbor B&B
Miranda Sinnott-Armstrong Campus Inn
Nicky Nicolson Ann Arbor B&B
Pandurang Kolekar Campus Inn
Rachel Warnock Ann Arbor B&B
Shan Kothari Campus Inn
Temi Varghese Campus Inn
Zack Galbreath Bell Tower
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