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Using Docker_CI framework to generate dockerfiles and build the images

DockerHub CI framework based on Docker SDK for Python - Python library for the Docker Engine API.

System requirements

  • Python* >=3.8
  • Linux* host
  • Up Docker* engine/service on the host

Note: Run DockerHub CI framework on the host machine, nor in a docker container.

Setup Python environment

  1. Create virtual environment python3 -m venv venv

  2. Activate virtual environment and install requirements:

    source venv/bin/activate - on Linux
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Now you can use to build/test/deploy an image. See detailed instruction below.

Note: Please use Docker CI framework release version corresponding to the version of OpenVINO™ Toolkit.

How to

This guide provides you with the information that will help you to start using the DockerHub CI framework for OpenVINO™ Toolkit. With this guide, you will learn how to:

  1. Generate Dockerfile
  2. Building image
  3. Deploy image
  4. Test image
  5. Build, test, deploy an image (All in one)
  6. Troubleshooting

Generate Dockerfile

You can use available Dockerfiles from <root_project>/dockerfiles/<image_os> folder or generate Dockerfile with your settings. Run the following command in the repository's root:

python3 gen_dockerfile -os ubuntu20 --distribution dev --product_version 2023.0.0

You can find generated dockerfile in <root_project>/dockerfiles/<image_os> folder. By default, Dockerfile name format is openvino_<devices>_<distribution>_<product_version>.dockerfile.

Select a product distribution:

  -dist, --distribution TYPE  Available types: dev or runtime. 
                              Using key --file <path_to_dockerfile> and -p <version> are  mandatory to build base distribution image.
                              base dockerfiles are stored in <repository_root>/dockerfiles/<os_image> folder.

Select a product version. It will use public released product in docker image:

  -p, --product_version  Product version in format: YYYY.U[.BBB], where BBB - build number is optional.

Or if you have a product package link, you can specify directly: You can get OpenVINO distribution packages (runtime, dev) directly from public storage.

  -u, --package_url URL  Package external or local url, use http://, https://, ftp:// access scheme or relative <root_project> local path

Note: This is required that OpenVINO package is named in the right way, which is, build number (e.g., 2022.1.0.643) have to be part of the URI, for example, openvino_2022.1.0.643.tgz fits the requirements, while ov_R3.tgz is not. Otherwise, you should specify --distribution and --product_version directly.

Specify the product package source:

  -s, --source {url,local}  Source of the package: external URL or relative <root_project> local path. By default: url.

Select an image operation system:

  -os {ubuntu22,ubuntu20,rhel8} Operation System for docker image. By default: ubuntu18

You can customize platform targets and minimize image size:

  -d, --device NAME  Target inference hardware: cpu, gpu. Default is all. 
                     Dockerfile name format has the first letter from device name, 
                     e.g. for CPU, GPU it will be openvino_ch_<distribution>_<product_version>.dockerfile

OpenVINO documentation for supported devices.

You can add your layer and customize image:

  -l, --layers NAME  Setup your layer. 
                     Use name of <your_layer>.dockerfile.j2 file located in <project_root>/templates/<image_os>/layers folder. 
                     Layer will be added to the end of product dockerfile.

You can add your build arguments as well:

  --build_arg VAR_NAME=VALUE  Specify build or template arguments for your layer.
                              You can use "no_samples=True" to remove OMZ, IE samples and demos from final docker image.
                              You can use "INSTALL_SOURCES=yes" to download source for 3d party LGPL/GPL dependencies.

Building image

To build images from Dockerfiles, run the following command in the repository's root:

python3 build --package_url <url>

By default, 'build' mode will generate a dockerfile from templates (see details in the previous section):

python3 build -dist runtime -os ubuntu20 --product_version 2023.0.0

but you can specify dockerfile directly:

  -f, --file NAME  Name of the Dockerfile, that uses to build an image.

Specify a tag for image

  -t , --tags IMAGE_NAME:TAG  Source image name and optionally a tags in the "IMAGE_NAME:TAG" format. 
                              Default is <os>_<distribution>:<product_version> and latest. You can specify some tags.
  --tag_postfix _NAME        Add special postfix to the end of tag image. 
                             Image name will be like this <os>_<distribution>:<product_version><tag_postfix>

Deploy image

Prerequisite: previously login to your registry: docker login <registry_url>

To deploy image, run the following command in the repository's root:

python3 deploy --registry --tags my_openvino_image:123 --tags my_openvino_image:latest

Mandatory: Specify a registry and tags for image deploy:

   -r, --registry URL:PORT Registry host and optionally a port in the "host:port" format
   -t , --tags IMAGE_NAME:TAG  Source image name and optionally a tags in the "IMAGE_NAME:TAG" format.

Test image

To build and test the image, run the following command in the repository's root:

python3 build_test --package_url <url>

You can specify a part of the tests to run via option:

  -k EXPRESSION         Run tests which match the given substring expression for pytest -k.

You can run security and linter tests in the following modes: 'gen_dockerfile', 'build_test', 'test', 'all'. The framework installs 3d party docker images or executable files to run security and linter checks:

  --sdl_check NAME      Enable SDL check for docker host and image. It installs additional 3d-party docker images or executable files.
                        Available tests: snyk (, bench_security (
  --linter_check NAME   Enable linter check for image and dockerfile. It installs additional 3d-party docker images or executable files.
                        Available tests: hadolint (, dive (

To only test your local image:

python3 test --tags <image_name:product_version> -os <image_os> --distribution <type>

Mandatory: Options tag and distribution are mandatory. Image operating system is 'ubuntu18' by default.

Tests can also be run directly using pytest (options image, distribution, image_os are mandatory):

pytest tests\functional --image <image_name:product_version> --distribution <type> --image_os <image_os> --product_version <product_version>

You can filter tests by -k (example: -k "cpu or gpu or vpu") or -m options (run pytest --markers to show available markers). Warning: pytest doesn't perform validation of the command line arguments what can give less clear error messages than docker_ci

Note: You can run tests in parallel by adding -n auto option (see xdist documentation for more info).
Need install pytest-xdist package before: pip install pytest-xdist

All in one

Prerequisite: previously login to your registry: docker login <registry_url>

To gen_dockerfile, build, test and deploy image, run the following command in the repository's root:

python3 all --distribution dev --product_version 2023.0.0 --registry 

See build and tests logs in <repository_root>/logs/<image_tag> folder and summary.log in <repository_root>/logs

Note: if you are building the images on the computer behind the proxy, system proxy will be used by default.

There is a number of other parameters that can be passed to, You can see all of them and their descriptions by running:

python3 <mode> --help

Available modes: gen_dockerfile, build, build_test, test, deploy, all(by default)


If you see a missing apt package that needs for OpenVINO product in Linux docker image, please install a missing component directly via apt install command and create issue on GitHub* Issues. We will check a missing package to meet Intel(R) security policy. Please see SECURITY for details to follow security guideline.

If you got a proxy issues, please setup proxy settings for Docker Engine. DockerHub CI uses a system proxy to generate Dockerfile and build a docker image by default.

Check also:

Prebuilt images

Working with OpenVINO Containers

Deployment with GPU accelerator

Generating dockerfiles and building the images in Docker_CI tools

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.