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index 936847fbc5..f5fc6cd485 100644
--- a/README.md
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@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ There is an [architectural deep dive webinar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX
+You can extend Aca-Py using plug-ins, which can be loaded at runtime.  Plug-ins are mentioned in the [webinar](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K7qiQkVi4n-lpJ3nUZY27OniUEM0c8HAIk4imCWCx5Q/edit#slide=id.g5d43fe05cc_0_145) and are [described in more detail here](/docs/GettingStartedAriesDev/PlugIns.md).
 ### Installation and Usage
 An ["install and go" page for developers](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/blob/main/DevReadMe.md) is available if you are comfortable with Trust over IP and Aries concepts. ACA-Py can be run with Docker without installation (highly recommended), or can be installed [from PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/aries-cloudagent/). In the [/demo directory](/demo) there is a full set of demos for developers to use in getting started, and the [demo read me](/demo/README.md) is a great starting point for developers to use an "in-browser" approach to run a zero-install example. The [Read the Docs](https://aries-cloud-agent-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) overview is also a way to reference the modules and APIs that make up an ACA-Py instance.
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+# Deeper Dive: Aca-Py Plug-Ins
+## What's in a Plug-In and How does it Work?
+Plug-ins are loaded on Aca-Py startup based on the following parameters:
+* `--plugin` - identifies the plug-in library to load
+* `--block-plugin` - identifies plug-ins (including built-ins) that are *not* to be loaded
+* `--plugin-config` - identify a configuration parameter for a plug-in
+* `--plugin-config-value` - identify a *value* for a plug-in configuration
+The `--plug-in` parameter specifies a package that is loaded by Aca-Py at runtime, and extends Aca-Py by adding support for additional protocols and message types, and/or extending the Admin API with additional endpoints.
+The original plug-in design (which we will call the "old" model) explicitly indluded `message_types.py` `routes.py` (to add Admin API's).  But functionality was added later (we'll call this the "new" model) to allow the plug-in to include a generic `setup` package that could perform arbitrary initialization.  The "new" model also includes support for a `definition.py` file that can specify plug-in version information  (major/minor plug-in version, as well as the minimum supported version (if another agent is running an older version of the plug-in)).
+You can discover which plug-ins are installed in an aca-py instance by calling (in the "server" section) the `GET /plugins` endpoint.  (Note that this will return all loaded protocols, including the built-ins.  You can call the `GET /status/config` to inspect the Aca-Py configuration, which will include the configuration for the *external* plug-ins.)
+### setup method
+If a setup method is provided, it will be called.  If not, the `message_types.py` and `routes.py` will be explicitly loaded.
+This would be in the `package/module __init__.py`:
+async def setup(context: InjectionContext):
+    pass
+TODO I couldn't find an implementation of a custom `setup` in any of the existing plug-ins, so I'm not completely sure what are the best practices for this option.
+### message_types.py
+When loading a plug-in, if there is a `message_types.py` available, Aca-Py will check the following attributes to initialize the protocol(s):
+- `MESSAGE_TYPES` - identifies message types supported by the protocol
+- `CONTROLLERS` - identifies protocol controllers
+### routes.py
+If `routes.py` is available, then Aca-Py will call the following functions to initialize the Admin endpoints:
+- `register()` - registers routes for the new Admin endpoints
+- `register_events()` - registers an events this package will listen for/respond to
+### definition.py
+If `definition.py` is available, Aca-Py will read this package to determine protocol version information.  An example follows (this is an example that specifies two protocol versions):
+versions = [
+    {
+        "major_version": 1,
+        "minimum_minor_version": 0,
+        "current_minor_version": 0,
+        "path": "v1_0",
+    },
+    {
+        "major_version": 2,
+        "minimum_minor_version": 0,
+        "current_minor_version": 0,
+        "path": "v2_0",
+    },
+The attributes are:
+- `major_version` - specifies the protocol major version
+- `current_minor_version` - specifies the protocol minor version
+- `minimum_minor_version` - specifies the minimum supported version (if a lower version is installed in another agent)
+- `path` - specifies the sub-path within the package for this version
+## Loading Aca-Py Plug-Ins at Runtime
+The load sequence for a plug-in (the "Startup" class depends on how Aca-Py is running - `upgrade`, `provision` or `start`):
+	participant Startup
+	Note right of Startup: Configuration is loaded on startup<br/>from aca-py config params
+    Startup->>+ArgParse: configure
+    ArgParse->>settings:  ["external_plugins"]
+    ArgParse->>settings:  ["blocked_plugins"]
+    Note right of Startup: Each configured plug-in is validated and loaded
+    Startup->>+DefaultContext:  build_context()
+      DefaultContext->>DefaultContext:  load_plugins()
+      DefaultContext->>+PluginRegistry:  register_package() (for built-in protocols)
+        PluginRegistry->>PluginRegistry:  register_plugin() (for each sub-package)
+      DefaultContext->>PluginRegistry:  register_plugin() (for non-protocol built-ins)
+      loop for each external plug-in
+	    DefaultContext->>PluginRegistry:  register_plugin()
+	    alt if a setup method is provided
+	      PluginRegistry->>ExternalPlugIn:  has setup
+	    else if routes and/or message_types are provided
+	      PluginRegistry->>ExternalPlugIn:  has routes
+	      PluginRegistry->>ExternalPlugIn:  has message_types
+	    end
+	    opt if definition is provided
+	      PluginRegistry->>ExternalPlugIn:  definition()
+	    end
+      end
+      DefaultContext->>PluginRegistry:  init_context()
+        loop for each external plug-in
+	      alt if a setup method is provided
+	        PluginRegistry->>ExternalPlugIn:  setup()
+	      else if a setup method is NOT provided
+	        PluginRegistry->>PluginRegistry:  load_protocols()
+	        PluginRegistry->>PluginRegistry:  load_protocol_version()
+	        PluginRegistry->>ProtocolRegistry:  register_message_types()
+	        PluginRegistry->>ProtocolRegistry:  register_controllers()
+	      end
+	      PluginRegistry->>PluginRegistry:  register_protocol_events()
+	    end
+	Note right of Startup: If the admin server is enabled, plug-in routes are added
+	Startup->>AdminServer:  create admin server if enabled
+	Startup->>AdminServer:  setup_context() (called on each request)
+	  AdminServer->>PluginRegistry:  register_admin_routes()
+	  loop for each external plug-in
+	    PluginRegistry->>ExternalPlugIn:  routes.register() (to register endpoints)
+	  end
+## Developing a New Plug-In
+When developing a new plug-in:
+- If you are providing a new protocol or defining message types, you *should* include a `definition.py` file.
+- If you are providing a new protocol or defining message types, you *should* include a `message_types.py` file.
+- If you are providing additional Admin endpoints, you *should* include a `routes.py` file.
+- If you are providing any other functionality, you should provide a `setup.py` file to initialize the custom functionality.  No guidance is *currently* available for this option.
+### PIP vs Poetry Support
+Most Aca-Py plug-ins provide support for installing the plug-in using [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/).  It is *recommended* to include support in your package for installing using *either* pip or poetry, to provide maximum support for users of your plug-in.
+### Plug-In Demo
+# Aca-Py Plug-ins
+This list was originally published in [this hackmd document](https://hackmd.io/m2AZebwJRkm6sWgO64-5xQ).
+| Maintainer  | Name                       | Features                         | Last Update | Link                                                                    |
+| ----------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| BCGov       | Redis Events               | Inbound/Outbound message queue   | Sep 2022    | https://github.com/bcgov/aries-acapy-plugin-redis-events                |
+| Hyperledger | Aries Toolbox              | UI for ACA-py                    | Aug 2022    | https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-toolbox                            |
+| Hyperledger | Aries ACApy Plugin Toolbox | Protocol Handlers                | Aug 2022    | https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-acapy-plugin-toolbox               |
+| Indicio     | Data Transfer              | Specific Data import             | Aug 2022    | https://github.com/Indicio-tech/aries-acapy-plugin-data-transfer        |
+| Indicio     | Question & Answer          | Non-Aries Protocol               | Aug 2022    | https://github.com/Indicio-tech/acapy-plugin-qa                         |
+| Indicio     | Acapy-plugin-pickup        | Fetching Messages from Mediator  | Aug 2022    | https://github.com/Indicio-tech/acapy-plugin-pickup                     |
+| Indicio     | Machine Readable GF        | Governance Framework             | Mar 2022    | https://github.com/Indicio-tech/mrgf                                    |
+| Indicio     | Cache Redis                | Cache for Scaleability           | Jul 2022    | https://github.com/Indicio-tech/aries-acapy-cache-redis                 |
+| SICPA Dlab  | Kafka Events               | Event Bus Integration            | Aug 2022    | https://github.com/sicpa-dlab/aries-acapy-plugin-kafka-events           |
+| SICPA Dlab  | DidComm Resolver           | Unversal Resolver for DIDComm    | Aug 2022    | https://github.com/sicpa-dlab/acapy-resolver-didcomm                    |
+| SICPA Dlab  | Universal Resolver         | Multi-ledger Reading             | Jul 2021    | https://github.com/sicpa-dlab/acapy-resolver-universal                  |
+| DDX         | mydata-did-protocol        |                                  | Oct 2022    | https://github.com/decentralised-dataexchange/acapy-mydata-did-protocol |
+| BCGov       | Basic Message Storage      | Basic message storage (traction) | Dec 2022    | https://github.com/bcgov/traction/tree/develop/plugins/basicmessage_storage |
+| BCGov       | Multi-tenant Provider      | Multi-tenant Provider (traction) | Dec 2022    | https://github.com/bcgov/traction/tree/develop/plugins/multitenant_provider |
+| BCGov       | Traction Innkeeper         | Innkeeper (traction)             | Feb 2023    | https://github.com/bcgov/traction/tree/develop/plugins/traction_innkeeper |
+# Reference
+The following links may be helpful or provide additional context for the current plug-in support.  (These are links to issues or pull requests that were raised during plug-in development.)
+Configuration params:
+  https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/issues/1121
+  https://hackmd.io/ROUzENdpQ12cz3UB9qk1nA
+  https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/1226
+Loading plug-ins:
+  https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/1086
+Versioning for plug-ins:
+  https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/443
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index e6b98aa655..dad297c007 100644
--- a/docs/GettingStartedAriesDev/README.md
+++ b/docs/GettingStartedAriesDev/README.md
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@ Note that in the guidance we have here, we include not only the links to look at
 * [Deeper Dive: Routing Example](AriesRoutingExample.md)
 * To Do: [Deeper Dive: Running and Connecting to an Indy Network](ConnectIndyNetwork.md)
 * [Steps and APIs to support credential revocation with Aries agent](CredentialRevocation.md)
+* [Deeper Dive: Aca-Py Plug-Ins](PlugIns.md)
 Want to help with this guide? Please add issues or submit a pull request to improve the document. Point out things that are missing, things to improve and especially things that are wrong.