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Prototype of libzim in WebAssembly (WASM)

This Repository provides the source code and utilities for compiling the ZIM File reader lbizim from C++ to WebAssembly (and ASM.js).

A prototype in HTML/JS, for testing the WASM version, is provided at This prototype uses WORKERFS as the Emscripten File System and runs in a Web Worker. The file object is mounted before run, and the name is passed as argument.

There is also an HTML/JS utility for testing the ability of Emscripten File Systems to read large files (muliti-gigabyte) at

GitHub Workflow Status (branch) CodeFactor License: GPL v3

Nightly and Release versions

WASM and ASM versions are built nightly from the binaries provided (nightly) by kiwix-build. The artefacts are made available at (if tests pass). Artefacts for PRs and pushes are attached to the respective workflow run.

Released versions are published both in Releases and at

These versions are built with both the WORKERFS and the NODEFS Emscripten File Systems. Please note that WORKERFS must be run in a Web Worker, and so the JavaScript glue (interface to the C++ code) is provided as a Worker. Messages are sent to and received from the Worker via window.postMessage().

You can change the File Systems and other parameters in the provided Makefile in this Repository. This recipe needs to be run in an Emscripten-configured system or a customized Emscripten container (see below).

Steps to recompile from source with Docker

This is the easiest (and recommended) compilation method, because all required tools are configured in the Docker image. Ensure you have docker installed. (This also works in WSL with Docker Desktop installed and configured as per default to work with a WSL VM.)

  • Open a terminal at the root of this repository;
  • Build the Docker image with the provided Dockerfile (based on, which is based on Debian), adapting the VERSION number of the Emscripten SDK as required:
docker build -t "docker-emscripten-libzim:v3" ./docker --build-arg VERSION='3.1.41'
  • Run the build with:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -v /tmp/emscripten_cache/:/home/emscripten/.emscripten_cache -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it docker-emscripten-libzim:v3 make

If you get failures and wish to make adjustments, you can clean all downloaded and intermediate compiled files with the command make clean.

Steps to recompile manually

sudo apt install ninja-build meson pkg-config python3 autopoint libtool autoconf
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev libicu-dev libxapian-dev liblzma-dev
  • Activate emscripten environment variables with something like source ./
  • Run make.


Basic Unit tests are run on each automated build before publishing on the ASM and WASM builds (e.g., and The units tested are the same as those tested in the prototype (see above) and run on two test ZIMs. The specific tests are:

  • mounting a test archive in each of the four libzim builds;
  • checking the reported article count;
  • loading an article;
  • searching.

Tests are run in Chromium browser context (needed in order to test WORKERFS) rather than purely in Node, so they are based on automation of the prototype, and are available in /tests/prototype.

To run tests manually, replace the six libzim-[w]asm.*.* files in tests/prototype with the versions you wish to test (this is done automatically if you build using the provided Makefile) and then run the following commands from the root of this Repository:

npm install
npm test

If you want to test certain build files you can start the server via npx http-server --port 8080 and then visit[w]asm.*.*.

To run tests in a different browser, copy and adapt the test runner chromium.e2e.runner.js. Run it manually like so:

npx start-server-and-test 'http-server --silent' 8080 'npx mocha ./tests/prototype/chromium.e2e.runner.js'


GPLv3 or later, see LICENCE for more details.