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This Structured Streaming application shows how to read Kafka stream and calculate word frequencies over one-minute window intervals.

Word count problem is a classical example used in Structured Streaming Programming Guide


For running Locally

  • Refer to section on how to set the Prerequisites before you deploy the application locally Setup Spark locally.

For running on Data Flow


  1. Setup OSS Kafka instance. See Getting Started with Spark Streaming
  2. Prepared /producer/ for work, download source text and update constants with relevant information.
  3. Prepare command line for local and Data Flow based run:
usage: [-h] [--auth-type AUTH_TYPE]
                              [--bootstrap-port BOOTSTRAP_PORT]
                              [--bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAP_SERVER]
                              [--checkpoint-location CHECKPOINT_LOCATION]
                              [--encryption ENCRYPTION] [--ocid OCID]
                              [--output-location OUTPUT_LOCATION]
                              [--output-mode OUTPUT_MODE]
                              [--stream-password STREAM_PASSWORD]
                              [--raw-stream RAW_STREAM]
                              [--stream-username STREAM_USERNAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --auth-type AUTH_TYPE
  --bootstrap-port BOOTSTRAP_PORT
  --bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAP_SERVER
  --checkpoint-location CHECKPOINT_LOCATION
  --encryption ENCRYPTION
  --ocid OCID
  --output-location OUTPUT_LOCATION
  --output-mode OUTPUT_MODE
  --stream-password STREAM_PASSWORD
  --raw-stream RAW_STREAM
  --stream-username STREAM_USERNAME
  1. Provide your dependency using any of the below suitable option.

    • Use --packages option or spark.jars.packages spark configuration. Application running in private endpoint has to allow traffic from private subnet to internet to download package (confirm with PM).
    • Provide object storage jar location in --jars or spark.jars as comma seperated list.
    • Use python/structured_streaming_java_dependencies_for_python create
  2. First start Structured Streaming app (StructuredKafkaWordCount) locally or in the cloud.

  3. Second start data producer (python3 locally or in the cloud.

To Test Locally

spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.0.2 ./ --raw-stream <kafka topic> --bootstrap-server <kafka bootstrap server> --checkpoint-location /tmp/checkpoint --output-location /tmp/output --stream-username <tenancy name>/<user name>/<stream pool id> --stream-password <user security token> --output-mode console

More info on spark-submit Submitting Applications and what is supported by Data Flow Spark-Submit Functionality in Data Flow

To use OCI CLI to run the Java Application

oci data-flow application create \
    --compartment-id <compartment_ocid> \
    --display-name "StructuredKafkaWordCount" \
    --driver-shape VM.Standard2.1 \
    --executor-shape VM.Standard2.1 \
    --num-executors 1 \
    --spark-version 3.0.2 \
    --type streaming \
    --file-uri "oci://<bucket>@<namespace>/" \
    --archive-uri "oci://<bucket>@<namespace>/" \
    --language Python
    --class-name example.StructuredKafkaWordCount
    --arguments "--raw-stream <kafka topic> --bootstrap-server <kafka bootstrap server> --checkpoint-location oci://<bucket>@<namespace>/checkpoint --output-location oci://<bucket>@<namespace>/output --stream-username <tenancy name>/<user name>/<stream pool id> --stream-password <user security token> --output-mode csv"

Make note of the Application ID produced.

oci data-flow run create \
    --compartment-id <compartment_ocid> \
    --application-id <application_ocid> \
    --display-name "CSV to Parquet Java"

Arguments can be updated to switch from plain password authentication with Kafka to Data Flow Resource Principal which is more suitable for production scenarios


--arguments "--raw-stream <kafka topic> --bootstrap-server <kafka bootstrap server> --checkpoint-location oci://<bucket>@<namespace>/checkpoint --output-location oci://<bucket>@<namespace>/output --ocid <stream pool id> --output-mode csv"

For more details on OCI CLI configuration options see OCI CLI Command Reference