There are two distinct paths in the plugin
- Filesystem (Mount)
- Block (iSCSI)
This write-up discusses various techniques for testing the plugin.
Note that some of the paths require the plug-in to be deployed (unit tests) while others are more for quick iterative development without a cluster being available.
Refer to the file for information about deploying the plug-in.
Create a local build
make build
You will need the following environment variables configured (these emulate the secrets setup). Note that the driver must be run as root (or with root-equivalence for iscsiadmin utility). The csc tool can be run from any process space as it only interacts with the socket that the driver is waiting on.
ZFSSA_TARGET=(target zfssa head)
ZFSSA_USER=(user for target)
ZFSSA_PASSWORD=(password for target)
ZFSSA_POOL=(pool to create resources in)
ZFSSA_PROJECT=(project to create resources in)
HOST_IP=(IP address of host where running)
POD_IP=(IP of pod)
NODE_NAME=(name of node)
Now run the driver as root:
sudo su -
export CSI_ENDPOINT=tcp://;<other exports>;./bin/zfssa-csi-driver --endpoint tcp:// --nodeid MyCSINode
Building Provider
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I1108 15:34:55.472389 6622 service.go:63] Driver: zfssa-csi-driver version: 0.0.0
Using stored configuration { }
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I1108 15:34:55.472558 6622 controller.go:42] NewControllerServer Implementation
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I1108 15:34:55.472570 6622 identity.go:15] NewIdentityServer Implementation
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I1108 15:34:55.472581 6622 node.go:24] NewNodeServer Implementation
Running gRPC
INFO[0000] identity service registered
INFO[0000] controller service registered
INFO[0000] node service registered
INFO[0000] serving endpoint="tcp://"
Test the block driver. Note the interactions of using the full volume id that is returned from each command.
./csc controller create-volume --cap MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER,block --req-bytes 1073741824 --params pool=dedup1,project=pmonday,initiatorGroup=paulGroup,targetGroup=paulTargetGroup,blockSize=8192 --endpoint tcp:// pmonday5
./csc controller delete-volume --endpoint tcp:// /iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday3/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday3
Test the driver to Publish a LUN. Note that the LUN number is the number of the "assignednumber" on the LUN on the appliance. Also note that the flow is create -> controller publish -> node publish -> node unpublish -> controller unpublish
First publish to the controller
./csc controller publish --cap MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER,block --vol-context targetPortal=,discoveryCHAPAuth=false,sessionCHAPAuth=false,portals=[],iscsiInterface=default --node-id worknode /iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday5/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5
"/iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday5/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5" "devicePath"="/dev/disk/by-path/"
Publish to the Node
./csc node publish -l debug --endpoint tcp:// --target-path /mnt/iscsi --pub-context "devicePath"="/dev/disk/by-path/" --cap MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER,block --vol-context targetPortal=,discoveryCHAPAuth=false,sessionCHAPAuth=false,portals=[],iscsiInterface=default /iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday3/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5
DEBU[0000] assigned the root context
DEBU[0000] mounting volume request="{/iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday3/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5 map[devicePath:/dev/disk/by-path/] /mnt/iscsi block:<> access_mode:<mode:MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER > false map[] map[discoveryCHAPAuth:false iscsiInterface:default portals:[] sessionCHAPAuth:false targetPortal:] {} [] 0}"
DEBU[0000] parsed endpoint info addr="" proto=tcp timeout=1m0s
Now unpublish from the node
./csc node unpublish -l debug --endpoint tcp:// --target-path /mnt/iscsi /iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday3/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5
DEBU[0000] assigned the root context
DEBU[0000] mounting volume request="{/iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday3/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5 /mnt/iscsi {} [] 0}"
DEBU[0000] parsed endpoint info addr="" proto=tcp timeout=1m0s
Now unpublish from the controller (this is not working yet)
./csc controller unpublish -l debug --endpoint tcp:// /iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday3/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5
DEBU[0000] assigned the root context
DEBU[0000] unpublishing volume request="{/iscsi/aie-7330a-h1/pmonday3/dedup1/local/pmonday/pmonday5 map[] {} [] 0}"
DEBU[0000] parsed endpoint info addr="" proto=tcp timeout=1m0s
Need to just detach the device here
If everything looks OK, push the driver to a container registry
make push
Now deploy the driver in a Kubernetes Cluster
Working on instructions
Test the driver to Create a file system
./csc controller create --cap MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER,mount,nfs,uid=500,gid=500 --req-bytes 107374182400 --params node=zs32-01,pool=p0,project=default coucou
./csc controller delete /nfs/
To run the unit tests, you must have compiled csi-sanity from the csi-test project. Once compiled, scp the file to the node that is functioning as a controller in a Kubernetes Cluster with the Oracle ZFS Storage CSI Driver deployed and running.
There is documentation on the test process available at the Kubernetes testing of CSI drivers page.
At least do a quick sanity test (create a PVC and remove it) prior to running. This will shake out simple problems like authentication.
Create a test parameters file that makes sense in your environment, like this:
volumeType: thin
targetGroup: csi-data-path-target
blockSize: "8192"
pool: <pool-name>
project: <project>
targetPortal: "<portal-ip-address>:3260"
nfsServer: "<nfs-server>"
Replace the variables above
- - the name of the pool to use on the target Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
- - the name of the project to use on the target Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
- - the IP address of the iSCSI target portal on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
- - the IP address of the NFS server on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance used to mount filesystems
Then run the tests
./csi-sanity --csi.endpoint=/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ -csi.testvolumeparameters=./test-volume-parameters.yaml
There should only be one known failure due to volume name length limitations on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance, it looks like this:
[Fail] Controller Service [Controller Server] CreateVolume [It] should not fail when creating volume with maximum-length name
A few additional notes on options for csi-sanity:
- -csi.mountdir needs be a location on a node that is accessible by zfssa-csi-nodeplugin (but not created yet)
- --ginkgo.focus and --ginkgo.skip can be used to specify the test cases to be executed or skipped. Eg, --ginkgo.focus NodeUnpublish or --ginkgo.skip '[Ss]napshot'.
- stop running after a failure occurs.
- --ginkgo.v: verbose output
- --ginkgo.seed 1: do not randomize the execution of test suite.