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base repository: TommyBoi-TB/Blooket-Cheats
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: main
Choose a base ref
head repository: orangemonkey01/Blooket-Cheats
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: main
Choose a head ref
Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged.
Showing with 11,737 additions and 436 deletions.
  1. +53 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml
  2. +23 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/skid_report.yml
  3. +30 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/suggestion.yml
  4. +2 −0 .github/
  5. +2 −1 .gitignore
  6. BIN
  7. +50 −0 LICENSE
  8. +194 −86
  9. +187 −105 obfuscated/Bookmarklets.html
  10. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/doubleEnemyXp.js
  11. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/halfEnemySpeed.js
  12. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/instantKill.js
  13. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/invincibility.js
  14. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/killEnemies.js
  15. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/magnet.js
  16. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/maxCurrentAbilities.js
  17. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/nextLevel.js
  18. +18 −0 obfuscated/brawl/
  19. +1 −0 obfuscated/brawl/removeObstacles.js
  20. +1 −1 obfuscated/brawl/resetHealth.js
  21. +1 −1 obfuscated/cafe/maxItems.js
  22. +1 −1 obfuscated/cafe/removeCustomers.js
  23. +1 −1 obfuscated/cafe/resetAbilities.js
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  25. +1 −1 obfuscated/cafe/stockFood.js
  26. +1 −0 obfuscated/crypto/alwaysTriple.js
  27. +1 −0 obfuscated/crypto/autoGuess.js
  28. +1 −1 obfuscated/crypto/choiceESP.js
  29. +1 −1 obfuscated/crypto/passwordESP.js
  30. +6 −0 obfuscated/crypto/
  31. +1 −1 obfuscated/crypto/removeHack.js
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  33. +1 −1 obfuscated/crypto/setPassword.js
  34. +1 −1 obfuscated/crypto/stealPlayersCrypto.js
  35. +1 −0 obfuscated/dinos/autoChoose.js
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  45. +1 −1 obfuscated/doom/minEnemy.js
  46. +1 −1 obfuscated/doom/
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  50. +1 −1 obfuscated/factory/maxBlooks.js
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  53. +1 −0 obfuscated/factory/sendGlitch.js
  54. +1 −1 obfuscated/factory/setAllMegaBot.js
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  59. +1 −1 obfuscated/fishing/setLure.js
  60. +1 −1 obfuscated/fishing/setWeight.js
  61. +7 −0 obfuscated/flappy/
  62. +1 −0 obfuscated/flappy/setScore.js
  63. +1 −0 obfuscated/flappy/toggleGhost.js
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  68. +0 −1 obfuscated/global/autoSell.js
  69. +1 −0 obfuscated/global/autoSellDupesOnOpen.js
  70. +1 −1 obfuscated/global/everyAnswerCorrect.js
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  73. +0 −1 obfuscated/global/getRewards.js
  74. +1 −1 obfuscated/global/highlightAnswers.js
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  76. +1 −1 obfuscated/global/intervals/highlightAnswers.js
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  78. +29 −21 obfuscated/global/
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  80. +1 −0 obfuscated/global/removeRandomName.js
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  82. +3 −0 obfuscated/global/sellDuplicateBlooks.js
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  84. +1 −0 obfuscated/global/simulateUnlock.js
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  86. +0 −1 obfuscated/global/spoofBlooks.js
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  88. +1 −0 obfuscated/global/useAnyBlook.js
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  90. +1 −0 obfuscated/gold/autoChoose.js
  91. +1 −1 obfuscated/gold/chestESP.js
  92. +9 −0 obfuscated/gold/
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  94. +1 −1 obfuscated/gold/resetPlayersGold.js
  95. +1 −1 obfuscated/gold/setGold.js
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  97. +1 −1 obfuscated/gui.js
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  99. +1 −0 obfuscated/kingdom/choiceESPLoop.js
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  107. +0 −90 obfuscated/
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  109. +1 −0 obfuscated/royale/intervals/autoAnswer.js
  110. +11 −0 obfuscated/royale/
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  114. +16 −0 obfuscated/tower-defense-2/
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  118. +1 −0 obfuscated/tower-defense-2/setRound.js
  119. +1 −0 obfuscated/tower-defense/earthquake.js
  120. +1 −1 obfuscated/tower-defense/maxTowers.js
  121. +3 −0 obfuscated/tower-defense/
  122. +1 −1 obfuscated/tower-defense/removeDucks.js
  123. +1 −1 obfuscated/tower-defense/removeEnemies.js
  124. +1 −1 obfuscated/tower-defense/removeObsticles.js
  125. +1 −1 obfuscated/tower-defense/setDmg.js
  126. +1 −1 obfuscated/tower-defense/setRound.js
  127. +1 −1 obfuscated/tower-defense/setTokens.js
  128. +16 −0 obfuscated/workshop/
  129. +1 −0 obfuscated/workshop/removeDistractions.js
  130. +1 −0 obfuscated/workshop/sendDistraction.js
  131. +1 −0 obfuscated/workshop/setToys.js
  132. +1 −0 obfuscated/workshop/setToysPerQ.js
  133. +1 −0 obfuscated/workshop/swapToys.js
  134. +20 −0 tutorial/
  135. +30 −0 tutorial/
  136. +22 −0 tutorial/
  137. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (1).png
  138. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (10).png
  139. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (2).png
  140. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (3).png
  141. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (4).png
  142. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (5).png
  143. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (6).png
  144. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (7).png
  145. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (8).png
  146. BIN tutorial/chrome/part (9).png
  147. BIN tutorial/edge/part (1).png
  148. BIN tutorial/edge/part (10).png
  149. BIN tutorial/edge/part (11).png
  150. BIN tutorial/edge/part (12).png
  151. BIN tutorial/edge/part (13).png
  152. BIN tutorial/edge/part (14).png
  153. BIN tutorial/edge/part (15).png
  154. BIN tutorial/edge/part (2).png
  155. BIN tutorial/edge/part (3).png
  156. BIN tutorial/edge/part (4).png
  157. BIN tutorial/edge/part (5).png
  158. BIN tutorial/edge/part (6).png
  159. BIN tutorial/edge/part (7).png
  160. BIN tutorial/edge/part (8).png
  161. BIN tutorial/edge/part (9).png
  162. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (1).png
  163. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (10).png
  164. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (11).png
  165. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (2).png
  166. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (3).png
  167. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (4).png
  168. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (5).png
  169. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (6).png
  170. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (7).png
  171. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (8).png
  172. BIN tutorial/operagx/part (9).png
  173. +5 −0 tutorial/
  174. +191 −0 unobfuscated/Bookmarklets.html
  175. +32 −0 unobfuscated/brawl/doubleEnemyXp.js
  176. +32 −0 unobfuscated/brawl/halfEnemySpeed.js
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  179. +27 −0 unobfuscated/brawl/killEnemies.js
  180. +27 −0 unobfuscated/brawl/magnet.js
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  183. +22 −0 unobfuscated/brawl/
  184. +27 −0 unobfuscated/brawl/removeObstacles.js
  185. +27 −0 unobfuscated/brawl/resetHealth.js
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  190. +40 −0 unobfuscated/cafe/setCash.js
  191. +35 −0 unobfuscated/cafe/stockFood.js
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  195. +33 −0 unobfuscated/crypto/passwordESP.js
  196. +25 −0 unobfuscated/crypto/
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  199. +41 −0 unobfuscated/crypto/setPassword.js
  200. +52 −0 unobfuscated/crypto/stealPlayersCrypto.js
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  202. +15 −0 unobfuscated/dinos/
  203. +45 −0 unobfuscated/dinos/rockESP.js
  204. +41 −0 unobfuscated/dinos/setFossils.js
  205. +33 −0 unobfuscated/dinos/setMultiplier.js
  206. +32 −0 unobfuscated/dinos/stopCheating.js
  207. +38 −0 unobfuscated/doom/fillDeck.js
  208. +38 −0 unobfuscated/doom/maxCards.js
  209. +32 −0 unobfuscated/doom/maxHealth.js
  210. +33 −0 unobfuscated/doom/maxStats.js
  211. +33 −0 unobfuscated/doom/minEnemy.js
  212. +22 −0 unobfuscated/doom/
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  214. +39 −0 unobfuscated/factory/chooseBlook.js
  215. +28 −0 unobfuscated/factory/freeUpgrades.js
  216. +27 −0 unobfuscated/factory/maxBlooks.js
  217. +21 −0 unobfuscated/factory/
  218. +49 −0 unobfuscated/factory/removeGlitches.js
  219. +36 −0 unobfuscated/factory/sendGlitch.js
  220. +40 −0 unobfuscated/factory/setAllMegaBot.js
  221. +33 −0 unobfuscated/factory/setCash.js
  222. +36 −0 unobfuscated/fishing/frenzy.js
  223. +10 −0 unobfuscated/fishing/
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  225. +41 −0 unobfuscated/fishing/sendDistraction.js
  226. +31 −0 unobfuscated/fishing/setLure.js
  227. +41 −0 unobfuscated/fishing/setWeight.js
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  230. +27 −0 unobfuscated/flappy/toggleGhost.js
  231. +50 −0 unobfuscated/global/antiFloodGame.js
  232. +32 −0 unobfuscated/global/autoAnswer.js
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  235. +42 −0 unobfuscated/global/autoSellDupesOnOpen.js
  236. +28 −0 unobfuscated/global/everyAnswerCorrect.js
  237. +61 −0 unobfuscated/global/floodGame.js
  238. +41 −0 unobfuscated/global/getDailyRewards.js
  239. +0 −11 unobfuscated/global/getRewards.js
  240. +31 −0 unobfuscated/global/highlightAnswers.js
  241. +34 −0 unobfuscated/global/intervals/autoAnswer.js
  242. +33 −0 unobfuscated/global/intervals/highlightAnswers.js
  243. +30 −0 unobfuscated/global/preventSuspension.js
  244. +47 −0 unobfuscated/global/
  245. +32 −0 unobfuscated/global/removeNameLimit.js
  246. +28 −0 unobfuscated/global/removeRandomName.js
  247. +40 −0 unobfuscated/global/sellCheapDuplicates.js
  248. +40 −0 unobfuscated/global/sellDuplicateBlooks.js
  249. +309 −0 unobfuscated/global/simulatePack.js
  250. +290 −0 unobfuscated/global/simulateUnlock.js
  251. +72 −0 unobfuscated/global/spamBuyBlooks.js
  252. +27 −0 unobfuscated/global/unlockPlusGamemodes.js
  253. +31 −0 unobfuscated/global/useAnyBlook.js
  254. +33 −0 unobfuscated/gold/alwaysTriple.js
  255. +47 −0 unobfuscated/gold/autoChoose.js
  256. +40 −0 unobfuscated/gold/chestESP.js
  257. +22 −0 unobfuscated/gold/
  258. +48 −0 unobfuscated/gold/resetAllGold.js
  259. +42 −0 unobfuscated/gold/resetPlayersGold.js
  260. +40 −0 unobfuscated/gold/setGold.js
  261. +38 −0 unobfuscated/gold/swapGold.js
  262. +3,720 −0 unobfuscated/gui.js
  263. +48 −0 unobfuscated/kingdom/choiceESP.js
  264. +50 −0 unobfuscated/kingdom/choiceESPLoop.js
  265. +27 −0 unobfuscated/kingdom/disableToucan.js
  266. +27 −0 unobfuscated/kingdom/maxStats.js
  267. +18 −0 unobfuscated/kingdom/
  268. +32 −0 unobfuscated/kingdom/setGuests.js
  269. +27 −0 unobfuscated/kingdom/skipGuest.js
  270. +2,511 −0 unobfuscated/mobileGui.js
  271. +33 −0 unobfuscated/racing/instantWin.js
  272. +4 −0 unobfuscated/racing/
  273. +28 −0 unobfuscated/royale/autoAnswer.js
  274. +30 −0 unobfuscated/royale/intervals/autoAnswer.js
  275. +11 −0 unobfuscated/royale/
  276. +7 −0 unobfuscated/rush/
  277. +40 −0 unobfuscated/rush/setBlooks.js
  278. +40 −0 unobfuscated/rush/setDefense.js
  279. +35 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense-2/maxTowers.js
  280. +16 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense-2/
  281. +29 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense-2/removeEnemies.js
  282. +31 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense-2/setCoins.js
  283. +31 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense-2/setHealth.js
  284. +31 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense-2/setRound.js
  285. +46 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/earthquake.js
  286. +32 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/maxTowers.js
  287. +25 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/
  288. +29 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/removeDucks.js
  289. +28 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/removeEnemies.js
  290. +28 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/removeObsticles.js
  291. +31 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/setDmg.js
  292. +31 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/setRound.js
  293. +31 −0 unobfuscated/tower-defense/setTokens.js
  294. +16 −0 unobfuscated/workshop/
  295. +27 −0 unobfuscated/workshop/removeDistractions.js
  296. +36 −0 unobfuscated/workshop/sendDistraction.js
  297. +40 −0 unobfuscated/workshop/setToys.js
  298. +31 −0 unobfuscated/workshop/setToysPerQ.js
  299. +36 −0 unobfuscated/workshop/swapToys.js
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
name: Bug Report
description: Report an issue or problem with a script
title: "BUG: (script name)"
labels: ["bug"]
- Minesraft2
- type: input
id: script
label: Script
description: Which script is causing the problem?
placeholder: scriptname.js
required: true
- type: textarea
id: problem
label: Problem
description: What's the problem with the script?
placeholder: Describe the issue
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: method
label: Method
description: How did you run the script?
multiple: true
- Imported Bookmarklets.html
- "Put 'javascript:(code)' in the url bar or a bookmark"
- Pasted script into console
- Other (described in Extra Info section)
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: type
label: Type
description: Unobfuscated or obfuscated
multiple: true
- Unobfuscated
- Obfuscated
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Extra Info
description: Any extra info (ie screenshots or any important info)
required: false
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/skid_report.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name: Skid Report
description: Report someone stealing our scripts or violating the license
title: "SKID: <skid github account name here>"
labels: ["skid"]
- Minesraft2
- type: input
id: skid
label: Skid
description: Link to the skid
required: true
- type: textarea
id: stolen
label: Stolen
description: What was stolen?
placeholder: Stolen code
required: true
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/suggestion.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name: Suggestion
description: Suggest a cheat or script
title: "IDEA: Script idea name"
labels: ["enhancement"]
- type: input
id: gamemode
label: Gamemode
description: Gamemode for cheat to be for
placeholder: Gamemode
- type: textarea
id: function
label: Function
description: What does the script do?
placeholder: Script function
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: confirm
label: FaQ
description: Please make sure to read [the FaQ]( before submitting any suggestions
multiple: true
- I have not read the FaQ
- I have read the FaQ and my suggestion has not already been asked for or isn't possible
required: true
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Changes
**Describe what your changes/additions are and what they do:**
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Stewart Private License Version 2.0.1
© Aerell McKnight 2022-2023
By using, modifying, and/or distributing this (software; program; code) you hereby adhere to the terms listed below and must abide by them if you do not want action taken on you/your corporation.

You may not reproduce or distribute unauthorized access of this unless outwardly authorized by said licenser (APPLIES TO ALL BELOW TERMS)
You must adhere by the contributing guidelines of the project under which it is licensed.
You may not "skid", "steal", "copy", "reproduce", "scounder", "recreate" any of the code and scripts inside of this.
You may not sell or market any of the code; scripts; content of inside of this codebase unless expressly permitted.
You are prohibited from using this code to inflict any illegal doings upon others.
You cannot under any circumstances republish anything from here as your own without expressed permission and evidence from said claims holder.
You may not lock the codebase or any of its contents behind a paywall or any other form of payment.
You may not use this codebase for any illegal doings.
You may neither privately share and distribute modified copies of this codebase without expressed permission from the licenser.
You may not lock this codebase behind a subscriber wall, follower wall, or any other form of membership.

- Paywall: A paywall is a form of payment that is required to access the codebase or any of its contents. This includes but is not limited to: Patreon, Discord, YouTube and any other form of payment.
- Licenser: The person who owns the rights to the codebase and has the right to license it to others.
- Codebase: The codebase is the code and scripts that are inside of the project.
- Contributor: A contributor is a person who has contributed to the codebase in any way, shape, or form.
- Action: Action is a form of punishment that can be taken against the user who has broken the terms of this license. This includes but is not limited to: DMCA, DMCA Takedown, and any other form of punishment that can be taken against the user.
- Distribution: Distribution is the act of sharing the codebase with others.
- Modification: Modification is the act of changing the codebase in any way, shape, or form.
- Code, Program, Software: The codebase.
- You: The user who is using, modifying, and/or distributing the codebase.
- Subscriber Wall: A subscriber wall is a form of followship and/or membership that is required to access the codebase or any of its contents. This includes but is not limited to: YouTube, Discord, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Email Subscription, MBoost, and any other form of followship and/or membership.

- I am not responsible for any actions taken against you or your corporation if you break the terms of this license.
- Any action or harm taken against you or your corporation is entirely your fault and not the fault of the licenser nor owner of the codebase.
- If you break the terms of this license, you may be subject to action taken against you or your corporation.

You are not allowed or permitted to use this private license if you are not listed below and have not been given permission by the licenser, Aerell M., to use this.
- Greenlio (Green L.)
- Minesraft2 (Aerell M.)
- UndercoverGoose
- ThatFruedDued
- ItsSyfe
- GooseterV (Goose V.)

I; the licenser of this project hereby permit and allow these users and persons to modify, reproduce, distribute, and use portions and/or the whole project for their own projects.
- UndercoverGoose
- ThatFruedDued
- Greenlio (Green L.)
- GooseterV (Goose V.)
- ItsSyfe