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Dilek Koptekin dkoptekin
Postdoc @UNIL-DBC

University of Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland

Antariksh Dicholkar antarikshcd
Researcher in aerodynamics.

Technical University of Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark

Jason Charamis JasonCharamis
Bioinformatician with 5 years experience in Computational and Comparative Genomics.

Heraklion, Greece

Łukasz Furman furmanlukasz
Multidisciplinary Neuroscientist specializing in Brain Signal Analysis & Neural Engineering, focuses on understanding the brain's rhythms.

Datalab108 Poland

Daniel McCloy drammock
Open source developer, trained in phonetics and auditory neuroscience.

University of Washington Minneapolis

Galo E. Rivera algogalo
biology, technology, and health
Bastian Venthur venthur
@Debian Developer and Director at @flix-tech

@debian @flix-tech Berlin, Germany

Diptesh Gayen heyitsdipu
👨‍🔬 PhD Student | University of Freiburg 🌌 Exploring the Intersection of Physics & Chemistry 🔬 Research Interests: MD Simulations | DFT | Machine learning

University of Freiburg Germany

Talk is cheap, show me the code!


Saeed Taghavi SaeedTaghavi
PhD student of computational neuroscience
Brandon Avendaño Villegas LanIkari
22 || 📜 UNAM 📜 || 💻 Future Computer Engineering 💻 || Developer in Java☕, SQL 💾 and Python 🐍 || ⚔ Aut inveniam viam aut faciam ⚔

Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragon CDMX, Mexico.

Ricardo Breindembache ricardobrein
Interested in apply ML in today's world challenges, evolutionary sociology and the symbolic representation of information. 📚Hopefully polymath


Daniel Hurtado dehurtado
Scientist, academic, tech entrepreneur
Berk Demircioglu berkdemirciogluu
M.Sc Engineer / .Net Enthusiast / Data Science Enthusiast


Aleksandar Tomašević atomashevic

University of Novi Sad Novi Sad, Serbia

Bozidar Antic trancelestial
Ph.D. student at Autonomous Vision Group, Uni Tübingen

Tübingen, Germany

Karla Cervantes Barron kcerva
Energy and material systems researcher
Niloufar Tabandeh niloufartabandeh

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Tübingen, Germany

Hannah Sophie Heinrichs hsx1
PhD student of Circadian Neuroscience at @MPI-tSCN

Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics Tübingen

Reema Gupta ree-gupta

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany

Rémy Cleenwerck rcleenwe
Ph.D candidate at Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (joint PhD)

Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels

zhiyintan zhiyintan
Natural Language Procession M.Sc.


Olivia Carmo ocarmo
postdoc in the Boeynaems lab and member of NSF WALII (, studying how cells tolerate/adapt to stress 🌱🧫🔬 advocate for python for biologists!

Baylor College of Medicine Houston, USA

Egor Marin marinegor
tech: python & data (science) stuff area: ML & data science for drug discovery and structural bioinformatics


Mikel Agirre mikelagr

Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Divya Ratan Popli DivyaratanPopli
Doctoral researcher at MPI-EVA, Leipzig