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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


신진섭 ShinJinSeob
Korea University Statistics 21th ___________ BITAmin 13th _____________________________ BOZA 24th
Doyoon Kim doyoom

Ewha Womans University, Majoring in Computer Science Seoul, South Korea

Daino DainoJung
I view the world through data 👨‍💻

Nomadmap Korean

JaehyeokSim simson0524

Korea Aerospace University Korea

Yoon_Wang_Gyu yoonwanggyu

DANKOOK.Unvi Seoul, South Korea

심현석 HyeonseokSim

건국대학교 서울

김동환 forwarder1121

Konkuk.univ CSE Seoul, Korea

haeun161 haeun161
전공: 지식공과대학 컴퓨터공학과, 복수전공: AI융합학부 AI 학과

Sungshin Women's University South Korea

min_cloud miining

Konkuk.Univ Seoul, Korea

CHOI_JEE_HYUK StatisticsFox

Kyonggi Univ. | @BOAZ-BIGDATA Korea, Seoul

김한수(Hansu Kim) mokhs00
Software Engineer

@banksalad | @AUSG @BOAZ-bigdata Seoul

Junhyuk Kwon tree-jhk

POSTECH ML lab Pohang, South Korea

Sangjin Han eu2525
Kyung-Hee university, Software Convergence

Kyung-Hee university Seoul, Korea

Seongjun Yun muk-jjang

KHU IE & SWCON Korea, Seoul


Seoul, South Korea

Gangmin Jeong lastdancewithyou
데이터 공부 열심히 하고 있습니다.

School of Industrial and Management Engineering, Korea University Seongbuk-gu, Seoul

Hwang Jaesung HwangIsAce
LLMops | Chatbot | diabetes meal recommendation
Park Young Min youngmin9
�Act up to your belief and ego, but always be humble


Juyeon Kim JYKim1124

Ewha Womans University Seoul

서재은 JaeEunSeo

Hongik University Seoul

Ha Jun Yoo HaJunYoo
Hope to be good SW engineer

aswemake Seoul

SeungYeon Ahn xloyeon

Myongji University Korea