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dom3n1c dom3n1c
Digital Humanist | AAW
🚀 Data Scientist | Deep Learning Enthusiast | Storyteller of Data 📊🧠 🔍 Deciphering patterns from the data tapestry using ML, DL, and NLP magic.
Eric Brasil ericbrasiln
Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Languages, UNILAB | Researcher - @LABHDUFBA | Managing Editor - @programminghistorian

Universidade da Integração Internacional do Lusofonia Afro-brasileira São Francisco do Conde, BA

openfnord openfnord
just some stuff I am writing or modifying
Daniel Göller LelViLamp
Data scientist passionate for languages and coaching · .NET · C# · R · Java · Python ┉ I probably hate all of them and think everyone should do so.

@redlink-gmbh Salzburg, Austria, Europe

Michael R. Hunsaker mrhunsaker
Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments who brings 15+ years of behavioral neuroscience experience and an analytical approach to special education

Hunsaker Consulting, L3C Farmington, UT