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Claiborne ckaysone380
Just a novice developer learning still but doing my best to understand everything lua coded and for ESX and possibly QB in the future.


Dejvexik dejvexik

LocalHost Slovakia

Annastasia codex-gaming26
I'm a passionate & creative FiveM developer with a knack for bringing virtual worlds to life. With expertise in crafting custom cars, immersive MLOs. and script

Project Ultimate PAKISTAN

Ian Alexandre Ian-Alexandre
Hello! I am a developer with a focus on Full-Stack or areas of expertise, e.g.: web development, data science, etc. I love solving complex problems.

Estácio / Eng. Software Codó - MA

KuroNeko imkuroneko
🦄 Mother of unicorns · 🐌 FiveM Dev 💻 WebDev FullStack (7y)




Rodrigo G. Gusmão rodrigogusmao
Engenheiro Civil e Engº Mecânico, Especialista na área de qualidade e planejamento, agora me aventurando na área de tecnologia por afinidade pessoal.
BatDad bs1797
I'm just a vibe...


3wa JustAbdulla
Fivem Dev Dis: 3w.a
Kentaro byKentaro

Cala Ratjada, Spain

Magu maguhd

Antisocial Roleplay Romania

Aladin Chaouachi codex009
a Tunisien Geek, future Dev and sad gamer cause i don't have a pc (my last one is broken) but one day i will have one and continue my passion 😁


ELVOWE elvowe
Owner of DovuX Games

DovuX Games USA

BonoboTurbo tontsa97
I started my coding journey from scratch!


PRIMOIX primoixi
Working as a developer, but I am not a developer, just a simple person with knowledge.


SF sf-3d
GTA V Modder