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William McCann wmsci
PhD Student in Computational Biology at Queen's University Belfast. Interested in unconventional cancer antigens.

QUB + @AilseBio Belfast, Northern Ireland

Ju-young Shin DENGARDEN

COSMAX BTI Pangyo, South Korea

Jeb Rosen jebrosen

formerly @Dfam-consortium

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

LMann crimBubble



Shanghai, China

Zhigui Bao baozg

Max Planck Institue for Biology Tübingen Tübingen

Rustam Uzairov svrvt
MD beginning to study DS

Moscow, Russia

Samuel Ortion samuelortion
Juvenile *Geekus biologicus ornithologicus* (an avian morph of the nominal species). @jebif @bioinfo-fr


Daniel_Adediran Dexwel
Daniel is a genomic scientist, interested in using computational techniques to gain insight and answer biological question from cancer genome data.

Helix Biogen Institute Nigeria

Shigehiro Kuraku sighe
Professor at National Institute of Genetics

Mishima, Japan

Eric Edsinger 000generic
Sonogenetic tools - pygmy cephalopods, marine invertebrate larvae, dinoflagellates - origins and evolution of brains and sensory systems!

Friday Harbor, United States

Michael S. Cuoco mikecuoco
Ph.D. candidate in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology at UC San Diego.

University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA

Guangyou Duan Guangyou

Heidelberg, Germany

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Yantong yangtcai
GSoC 2022 @EnsemblGSOC / interest in applying DL into biotechnology 💯