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Yasmim Barros Yasbarros
Software Developer

Huggy Feira de Santana, Bahia

Matheus Nicacio matheussnicacio
• Systems Development Technician • Software Engineering Bachelor (ongoing)


Natã Martins natamartinscodedev
There is no easy way, just only hard work So don't think, just do it!

... moon...🚀

Natã Martins natamartins
FrontEnd Developer - HTML5 - CSS3 - React.Js - Next.Js - Typescript & JS © O Menino do HTML

.... Brasil

Gustavo Barbosa GustavoABarbosa
Frontend Developer @
Marrielly Chrystina Martines starladyrie
‧₊˚ Computer Science student ‧₊˚ Front-End Developer ‧₊˚ Ad astra abyssosque ‧₊˚

Huggy Brazil

Susana Batista susanabatistas
curious. 🏳️‍🌈

@HuggyDigital Brazil

Software Engineer


Douglas Cerqueira douglasdc

HuggyDigital Bahia, Brasil

Lucas Pedro lucpmatos
I'm a developer fascinated by web technology and I dedicate my efforts to transform navigation in the Web in a more reliable and intuitive place.

Codebased Sistemas