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Alex Martin alexmartinfr
Holistic devsigner delighted by good UX

Nouvelle Aquitaine, France

J Wong wong-justin
Making computers easier for people. 🛠️ Websites, CLI tools, design, writing, UX


Martin Lechêne martin-lechene
Enthusiast full stack dev. with PHP / Laravel

DOG&DEV / StreamCrea / Digila / Veto Platform SaaS World wide web

Luis Gonzalez gogl92
Information Technologies Engineer.

@inquid Texas + Florida + Mexico

David Harting davidharting
It's a great day to build software ☀️

@dbt-labs Indianapolis, IN

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷


Jeffrey Davidson JeffreyDavidson
Web developer, baseball enthusiast, and proud father. I like to take problems and find solutions.

Davenport, Florida

@apachesep apachesep
Web developer and designer with JS,PHP,C#,Joomla! owner of

TuxCS Taiwan

Ken Verhaegen xewl
They called me a "Full Stack Developer", although I'm an all-round IT dude with a deep sense of humor. I might randomly fix a repo or 2 with PHP nonsense..

Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium