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FullRisk FullRisk
Ich bin Volles Risiko aka FullRisk! Ja, ich mag Femboys ( BREAD ICH WILL EIN DATE!!! ).
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Marc Andre Herpers marcandreher
📦 You can forgive but java can't („ಡωಡ„)


Leo G. vLeov
HI, I'm Leo :)


Alexander499 Alexander-499
Coder, Minecrafter, Designer... Basically doing much on his PC and struggling to write a good bio.
leMichi lemichimc
Minecraft Plugin and Game Developer loves making new things!

Soest, Germany

Luca brentspine
Self-taught Junior Dev

FH Darmstadt Germany

TucoT9 T9Tuco
im a German developer and AI expert, focused on AI, automation, and cybersecurity.

@NexusNG-AI Germany

Caleb iolyze
probably a biophysicist living with Nihonzarus in Lahore Zoo