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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Aidar AidarAlimbayev
PhD Student at MBZUAI

@MBZUAI Abu-Dhabi

Elvin Zeynalli mrzeynalli
Master of Analytics

Istanbul, Türkiye

karma_os GuSangmo
Interested in AI Service, and human-friendly services.

Seoul, Korea

Abhishek Shukla 2018582
Student at IIT Kanpur

FIIT STU Bratislava

Abdelfatah KERMALI youcefker
PhD student I Mobility I AI l ML I RL 🤖 Software Engineer I JS I JAVA


Mohammad Hesam Shaelaie HesamShaelaie
Ph.D. Candidate in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Lehigh University

Pennsylvania, USA

Chaoshun chaoshunh
AI fans to apply machine learning, deep learning, NLP, meta learning and deep reinforcement learning for subsurface challenges.

Houston, TX

Dare2Seek mathsrocks
Less is more.

The NRMA Sydney, Australia

Vivek Anand vivekar96
Operations Research @ UIUC

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana

Ebrahim Pichka ebrahimpichka
Machine Learning Research Assistant/MSc Engineering Student.

Ontario, Canada

Niki Kotecha nikikotecha
PhD Candidate @OptiMaL-PSE-Lab working on reinforcement learning for supply chains. Previously MEng Chemical Engineering at Cambridge University.

Imperial College London London, United Kingdom

Major in Operations Research and Management Science in Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University

Almaz Ruzimatov ruzimatovalmaz

Thomson Reuters Tashkent